Exporting passwords form Yojimbo to SplashID

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Feb 5, 2009, 5:26:54 PM2/5/09
to Yojimbo Talk
I bought SplashID so that I could have my passwords and some of my
serial numbers on my iPhone. I needed to get my information out of
Yojimbo to make that happen. So I modified J. Stewart's very helpful
script found in this post:

Help with Export Serial Numbers Script

I needed to main modifications in order to fit my needs.

1. I store a lot of information in the Comments field in Yojimbo
(partially thanks to this fantastic tip http://anoved.net/2007_05_01_archive.html
that helps expand the field box in Yojimbo so that it is actually
usable). In those comments, I press Enter often and those carriage
returns are getting exported in my text file. To make that export and
import correctly, I needed to surround my text fields with double
quotes. So I defined a double quote variable as a shortcut and made a
little modification:

repeat with anItem in foo
set dq to "\""
set temp to properties of (contents of anItem)
set end of snList to ((dq & name of temp & dq & ", " & ¬
dq & serial number of temp & dq & ", " & ¬
dq & owner name of temp & dq & ", " & ¬
dq & organization of temp & dq & ", " & ¬
dq & email address of temp & dq & ", " & ¬
dq & modification date of temp & dq as text) & ", " & ¬
dq & comments of temp & dq)
end repeat

2. I also wanted to export passwords, so I just modified the script
like this:

set pwList to {}
tell application "Yojimbo"
set foo to every password item
repeat with anItem in foo
set dq to "\""
set temp to properties of (contents of anItem)
set end of pwList to ((dq & name of temp & dq & "," & ¬
dq & location of temp & dq & "," & ¬
dq & account of temp & dq & "," & ¬
dq & password of temp & dq & "," & ¬
dq & modification date of temp & dq as text) & "," & ¬
dq & comments of temp & dq)
end repeat
set {oldDelims, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters,
set pwList to items of pwList as text
set my text item delimiters to oldDelims
end tell

set fp to ((path to "desk" as text) & "Yojimbo password export.csv")
set fRef to open for access file fp with write permission
write pwList as text to fRef starting at 0
close access fRef
on error errMsg number errNum
close access file fp
display alert "Error: " & errNum message errMsg
end try

I really appreciate someone having already done the hard work. I know
very little about AppleScript, but this made it feasible for me to
separate my sensitive data into something more suited to carrying in
my pocket. We'll see if Yojimbo catches onto the iPhone concept or
just counts on Webjimbo for it. Otherwise, it may be Evernote or even
Together (if they become iPhone savvy).

If I have to move to Evernote, Brett Kelly seems to have written a
script to make that transition easier:
Import Yojimbo items into Evernote
Author: Brett Kelly - br...@brettkelly.org
seems to be able to be found at pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=f35bd27ba


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