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Equipment safety, code of conduct, AGM time?

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Lex Bailey

Apr 14, 2022, 7:08:48 AM4/14/22
Hi All,
The hackspace has grown a bit recently, we've seen a return of liveliness to the hackspace, and this is really great to see. The hackspace is thriving again after a couple of years of pandemic.

As we're growing, we've gotten some extra equipment, and are refurbishing some equipment we've had for a while. We've even planned to remodel the hackspace a bit to get more workbench space and house the tools better. (Although this last bit hasn't happened yet.)

As this happens, we're feeling the growing pains that (I'm sure) all hackspaces go through as they grow.

In light of all this, I would like to propose a few things:

1. We have several particularly dangerous machines now, only one of them has a safety training plan in place. None of them has a warning label saying that safety training is required to use the equipment. I think this needs fixing urgently.

2. An action from the meeting on the 9th of may 2019 has still not been completed. That is the creation of a code of conduct. I have drafted a code of conduct and would like members to comment on it, suggest additions and changes.

3. That meeting on the 9th of may 2019 is the last one recorded on the wiki. It's possible that we are due an AGM, unless the minutes of a more recent meeting are missing from the wiki. That meeting was almost 3 years ago.


Lex Bailey

Apr 14, 2022, 9:18:18 AM4/14/22
We did have an AGM in 2020, but the minutes were not previously published.

These are now available on the wiki:

This was well over a year ago so we are still due an AGM.

Nick Moriarty

Apr 14, 2022, 11:53:21 AM4/14/22

Thanks for raising these important points.  I agree that the safety aspect does need some attention and I'm happy to be involved in drawing up / reviewing in collaboration with others.  I'll have a look at the CoC and comment.

In terms of minutes and AGM, I must admit I neglected to properly hand over as secretary but if there's anything missing informationally I'll do my best to catch people up.  It's definitely high time for an AGM.



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