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Kyle DeMilo

Mar 28, 2022, 4:58:42 PM3/28/22
to Yojimbo Talk
I'm giving Yojimbo another try as my digital junk drawer. Part of that involves me archiving copies of emails (I know, I know…).

Every AppleScript I could find is seemingly from 2007, 2008… and leans heavily upon Growl (remember Growl?) to do it's job. 

Is there a modern, “2022-macOS-12-Monterey” way of getting emails into Yojimbo using AppleScript that doesn't involve “printing” out a bunch of PDFs? I'd do it, but I lack the knowledge.

Ulf Dittmer

Mar 31, 2022, 8:30:49 AM3/31/22
to Yojimbo Talk
AppleScript hasn't changed much over the years, so I would expect old scripts still to work. You've probably found to serve as inspiration. A while I got sent the following snippet to create new bookmarks by BareBones support; creating new notes would work similarly.

tell application "Yojimbo"

   set bookmarkName to "My Example Bookmark"

   set bookmarkURL to ""

   set bookmarkComments to "your comments go here"


   set newItem to make new bookmark item with properties {name:bookmarkName, location:bookmarkURL, comments:bookmarkComments}


   add tags {"a tag", "another tag", "important tag"} to newItem

end tell

A quick search for exporting mails found Adapting these two should allow you to export mails to Yojimbo. Feel free to post follow.up questions, and I'll try to help you get going.


Patrick Woolsey

Mar 31, 2022, 9:45:12 AM3/31/22
> On Mar 28, 2022, at 16:55, Kyle DeMilo <> wrote:
> I'm giving Yojimbo another try as my digital junk drawer. Part of that involves me archiving copies of emails (I know, I know...).

As a purely personal observation:

Though I do print the occasional message of especial value to PDF and import same to Yojimbo, I believe that email in general (and/or in bulk :-) is best stored in an email client rather than a digital junk drawer.

> Every AppleScript I could find is seemingly from 2007, 2008… and leans heavily upon Growl (remember Growl?) to do it's job.

Since Growl was exclusively a notification mechanism[*], I would be at least equally concerned about how much Apple Mail's scriptability may have changed.

[*: I expect it should be relatively straightforward to excise or comment out the portions of such script(s) which invoke Growl.]

> Is there a modern, "2022-macOS-12-Monterey" way of getting emails into Yojimbo using AppleScript that doesn't involve "printing" out a bunch of PDFs? I'd do it, but I lack the knowledge.

I regret I'm not aware of any recent development along these lines.


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>

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