Online Application Now Available
2010-2011 Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program National Endowment for Democracy
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Online Application System for the Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, D.C. Applications for 2010-2011 are now being accepted at
Given your organization's important role in the promotion of human rights and democracy, we would appreciate your assistance in publicizing the 2010-2011 competition and the launch of our new online application system. The application deadline is November 2, 2009.
In helping us to promote this fellowship opportunity, you may wish to disseminate the flyers listed at right and the announcement below: by web posting, email listserv, newsletter, office bulletin, and word of mouth. Thank you!
Sally Blair Director, Fellowship Programs National Endowment for Democracy
Call for Applications:
Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellowships
Washington, D.C.
The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program at the Washington, D.C.-based National Endowment for Democracy invites applications for fellowships in 2010-2011. The program enables democracy activists, practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote democratic change. Dedicated to international exchange, this five-month, residential program offers a collegial environment for fellows to reflect on their experiences and consider lessons learned; conduct research and writing; develop contacts and exchange ideas with counterparts in Washington, D.C.; and build ties that contribute to the development of a global network of democracy advocates.
The program is intended primarily to support practitioners and scholars from developing and aspiring democracies; distinguished scholars from established democracies are also eligible to apply. A working knowledge of English is required. All fellows receive a monthly stipend, health insurance, travel assistance, and research support. The program will host two five-month fellowship sessions in 2010-2011: Fall 2010 (October 1, 2010-February 28, 2011) and Spring 2011 (March 1-July 31, 2011).
Deadline: Monday, November 2, 2009 |