Help needed in restoring a backup

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Ulf Dittmer

Jun 15, 2022, 12:20:09 PM6/15/22
to Yojimbo Talk
After doing a few too many undos, I realized that there is no redo :-( That was unexpected, so I need to restore from TimeMachine. But I can't find the data - there is no ~/Application Support/Yojimbo folder, which is what several posts here suggest. In fact, except for ~/Yojimbo and ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/com.barebones.yojimbo4 (neither of which seems to contain the actual data), there seems to be no other folder associated with the app.

Where does the data reside? I'm especially befuddled, as I recall looking at the data with a SQLite client some time ago, so I must have found the data before. But now - nothing.

Thanks for any clues!


Patrick Woolsey

Jun 15, 2022, 2:08:51 PM6/15/22
On 6/15/22 at 11:59 AM, ('Ulf
Dittmer' via Yojimbo Talk) wrote:

>After doing a few too many undos, I realized that there is no redo :-(

For reference, while you're editing the contents of a note, both
Undo and Redo are available in normal Mac style; however,
actions related to managing items are not necessarily Undo/Redo-able.

>[...] so I need to restore from TimeMachine. But I can't find
>the data - there is no ~/Application Support/Yojimbo folder,
>which is what several posts here suggest. In fact, except for
>~/Yojimbo and ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/com.barebones.yojimbo4
>(neither of which seems to contain the actual data), there
>seems to be no other folder associated with the app.

The current default location of Yojimbo's data is:


where "USERNAME" is the short name of your Mac login account,
and if there is such a folder present, Yojimbo will
automatically use it.

Alternatively, if you migrated from an older (pre-4.1) version
of Yojimbo, then your Yojimbo data may still be stored within
your account's local "Application Support" folder, which is:

/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Yojimbo/

PS: Yojimbo has never used "~/Application Support/Yojimbo/"
while the cache folder (".../Metadata/com.barebones.yojimbo4/")
contains only Spotlight cache info and is completely fungible.

PPS: Anything further than the above is likely a question for
tech support. :-)


Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc. <>

Nick Walsh

Jun 15, 2022, 3:23:38 PM6/15/22
to Yojimbo Talk
Ulf, why use time machine?  It is much easier if you just go to "Preferences" then to Backup... and then point your backup to a directory on your system. In my case, I have an outboard SSD 500 GB drive.  In case of fire or emergency, I can grab this drive then run!  On that drive, I have a folder called YojimboBackup.  All of my backups go there.  I also have Carbon Copy Cloner that backs up that directory to another TB SSD drive on a daily basis.  Time machine is just too slow and lame.  


Ulf Dittmer

Jun 16, 2022, 9:49:03 AM6/16/22
Thanks Patrick. I located the database in ~/Yojimbo, but it is apparently not backed up regularly because the date/time on the Database.bbyojimbostorage file isn't updated even though its contents are. So my suggestion would be to do that, in order for backup tools to pick it up whenever it's changed.

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Ulf Dittmer

Jun 16, 2022, 9:49:13 AM6/16/22
I don't see how a manual process is easier than an automated one. But either way, the problem isn't with Time Machine, which works just fine, and backs up to a disk that can be taken elsewhere if the need arises.

Patrick Woolsey

Jun 17, 2022, 2:46:55 PM6/17/22
On 6/16/22 at 3:57 AM, ('Ulf
Dittmer') wrote:

>Thanks Patrick. I located the database in ~/Yojimbo, but it is apparently not backed up regularly because the date/time on the Database.bbyojimbostorage file isn't updated even though its contents are. So my suggestion would be to do that, in order for backup tools to pick it up whenever it's changed.

Time Machine does indeed back up Yojimbo's data on its usual
schedule and further, we strongly recommend using Time
Machine[*] to backup all the data on your Mac (including, of
course, your Yojimbo data :-).

The only thing to remember is that you should use Time Machine's
built-in controls to select the desired point in time, rather
than whatever the Finder shows.

[*: or any other robust backup solution, such as SuperDuper
(snapshot) or
Backblaze (archival).]
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