y4016_1.nv17 hRgu and his bhArgava .z26

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Nov 17, 2015, 9:02:56 PM11/17/15
to yoga vasishtha


y4016_1.nv17 hRgu and his bhArgava .z26



fm4016_1.nv17 hRgu and his bhArgava .z26



work in progress v.16



* bhArgava is the family name of shukra,

the son of bhRgu,

created by doubly expanding the first vowel

and diminishing the final vowel of the paternal name.

so bhRgu-a -> bhargu-a -> bhArgu-a -> bhArgav-a.

it is difficult to reconcile this formation with the common pronunciation

of the retroflex vowel <R> as "ri" or "ru";

rather, the tongue should be turned (but not clicked)

in the typical NAmerican manner.

in like manner rAma,

the descendant of raghu,

is called raghu-a -> rAghu-a -> rAghav-a rAghu-a rAghava.



vasiShTha said


अथ_आक्षिप्य वचस्_तस्य तनयस्य तथा भृगो:

उवाच भगवान्_कालो वचो गम्भीर-नि:स्वन: ॥४।१६।१॥

atha_AkSipya vacas_tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

uvAca bhagavAn_kAlo vaco gambhIra-ni:svana: ||



such were the words of bhRgu



the Lord of Time responded in a voice

that seemed to stream from deep within


*moT._4,16.1 ||4|16| ... tanayasya tadA bhRgo: ... gambhIrani:svanam ||4|16|

~sv.1 VASISTHA continued: Hearing the young ascetic Vasudeva mourning the fate of his previous body, Time (or Death) intervened and said to Sukra:

~vlm.1 Vasishta continued:—Then the god Yama, interrupted the long lamentation of Súkra, and addressed him in words, sounding as deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*jd.1 - atha_AkSipya vacas अथ आक्षिप्य वचस् and so meeting the words = tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: तस्य तनयस्य भृगोः of that son of bhRgu the Fiery = uvAca bhagavAn_kAla: उवाच भगवान् कालः said Lord.bhagavAn Time = vaco gambhIra-ni:svana: वचो गम्भीर-निःस्वनः वचस् his voice was deep-within.



TIME said


समङ्गा-तापसीम्_एताम् तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

प्रविश_इमाम् तनुम् साधो नगरीम्_इव पार्थिव: ॥४।१६।२॥

samaGgA-tApasIm_etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

praviza_imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm_iva pArthiva: ||



the _samaGgA.tApasa body



and enter this one,


like a prince entering a city!


The _samaGgA.tApasa body

give that up,


and enter this one,


iva pArthiva:

like a prince entering —

nagarIm – a city —

~sv.2 TIME (or DEATH) said: O son of bhRgu! Abandon this body of yours and re-enter your other body, even as a king re-enters his kingdom.

~vlm.2. Yama said:—Now, O Súkra! cast off thy body of the Samangá devotee, and enter this dead body in the manner of a prince entering his palace.


The _samaGgA.tApasa body

give that up,


and enter this one,


iva pArthiva:

like a prince entering a city!



काले पूर्व.जया तन्वा तप: कृत्वा तया पुन:

गुरुत्वम्_असुर-इन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवता_अनघ ॥४।१६।३॥

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

gurutvam_asura-indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha ||4|16|03||

Thru the course of time

you have made _tapas with your former-birth body

so once again Your Grace's duty is the guruship of _indra's Darklings,

dear boy.

m. ... the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasa tribes. It is your duty.

sv. ... spiritual preceptor of the demons.

vlm. ... preceptorship of the Daitya tribe.

kAle pUrva-jayA tanvA


tapas kRtvA tayA puna:


gurutvam asura-indrANAm


kartavyam bhavatA




~Mo_4,16.3 // ... tapa: kRtvAnayA ...

~m. 3 O sinless one, continue your penance with this body and become the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasa tribes. It is your duty.

~sv.3 With that other body of Sukra, once again engage yourself in penance and then become the spiritual preceptor of the demons.

~vlm.3. Thou shalt perform austere devotion with this thy first born body, and obtain by virtue of that, the preceptorship of the Daitya tribe.



महा.कल्पान्त आयाते भवता भार्गवी तनु:

-पुनर्.ग्रहणाय_एषा त्याज्या प्रम्लान-पुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

mahA.kalpAnta AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

a-punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat ||4|16|04||

When the Great Doomsday comes

the bhArgava body

should not be grasped again,

by Your Grace.

It should be cast.away

like a faded flower.

mahA-kalpa-anta: AyAte


bhavatA bhArgavI tanu:


a-punar-grahaNAyA eSA


tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat


~m. 4 When the time of great aeonic dissolution occurs, cast away this body like a faded flower so that you do not have to take a body again.

