BPT hike postponed

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Andrew Fulks

Dec 5, 2014, 2:02:38 PM12/5/14
to Yolohikers
Hi Folks,

I know normally I don't cancel hikes, but given the length of the hike up to Berryessa Peak and the call for rain this evening, we're going to postpone the hike scheduled for tomorrow, to a later date.
While Saturday may be fine, weather-wise, the rain tonight will mean that you'd be hiking 15 miles with 5 pounds of mud on each shoe.  Best for the trail and best for our joints if we put this one off.

Be sure to come out on one of our other upcoming outings, including an impromptu fungus-crawl on Dec. 13, and trail repair at Cold Canyon on Dec. 20th.  Details at tuleyome.org

Your membership helps these trails be created and enjoyed, so think about us during your year-end giving!
Andrew Fulks
President, Tuleyome
Protecting the wild heritage and agricultural heritage of the Northern Inner Coast Range and the Western Sacramento Valley for existing and future generations.
Visit the Yolohiker web site for trail maps, hikes, and outings in the Putah and Cache creek watersheds.
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