Hi all
I‘ve been involved with the hackspace for a while, and I’ve recently re-joined as a member.
It’s a really exciting time to be re-joining: the new space has so much potential (and actual space!) to become something really special.
It has already taken hundreds of hours of hard work to both sort out the old space ready to hand back the keys, and to ‘bootstrap’ the new space into somewhere habitable, but… there is still so much left to do!
The people who’ve taken the lead on sorting the move need our help to share the workload, otherwise they will burn out.
There is a wide variety of things that need help to complete, from big projects like designing and building shelving and desks, to smaller tasks like sorting out the vast amount of tools and hackspace ‘stuff’ into new homes.
Some of these aren’t going to be fun, or particularly interesting, but we all need to do a fair share of the tasks to get our hackspace up and running.
We’re working on a list of things that need doing in an easy to understand/ easy to pick up a task format: how this will work is still TBC but watch this space.
In the meantime, drop a message in the #new-space channel on the Discord if you have some time to help or need some pointers on where to get started. If we could all do one task to help get the space up and running again each time we visit, it would be a huge help.