~vlm.4. Then at the end of the great kalpa, thou shalt have to shuffle off thy mortal coil for ever, as one casts off a faded flower.

~sv.4-5-6 At the end of the epoch, you will give up that body, never to become embodied again.

= mahA-kalpa-anta: AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: | a-punar-grahaNAyA eSA tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat = > ... ¶ // Mo_4,16.4 //



जीवन्.मुक्त-पदम्_प्राप्तस्_तन्वा प्राक्तन-रूपया

महा-असुर-इन्द्र-गुरुताम्_कुर्वंस्_तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

jIvan.mukta-padam_prAptas_tanvA prAktana-rUpayA |

mahA-asura-indra-gurutAm_kurvaMs_tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|05||

Your state of Living-Free is got

by a body with acquired form*

wielding the Guruship of the great Darkling Lords

in your great thought.

* Acquired thru the prior _karma of  zukra.



tanvA prAktana-rUpayA








जीवन्.मुक्त-पदम्_प्राप्तः Having attained the state of Living.Free, –

तन्वा प्राक्तन-रूपया with a body of previous form

महा-असुर-इन्द्र-गुरुताम् कुर्वन् acting as the Guru of the great Darkling Lords,

तिष्ठ महा-मते rest/remain. o great thinker. -5-

~m. 5. After attaining the state of ‘Sivanmukta’, take a body with the same form as now and assure the ‘guruship’ of noble Rakshasas.

~vlm.5. Having attained the state of living liberation, by merit of thy prior acts; thou shalt continue in the preceptorship of the leader of the great Asuras for ever.

~sv.4-5-6 At the end of the epoch, you will give up that body, never to become embodied again.

*moT.. prAktanarUpayA zukrAkhyayA ||4|16| *moT._4,16.5 ||4|16|




कल्याणम्_अस्तु वाम् यामो वयम् त्व्_अभिमताम् दिशम्

किञ्.चिद्_अपि यच्_चित्तम् यस्य _अभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

kalyANam_astu vAm yAmo vayam tv_abhimatAm dizam |

na kiJ.cid_api yac_cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet ||



may blessing come upon you


but now for us

the place which we are going.to

is what citta affects,

that becomes

as soon as it's supposed


~AS: ... there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

~vlm. ... know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

~AS: Good luck to you two, we (editorial we) go in our desired direction; (you on the other hand are one for whom) there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

~m. 6. May you be blessed! I am going in the direction of my liking when someone’s mind goes towards a certain thing, that thing will not become unliked.

~vlm.6. Fare you well, we shall now depart to our desired habitation; know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

#abhimata mfn. longed for, wished, desired; loved, dear; allowed azvgR.; supposed, imagined; am n. desire, wish.

*jd.6 - kalyANam astu vAm yAma: - may good fortune come to you! = vayam tu abhimatAm dizam - but for us the wished/supposed direction = na kiJ.cit api - there is nothing whatever = yat cittam - which is affected =  yasya na abhimatam bhavet  - which does not become desired/supposed.  

*moT.. nanu katham tavApy abhimatam astIty | atrAha na kiJ.cid iti | tat kiJ.cid api na bhavati | yasya cittasya abhimatam na asti | ato mamApi sacittatvAd abhimatam astIti bhAva: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.6 ||4|16| ... api tac cittam ... ||




इत्य्_उक्त्वा मुञ्चतोर्_बाष्पम् तयो: सो_अन्तरधीयत

तप्त-अङ्ग्योर्_इव रोदस्यो: समम्_अंशुभिर्_अंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

ity_uktvA muJcator_bASpam tayo: so_antaradhIyata |

tapta-aGgyor_iva rodasyo: samam_aMzubhir_aMzumAn ||


this being said

they both let loose their tears.

Such was their inner feeling,

like heat filling the hemisphere

or sunbeams sent.out by the sun.

~AS: The tears were being shed by the two- bhRgu and zukra. The second line compares him with the Sun: As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).

iti uktvA

so saying

muJcato: bASpam

both loosed tears

tayo: sah antaradhIyata


tapta-aGgyo: iva rodasyo:


samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn


~m. 7. As he said thus, the two (Sukra and Bhrigu) were touched by affection and were moved to tears. The sky became red with the setting sun.

~vlm.7. Saying so, the god vanished from before the weeping father and son, and moved admist the burning sky, like the dispenser of light (sun).

*moT.. taptAMzu: sUrya: | rodasyo: dyAvApRthivyo: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.7 ||4|16| ... muJcato: puSpam tayo: ... ||4|16|

~sv.7-8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.




