Fwd: TOFAC:Abstract and Tentative Program

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Toyin Falola

Jun 18, 2014, 2:28:35 PM6/18/14
to dialogue, Yoruba Affairs

From: "Alexius Amtaika" 
Subject: Book of Abstract and Tentative Program

Dear Delegates,

Attached please find a book of abstracts and a tentative program. We have only included abstracts of delegates that have paid their registration fees and officially registered for the conference. We did not include abstracts of those that have not yet paid their registration fees.

The registration for the conference ends on Friday, 20th June. As we all know, the registration fee covers food, the banquet, transport, conference packages and admission to the conference. We will therefore be responsible for taking care  of the registered delegates only.

Please go through the abstracts, and if you paid the registration fee and I omitted your name and your abstract accidentally, please let me know as soon as possible. We need to submit names and the number of registered delegates to the hotel for preparations of venues, food, transport and the banquet.  We have less than two weeks before the conference.

We will send out the final program on Monday next week. We look forward to seeing you in Durban.

With best wishes,



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2014 Preliminary Programme TOFAC 2014 - Durban-2.pdf
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