All Widgets are Black in Mac Dashboard

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Paul Saieg

Apr 10, 2009, 10:03:19 AM4/10/09
to yourminis Developer Network
I am running into a rather odd problem and am new to yourminis
widgets. The problem is that whenever I download a yourminis widget
for Mac OS X Dashboard and install it, the widget is just a black box
of the same dimensions the working widgets should have been. This is
true of any widget I get from yourminis, I have tried other people's
widgets (like the weather channel's) and building and uploading the
tutorial widgets (hello world and friends, which I can build fine and
they work as swfs on my machine) when I upload them, add them to my
widget dashboard and click "copy me" to download them as dashboard
widgets they don't work -- just black like the others. I am running
Leopard 10.5.6 on a new MacBook Pro 2.8ghz / 4gig. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

- Paul

Gavan Woolery

Apr 10, 2009, 5:06:17 PM4/10/09
I noticed that the widgets are black boxes at first and then after a few seconds they load, presumably as they are being downloaded from our servers.  Do your widgets load eventually or are they permanently black boxes?

Paul Saieg

Apr 13, 2009, 4:48:04 PM4/13/09
to yourminis Developer Network
Thanks for the reply, it gave me the clue I needed. The problem was I
had Little Snitch running
and hadn't created a rule to let the dashboard call out to, so my widgets weren't loading.
I added the rule, now everything is kosher. Thanks.

On Apr 10, 5:06 pm, Gavan Woolery <> wrote:
> I noticed that the widgets are black boxes at first and then after a few
> seconds they load, presumably as they are being downloaded from our
> servers.  Do your widgets load eventually or are they permanently black
> boxes?
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