गते तस्मिन्_भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

विचार्य भार्गवो_-भेद्याम् नियतेर्_नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

gate tasminbhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

vicArya bhArgavo_a-bhedyAm niyater_niyatAm gatim ||4|16|08||


Time the Terminator went.about his duties

and zukra.bhArgava followed his own road

from destiny to destiny.

kRtAnte bhagavati gate tasmin

The ender of things, lord [Time], going there


to his duty

bhArgava: vicArya

the scion of bhRgu inquired


the inevitable

gatim niyate: niyatAm

road from destiny to destiny

vlm.8. After the god had gone to the place of his destination, and gained his destined state among the gods, the Bhrigus remained to ruminate on the inexplicable and unalterable course of destiny (or divine ordinance).

~sv.7-8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.

~VA: having said so, he disappeared leaving them shedding tears of affliction, like heavens and earth heated by rays of sun

kRtAnte bhagavati gate tasmin

The ender of things, lord [Time], going there


to his duty

bhArgava: vicArya

the scion of bhRgu inquired


the inevitable

gatim niyate: niyatAm

road from destiny to destiny

~vlm.8. After the god had gone to the place of his destination, and gained his destined state among the gods, the Bhrigus remained to ruminate on the inexplicable and unalterable course of destiny (or divine ordinance).

~sv.7-8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.

~VA: having said so, he disappeared leaving them shedding tears of affliction, like heavens and earth heated by rays of sun

AS: The tears were being shed by the two- bhRgu and zukra.
The second line compares him with the Sun:
As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).

Then Time the Terminator went-

about his duties; and  zukra

bhArgava followed his own road

from destiny to destiny.



काल-कारण=संशुष्काम् भावि-पुष्प-शुभ-उदयाम्

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लताम्_इव माधव: ॥४।१६।९॥

kAla-kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi-puSpa-zubha-udayAm |
viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm_iva mAdhava: ||4|16|09||


Withered because of time



he entered that young body

tAm tanum bAlAm

su.latAm_iva mAdhava:

as spring enters a vine.

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo_4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm ||4|16| *moT._4,16.8-9||
~sv.9 Thereupon, Sukra abandoned the body of Vasudeva in which he had performed intense penance on the bank of the river _samaGgA and re-entered the decayed body of Sukra, the son of the sage bhRgu.

~m. 9 Sukra then entered his body, which declined due to some exigencies of time like spring entering a tender creeper. ‘This body is going to be the cause of many auspicious events.’

~vlm.9. Súkra entered into his withered corpse, as the season of spring enters into a faded plant, in order to adorn it again with its vernal bloom, and its re-springing blossoms.




viveza tAm tanum bAlAm


su.latAm_iva mAdhava:


*moT.. ... / ... // Mo_4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm ||4|16| *moT._4,16.8-9||
~sv.9 Thereupon, Sukra abandoned the body of Vasudeva in which he had performed intense penance on the bank of the river _samaGgA and re-entered the decayed body of Sukra, the son of the sage bhRgu.

~m. 9 Sukra then entered his body, which declined due to some exigencies of time like spring entering a tender creeper. ‘This body is going to be the cause of many auspicious events.’

~vlm.9. Súkra entered into his withered corpse, as the season of spring enters into a faded plant, in order to adorn it again with its vernal bloom, and its re-springing blossoms.



सा ब्राह्मणी-तनुर्_भूमौ विवर्ण-वदन-अङ्गिका

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्न-मूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

sA brAhmaNI-tanurbhUmau vivarNa-vadana-aGgikA |

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna-mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|


His _brAhmaNa body

that palefaced embodiment

fell to earth

quickly toppled

like a sapling cut at the root.

*moT._4,16.10 ||4|16| sA brAhmaNa-tanur... vadanaGgikA ...

~m. 10 At that time the body of the brahmin on the ‘_samaGgA’ banks fell to pieces like a creeper to its roots.

~sv.10 At that very moment, the body of Vasudeva fell down like an uprooted tree and became a corpse.

~vlm.10. His Bráhmanical body fell down immediately on the ground, staggering as when a tree is felled or falls down with its uprooted trunk; and it became disfigured in a moment in its face and limbs.



तस्याम्_प्रविष्ट-जीवायाम् पुत्र-तन्वाम्_महा.मुनि:

चकार_अप्य्_आयनम्_मन्त्रै: कमण्डलु-वारिभि: ॥४।१६।११॥

tasyAm_praviSTa-jIvAyAm putra-tanvAm_mahA.muni: |

cakAra_apy_Ayanam_mantrai: sa kamaNDalu-vAribhi: ||


to bring life into his son's body

the Great _muni

revived it with mantra.s

and the water of his Holy Waterpot.

~vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

tasyAm praviSTa-jIvAyAm

For entering-life


his son's body


the Great Muni

cakAra ApyAyanam mantrai:

caused it to grow by mantras

sa kamaNDalu-vAribhi:

with the water of his holy Waterpot.

