Yojimbo 5 Roadmap?

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Mark Aceto

Oct 11, 2020, 4:58:52 PM10/11/20
to Yojimbo Talk
I've been happily using Yojimbo for 14 years, and I've grown attached (not to mention a fan of the film) but it's falling behind.

Before I jump ship to Ulysses, is there a roadmap or ship date planned for Yojimbo 5?



Rich Siegel

Oct 11, 2020, 5:00:59 PM10/11/20
to Yojimbo Talk
Sorry, we don't preannounce releases or publish "roadmaps".

If you have a request for a feature, you're always welcome to write to


Rich Siegel Bare Bones Software, Inc.
<sie...@barebones.com> <https://www.barebones.com/>

Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they sedate me.

Rich Siegel

Oct 13, 2020, 10:11:10 AM10/13/20
to Yojimbo Talk
On 11 Oct 2020, at 17:00, Rich Siegel wrote:

> On 11 Oct 2020, at 16:56, Mark Aceto wrote:
>> I've been happily using Yojimbo for 14 years, and I've grown attached
>> (not
>> to mention a fan of the film) but it's falling behind.
>> Before I jump ship to Ulysses, is there a roadmap or ship date
>> planned for
>> Yojimbo 5?

To amplify on my previous remarks:

> Sorry, we don't preannounce releases or publish "roadmaps".
> If you have a request for a feature, you're always welcome to write to
> <sup...@barebones.com>.

As a matter of both policy and practical reality, we don't make
forward-looking statements regarding our product plans. This is because
we've learned through (occasionally painful) experience that plans are
subject to change without notice; whatever plans we make today might be
irrelevant this time next year. (What were *you* thinking about this
time last year?)

For some products, releases fall into a natural pattern; with BBEdit
that pattern's pretty easy to see. For Yojimbo, there hasn't been as
clear a rhythm. That's neither good nor bad; it just _is_. So, I would
recommend against making a list of version numbers and release dates and
then trying to discern a pattern or draw any conclusions.

Version numbers are free; we could release something tomorrow and call
it "Yojimbo 5.0" and it wouldn't make much difference to you if it
didn't have whatever it was you were looking for.

Or we could release something called "4.6" and it could be everything
you dreamed of. We have no way of knowing, unless you've sent specific
request(s) to our tech support address (which is where we collect such

In our close-to-30-year history, we have avoided defining ourselves and
our work in terms of anyone else's product offerings. We're not about to
start now.

So if you want Yojimbo to do something specific that it doesn't do for
you today, asking us to do it "before I jump ship" doesn't really get
much attention.

On the other hand, feedback about how you use Yojimbo and what you need
while using it is much more useful to us than "I want a Yojimbo 5 or I'm
switching to another product." (In fact, someone wrote into us today
with quite a useful idea, and we're pondering it now.)

So if you write in to Tech Support and say "While I'm using Yojimbo, I
frequently have a need to do <XXX> and I'd love it if Yojimbo could do
that or make it easier", *that* will get the affirmative attention of
the people who are in a position to turn feature requests into code.

Max Glanzmann

Oct 13, 2020, 10:35:09 AM10/13/20
to yojimb...@googlegroups.com
My feedback

I‘m very happy with how Yojimbo works today. All i would appreciate, is to be able to use it for many more years (I did start with one of the first versions a long time ago!)
I love Yojimbo, it has become the one integral part of my setting, as if it were actually included with OSX.

Best regards
;-) Max

Ole Kristian Ek Hornnes

Oct 13, 2020, 2:44:51 PM10/13/20
to yojimb...@googlegroups.com
Hello folks, 
Here is my feedback 😄 
I am also very happy with Yojimbo, and I am using it every day many times a day, along with BBedit 😄 
I am probably not using all of its features, but I have settled on some very good core features. Encrypted notes is very good, as I am gathering together all the necessary info about a server, and all of its services, parameters and password needed for configuration and administration into a single note.  
Licenses and Passwords are also frequently used. 

Thank you very much for a good product 😄 

Best regards

Ole Kristian Ek Hornnes

Gluppeveien 12B, 1614 FREDRIKSTAD 

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Apr 27, 2022, 9:07:29 AM4/27/22
to Yojimbo Talk
Well, here's my feedback!

I have been using Yojimbo for many years. I don't know how many, I've found emails about Yojimbo dating to 2007. Yojimbo contains all of my passwords, many web archives of interesting stuff I've collected over the years, even old Usenet postings I found interesting. Yojimbo tells me there are 582 items in my library. I have been using Together, the predecessor of Keep It (https://reinventedsoftware.com/keepit/) for a few years inbetween, but returned to Yojimbo when Keep It was announced, which didn't support encryption.

Here is a list of features I wish that Yojimbo had (from large to small):

* I would like to be able to use my Yojimbo library on the my iPad or iPhone. Yojimbo for iPad is basically broken. None of the PDFs work, as I always get the error "loadTextView: could not load RTF data from file://var... ". Furthermore the app looks ugly. Fonts are too large and there are several glitches in the UI. (However I do like the fact that local sync is used, so I don't have to store my passwords on Apples servers).

* I don't like the fact that Yojimbo stores all the items inside a SQLite database. This makes manipulating Yojimbo content via external tools basically impossible. Obsidian (https://obsidian.md/) simply stores its stuff as separate files in a directory which I find much better.

* I would like to be able to write my notes using Markdown or RestructuredText.

* When I make a web archive, I also get all of the ad banners and social media stuff from the web page. I would like to be able the create Markdown/RestructuredText notes from Web pages.

* I have a wide monitor. I would like the list of items and the detail view of an item to be displayed side by side in two columns.

* The list view is annoying. Although my monitor is wide enough many columns get truncated. So I have to fiddle with each column individually. Why can't Yojimbo resize the columns to automatically match the content? Or even better, don't use a list view with columns. Instead do something similar to what Things (https://culturedcode.com/things/) does: Display all attributes of an item in one line with proper styling.

* The preferences allow to set several font sizes, but not all. So when I set those font sizes to the sizes I want, many parts of the Yojimbo UI (tag explorer, password details, column titles, tag filtes etc.) look tiny in comparison.

* The Yojimbo UI looks very outdated. The style of the icons in the tool bar doesn't match the current look and feed of Mac UIs.

* The number of items in each category displayed in the left panel are to low contrast in dark mode: White text on a light blue background.

Stefan Keydel

Apr 27, 2022, 10:38:06 AM4/27/22
to yojimb...@googlegroups.com

> * I would like to be able to use my Yojimbo library on the my iPad or iPhone. Yojimbo for iPad is basically broken. None of the PDFs work, as I always get the error "loadTextView: could not load RTF data from file://var... ". Furthermore the app looks ugly. Fonts are too large and there are several glitches in the UI. (However I do like the fact that local sync is used, so I don't have to store my passwords on Apples servers).
The lack of just this one capability is what led me to leave Yojimbo for DEVONthink Pro. Seems like a non-negotiable in this day and age to be able to capture info on the go in an iPhone app and sync automatically.

With that said, if the encryption functionality is what prevents cloud sync, fair enough.

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