#pyai -> #Apyai -> #ApyAya ~ becoming full, increasing, _KSS. -> #ApyAyana -adj.- causing fulness or stoutness SuS3r • increasing welfare, gladdening _Lex. -> #ApyAyanam - the act of making full or fat _suSr; satiating; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing,_mn; increasing, causing to thrive, _mbh; growing or being fat or stout; gladness L.

*moT.. tasyAm zukrAkhyAyAm ... ¶ ApyAyanam pUraNam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.11 ||4|16| 

~m.11 Then the great sage Bhrigu sprinkled the sacred water from his ‘kamandalu’ on the body of his son.

~vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

~sv.11-12-13 The sage bhRgu sprinkled the body of Sukra with the holy water from his own water-pot, uttering sacred hymns which had the power to revive that body, clothing it with flesh, etc. Instantly, that body became youthful and radiant as it was before.




सर्वा नाड्यस्_ततस्_तन्वास्_तस्या: पूर्णा विरेजिरे

सरित: प्रावृषि_इव_अम्बु-पूर-पूरित-कोटरा: ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarvA nADyas_tatas_tanvAs_tasyA: pUrNA virejire |
sarita: prAvRSi_iva_ambu-pUra-pUrita-koTarA: ||


sarvA nADya: tatas - then all the nADI.Rivers =

tanvA: tasyA: - in that body =

pUrNA: virejire  - appeared full =  
sarita: prAvRSi iva  - like rivers in the Rains =  
ambu-pUra-pUrita-koTarA:  - x.  
~vlm.12. The veins and arteries and all the cells and cavities of the dead body, were again supplied with their circulating blood; as the dry beds of rivers, are filled again with floods of water in the rainy weather.

~m.12. Then all the nervous and other systems of the body became full with energy like a river being filled with waters in rainy season.

*moT.. sarvanADya: tatas tanvyAs ... // Mo_4,16.12 // spaSTam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.12 ||4|16|



नलिनी प्रावृषि_इव_असौ मधाव्_इव नवा लता

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्या: प्रान्ता: पल्लविता बभु: ॥४।१६।१३॥

nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhAv_iva navA latA |
yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA babhu: ||


It was like a lotus in the Rains,

like a green shoot in spring,
when full

then in it

the sides swelled like a sprouting vine.

nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau

It was like a lotus in the Rains,

madhau_iva navA latA

like a green shoot in spring,
yadA pUrNA


tadA tasyA:


prAntA: pallavitA babhu:


zgl#affix -> #prAnta -m.-n.- (end-comp. –f.-) - edge, border, margin, verge, extremity, end, _mbh.&c. (#yauvana-pr, the end of youth _paJcat; #oSTha-prAntau, the corners of the mouth L); a point, tip (of a blade of grass), _kauz; (‑beg.comp.‑ finally, eventually _paJcat); -mfn.- dwelling near the boundaries _divyAv.

~m.13 The body looked fully alive and developed like lotuses in spring. Nails and hair shore lustrously.

~vlm.13. The body being filled with blood, gave the limbs to bloom; like the growth of lotuses in rainy lakes, and the bursting of new shoots and buds in vernal plants.

*moT.. ... / yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prANA: pallavitA babhu: // Mo_4,16.13 // asau bhArgavatanu: | pUrNA prANapUrNA | tasyA: tanvA: | pallavitA: apAna-Adi-rUpeNa ucchUnA: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.13 ||4|16|

~sv.11-12-13 The sage bhRgu sprinkled the body of Sukra with the holy water from his own water-pot, uttering sacred hymns which had the power to revive that body, clothing it with flesh, etc. Instantly, that body became youthful and radiant as it was before.




अथ शुक्र: समुत्तस्थौ वहत्-प्राण-समीरण:

रस-मारुत-संयोगाद्_आपूर्ण इव वारिद: ॥४।१६।१४॥

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat-prANa-samIraNa: |
rasa-mAruta-saMyogAd_ApUrNa iva vArida: ||


*jd.14 - atha zukra: samuttasthau अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ and then sukra stood.up =

vahat-prANa-samIraNa: वहत्-प्राण-समीरणः grown active by the flow of prANa =  

rasa-mAruta-saMyogAt रस-मारुत=संयोगात् from the conjunction of feeling-wind – of rasa Affect and mAruta Air = ApUrNa iva vArida: आपूर्ण इव वारिदः filled like a raincloud.

~m. 14 Then Sukra stood up with all the vital airs flowing though the body in full force and rhythm. It was like an ocean rising in tide due to the airs blowing across its surface.

~vlm.14. Súkra then rose up from the ground, breathing the breath of life, like the cloud ascending to the sky by force of the winds.

*jd.14 - atha zukra: samuttasthau अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ and then sukra stood.up =

vahat-prANa-samIraNa: वहत्-प्राण-समीरणः grown active by the flow of prANa =  

rasa-mAruta-saMyogAt रस-मारुत=संयोगात् from the conjunction of feeling-wind – of rasa Affect and mAruta Air = ApUrNa iva vArida: आपूर्ण इव वारिदः filled like a raincloud.

*moT.. ... / ...asaMyogAd AmUlam iva vArida: // Mo_4,16.14 // AmUlam mUlAd Arabhya ||4|16| *moT._4,16.14 ||

#Ir -> #samIr -> #samIraNa -mfn.- setting in motion, causing activity, stimulating, promoting _mbh. R. Car. -m.- wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called #vAyu, #mAruta, #pavana, #anila)



पुरो_अभिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन-आकृतिम्

प्रथम-उल्लासितो मेघ: स्तनितेन_इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

puro_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana-AkRtim |

prathama-ullAsito megha: stanitena_iva parvatam ||


he bowed respectfully before his father's sacred figure.

he was like a raincloud after a long drought,

when its thunder greets the mountaintop


~m. 15 Seeing his father before him, he bowed to him, the most sacred one. It was like a mountain being pleased by the first thunder from a cloud.

~vlm.15. He bowed down to his father, standing in his holy figure before him; as the rising cloud clings to, and kisses the foot of the lofty mountain.

~sv.14-15 Sukra got up from the meditative posture and seeing his father, the sage bhRgu, standing in front of him, fell prostrate at his feet.

*mo_4,16.15 // ... pAvanAkRti: ...

*jd.15 - pura: abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana-AkRtim  - he bowed respectfully before the father's sacred form — Mo. makes this agree with megha in line b. =  prathama-ullAsito megha: stanitena iva parvatam  - like the first-arriving cloud with its rumbling the mountain.




पिता_अथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा आलि-लिङ्ग-आकृतिम् तत:

स्नेह-आर्द्र-वृत्तिर्_जलदश्_चिराद्_अद्रि-तटीम्_इव ॥४।१६।१६॥

pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali-liGga-AkRtim tata: |

sneha-Ardra-vRttir_jaladaz_cirAd_adri-taTIm_iva ||


And then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced-body thus


a cloud from afar

adri-taTIm iva

as-if a mountain-top.

m. 16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

~sv.16-17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

~vlm.16. The father then embraced the revived body of his son, and shed a flood of his affectionate tears upon him; as the high risen cloud washes the mountain top with showers.

pitA atha

And then the father


of/from the body

prAktanIm Ali-liGga-AkRtim tata:

the former embraced-body thus



jaladaz cirAd

a cloud from afar

adri-taTIm iva

as-if a mountain-top.

~m. 16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

~sv.16-17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

~vlm.16. The father then embraced the revived body of his son, and shed a flood of his affectionate tears upon him; as the high risen cloud washes the mountain top with showers.



भृगुर्_ददर्श -स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

मत्तो जाता_इयम्_इत्य्_आस्थाम् हसन्.न्_अपि महामति: ॥४।१६।१७॥

bhRgur_dadarza sa-sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

matto jAtA_iyam_ity_AsthAm hasan.n_api mahAmati: ||


bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joythat mighty mind.

bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy,

that mighty mind.

~vlm.17. Bhrigu looked with affection on the new risen old body of his son; and smiled to see the resuscitation of the body that was begotten by him.

~m.16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

~sv.16-17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

bhRgu: dadarza

bhRgu the Fiery saw


with love

prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum

former son's body

matta : jAtA iyam iti AsthAm

delighted that it was his very own hope

hasan api mahA-mati:

laughing then that great mind

*mo. tAnayIm tanayasambandhinIm | nanu tAdRgjJAnayuktena tena katham tAnayI tanu: sasneham dRSTety | atrAha matta iti || *moT._4,16.17 || ... tAnayIm tanum / matto jAto 'yam ity AsthA haraty api mahAmatim ||




मत्.पुत्रो_अयम्_इति स्नेहो भृगुम्_अप्य्_अहरत्_तदा

परमात्मीयता देहे यावद्_आकृति-भाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

mat.putro_ayam_iti sneho bhRgum_apy_aharat_tadA |

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvad_AkRti-bhAvinI ||


"This is my likeness, my own son,"

bhRgu the Fiery thought,

and he was overcome with love,

seeing himself there, in the live body.

mat.putro_ayam - "This is my son" =

iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA  - x =  

paramAtmIyatA dehe  - an absolute likeness in body =

yAvad_AkRti-bhAvinI  - x.

insofar as assuming form

~vlm.18. He was pleased to know him as the son born of himself; and to find his features engrafted in him.

~VA: as sir Time went,  zukra, having deliberated on what to be done, went on doing that by necessary order of God.

~AS: zukra, having considered the unbreakable order of future events ...

ayam mat putra: iti

*mo. … yAvad AkRti ... ¶ paratA parabhAva: | AtmIyatA AtmIyabhAva: | yAvadAkRti yAvaccharIram | bhAvinI aparihAryA ||4|16| *moT._4,16.18 ||4|16| ... paratAtmIyatA ceyam ... ||  

~sv.18. The feeling of affection at the thought, "This is my son" overcame even the sage bhRgu; this is natural as long as there is body-consciousness. Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.

~m. 16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.




बभूवतु: पिता-पुत्रौ ताव्_अथ_अन्योन्य-शोभितौ

निशावसान-मुदिताव्_अर्क-पद्म-आकराव्_इव ॥४।१६।१९॥

babhUvatu: pitA-putrau tAv_atha_anyonya-zobhitau |
nizA_avasAna-muditAv_arka-padma-AkarAv_iva ||


those two soon became

—father and son—

mutually delighted

nightly delighted by daybreak

they were like sun and lotus in form.

babhUvatu: pitA-putrau tau atha  - sp those two, father & son, were =

anyonya-zobhitau  - mutual embellishments =  

nizA avasAna-muditau  - x =  

arka-padma-Akarau iva - like sun and lotus in form.

*moT.. … / nizAvasAnamuditAv arkapadmAkarAv iva // Mo_4,16.19 //
nizAvasAne prabhAte | muditau ||4|16| *moT._4,16.19 ||4|16|
~m. 19-20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night.

~vlm.19. Thus the son and sire graced each other by their company, as the sun and lotus-lake rejoice to see one another, after the shade of night.

~sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.




चिर-संगम-सम्बद्धाव्_इव चक्राह्व-दम्पती

घन-आगमन-.स्नेहौ मयूर-जलदाव्_इव ॥४।१६।२०॥

cira-saMgama-sambaddhAv_iva cakra-Ahva-dampatI |

ghana-Agamana-sa.snehau mayUra-jaladAv_iva ||


cira-saMgama-sambaddhau  - x =  

iva  - x =

cakra-Ahva-dampatI  - x =  

iva  - x =

ghana-Agamana-sa-snehau  - x =  

mayUra-jaladau – peacock-cloud.

~m. 19-20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night. They were like two Chakravaka birds on the advent of a cloud.

~vlm.20. They rejoiced at their reunion, like the loving pair of swans at the end of the night of their separation; and as the joyous couple of peacocks, at the approach of the rainy clouds.

~sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.




चिर.काल-दृढ-उत्कण्ठौ तुल्य-योग्यतया तया

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् ताव्_अथ_उत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

cira.kAla-dRDha-utkaNThau tulya-yogyatayA tayA |

sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tAv_atha_utthAya mahAmatI ||



they sat a long time, recognizing the closeness between them—for

an hour or more—and then at last those two wise souls rose up again.

~vlm.21. The worthy sire and son, sat awhile on the spot, to halt after all their toils and troubles were at an end, and then they rose up to discharge the duties that were then at hand.

~sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.

*moT.. cirakAladRDhotkaNThayogyayA kathayA tayA ... // Mo_4,16.21 //

#hve -> #Ahve -> #Ahva‑ - a caller, crier: (ifc.) named, called.

*jd.21 - cira-kAla-dRDha-utkaNThau – long-time-firm-eager = tayA tulya-yogyatayA – by them like-suited = sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two = atha utthAya – then rising = mahA-matI – two great minds.  



समङ्गा-द्विज=देहम्_तम्_भस्मसात्_तत्र चक्रतु:

को हि नाम जगज्-जातम्_आचारम्__अनुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

samaGgA-dvija=deham_tambhasmasAt_tatra cakratu: |
ko hi nAma jagaj-jAtam_AcAram_na_anutiSThati ||


the body of the samAGga.twiceborn


they burned to ash

for who, of those born in this world, does not follow its customs?

~vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Brahman, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth- born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

samaGgA-dvija=deham_tam समङ्ग-=द्विज.देहम् तम् - the body of the samAGga.twiceborn =

bhasmasAt_tatra cakratu: भस्मसात्_तत्र चक्रतुः they turned to ashes there =  

ko hi nAma jagaj-jAtam_AcAram_na_anutiSThati कः हि नाम जगत्-जातम्_आचारम्__अनुतिष्ठति for just who does not follow the customs of the world?

#part.#sam -> #samaGga -adj.- having all the limbs, complete _AV. (in MBh. applied to the mythical cow #bahulA बहुला).

~sv.22 Both bhRgu and Sukra then performed the funeral rites of the body of the brahmana boy Vasudeva; for thus do the men of wisdom honour social customs and traditions.

~vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Brahman, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth- born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

~mo. ... / ko hi nAma jagajjAta AcAram ...i // Mo_4,16.22 // AcAram lokAcAram ||4|16| *moT._4,16.20-22 ||4|16|


एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन्_पावने भृगु-भार्गवौ

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवि_इव शशि-भास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

evam tau kAnane tasmin_pAvane bhRgu-bhArgavau |
saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi_iva zazi-bhAskarau ||




they two

there in that sacred forest

bhRgu and the bhArgava

dwelt in their radiant tapas

like the moon and sun in the sky


~m.22 Later, they continued their penance on the Mandara hill shining like sun and moon.

~sv.23 Both of them then shone with the radiance of the sun and the moon.

~vlm.23. Afterwards the two devotees Bhrigu and Bhargava continued to dwell in that forest, like the two luminaries—the sun and moon, in the region of the sky.

*moT.. ... / saMsthitau tapasA dIptau ... // Mo_4,16.23 // spaSTam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.23 ||



चेरतुर्_ज्ञात-विज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्.गुरू

देश.काल-दश-ओघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ तत: ॥४।१६।२४॥

ceratur_jJAta-vijJeyau jIvanmuktau jagad.gurU |
deza.kAla-daza-ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||


ceratu: - they traveled =  

jJAta-vijJeyau  - known and knowing =

jIvanmuktau - Living.Free =

jagad.gurU - two World-Teachers =

deza.kAla-dazA-ogheSu - in so many states of place and time =

susamau susthirau tata:  - x =  

~m. 24-26. Knowing what should be known, liberated while-in-life the two teachers of the world lived on unaffected by happiness or sorrows.

~sv.24 They who were surely the spiritual preceptors of the whole universe roamed the world. Established firmly in the knowledge of the self, they remained unmoved by the changes that took place in the time and in the environment.

~vlm.24. They both continued as the living liberated guides of men, by their knowledge of all that was to be known; and pre-serving the equanimity of their minds, and the steadiness of their dispositions, amidst all the vicissitudes of time and place: (and the changes of their fortune and circumstances).

*moT.. ... / dezakAladazaugheSu suzamam susthirau tata: // Mo_4,16.24 //
tapa: kathambhUtam | zobhana: zama: yasmin | tat | tAdRzam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.24 ||4|16|




अथ_असुर-गुरुत्वम्_: शुक्र: कालेन लब्धवान्

भृगु:_अपि_आत्मनो योग्ये पदे_अतिष्ठत्_अनामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

atha_asura-gurutvam_sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |
bhRgu:_api_Atmano yogye pade_atiSThat_anAmaye ||


atha_asura-gurutvam_sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn - and so that  zukra

after some time became guru of the asura.Darklings =
bhRgu:_api_Atmana:  - x =  

yogye pade_atiSThat_anAmaye  - x.  

~m. 25 In course of time Sukra became the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasas. Sage Bhrigu remained in that Supreme state (as Prajapti).

~sv.25 In course of time, Sukra became the spiritual preceptor of the demons; and his father bhRgu became one of the sages of highest wisdom.

~vlm.25. In course of time Sukra obtained the preceptorship of the demons, and Bhrigu remained in his patriarchal rank and authority among the sons of men (mánavas).

~VA: they burnt the body of twiceborn bramin of samanga river, for who does not uphold world-accepted customs? ~AS: I agree. ~VA: what is the form and splitting of atiSThadanAmaye? ~AS: It is atiSThat anAmaye (the t-> d is sandhi change). I think you would get it now? (anAmaye pade atiSThat).

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo_4,16.25 // Atmana: yogye pade videha.mukty-Akhye pade ||4|16| *moT._4,16.25 ||



शुक्रो_असौ प्रथमम्_इति क्रमेण जातस्


स्वेन_आशु स्मृति-पद-विभ्रमेण पश्चाद्

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितो दशा-अन्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

zukro_asau prathamam_iti krameNa jAtas

tasmAt_sat_parama-padAd_udAra-kIrti: |

svena_Azu smRti-pada-vibhrameNa pazcAd

anyeSu pravilulito dazA-antareSu ||


zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAtas – this shukra was first in the order of birth =

tasmAt sat_parama-padAt udAra-kIrti:  - x =

svena_Azu  - all by himself =  

smRti-pada-vibhrameNa pazcAt  - x =

anyeSu pravilulito dazA-antareSu  - x.

smRti-pada-vibhrameNa x







in his internal conditions.

~m. 26 Thus Sukra, who originally lived in that Supreme state of self, slipped into other lower states due to a loss of memory of his original state.

~sv.26 Such is the story of the sage Sukra; who on account of his infatuation with a nymph, wandered in countless wombs.

~vlm.26. Thus the son of Bhrigu, who was born as Sukra at first, was gradually led away from his holy state by his thought of the heavenly nymph, and subjected to various states of life to which he was prone; (by the bent of his mind and inward pivities*).

*moT.. sargAntazlokena zukravRttAntam saGkSipya kathayati zukro 'sAv iti | etasmAt sarveSAm Atmatvena puro vartamAnAt | paramapadAt cinmAtrAkhyAt uttamAt sthAnAt | dazAntareSu samaGgAtApasatvaparyanteSv avasthAvizeSeSu | iti zivam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.26 ||4|16| ... jAta etasmAt ... pazcAd evam ca pravilulito ... ||







saMtoSa: paramo lAbha: sat-saGga: paramA gati: |

vicAra: paramam jJAnam zamo hi paramam sukham ||4|16|3|103|19||

Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,

Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment. 2.16.19






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"Rare Ramana video", with a wise Cow, and a monkey Prince!



y4016_1.nv17 hRgu and his bhArgava .z26.docx

Jiva Das

Nov 17, 2020, 8:26:21 AM11/17/20
to yoga vasishtha








सर्ग .१९

sarga 4.19

वसिष्ठ उवाच

vasiSTha* uvAca |

अथ_आक्षिप्य चः_स्य तनयस्य तथा भृगोः

atha_AkSipya vaca: tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

उवाच भगवान् कालः_वचः_म्भीर.निःस्वनः ॥४।१६।१॥

uvAca bhagavAn kAla: vaca: gambhIra-ni:svana: ||4|16|1||

काल उवाच

kAla* uvAca |

समङ्गा.तापसीम् एताम् तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

samaGgA-tApasIm etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

प्रविश_इमाम् तनुम् साधो नगरीम् इव पार्थिवः ॥४।१६।२॥

praviza_imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm iva pArthiva: ||4|16|2||

काले पूर्व.जया तन्वा तपः कृत्वा तया पुनः

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

गुरुत्वम् असुर.इन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवता_अनघ ॥४।१६।३॥

gurutvam asura~indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha ||4|16|3||

महा.कल्पान्तयाते भवता भार्गवी तनुः

mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

-पुनर्.ग्रहणाय_एषा त्याज्या प्रम्लान.पुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

a-punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat ||4|16|4||

जीवन्मुक्त.पदम् प्राप्तः_न्वा प्राक्तन.रूपया

jIvan.mukta-padam prApta: tanvA prAktana-rUpayA |

हा.असुर.न्द्र.गुरुताम् कुर्वन् तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

mahA-asura~indra-gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|5||

कल्याणम् अस्तु वाम् यामः वयम् तु_अभिमताम् दिशम्

kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu_abhimatAm dizam |

किम्चित्_पि यत् चित्तम् यस्य _अभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet ||4|16|6||

इति_उक्त्वा मुञ्चतोः बाष्पम् तयोः सः_अन्तरधीयत

iti_uktvA muJcato: bASpam tayo: sa:_antaradhIyata |

तप्त-अङ्ग्योः इव रोदस्योः समम् अंशुभिः अंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

tapta-aGgyo: iva rodasyo: samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn ||4|16|7||

गते तस्मिन् भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

gate tasmin bhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

विचार्य भार्गवः_-भेद्याम् नियतेः नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

vicArya bhArgava:_a-bhedyAm niyate: niyatAm gatim ||4|16|8||

काल.कारण=संशुष्काम् भावि.पुष्प.शुभ.उदयाम्

kAla-kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi-puSpa-zubha~udayAm |

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लताम् इव माधवः ॥४।१६।९॥

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava: ||4|16|9||

सा ब्राह्मणी-तनुः भूमौ विवर्ण-वदन.ङ्गिका

sA brAhmaNI-tanu: bhUmau vivarNa-vadana~aGgikA |

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्न-मूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna-mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|10||

तस्याम् प्रविष्ट.जीवायाम् पुत्र.तन्वाम् महा.मुनिः

tasyAm praviSTa-jIvAyAm putra-tanvAm mahA.muni: |

चकार_अपि_आयनम् मन्त्रैः कमण्डलु-वारिभिः ॥४।१६।११॥

cakAra_api_Ayanam mantrai: sa* kamaNDalu-vAribhi: ||4|16|11||

र्वा नाड्यः_ततः_तन्वाः_स्याः पूर्णा विरेजिरे

sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: tasyA: pUrNA* virejire |

सरितः प्रावृषि_इव_म्बु.पूर.पूरित.कोटराः ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarita: prAvRSi_iva_ambu-pUra-pUrita-koTarA: ||4|16|12||

नलिनी प्रावृषि_इव_असौ धाव् इ नवा लता

nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhau_iva navA latA |

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्याः प्रान्ताः पल्लविता बभुः ॥४।१६।१३॥

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: ||4|16|13||

अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ वहत्.प्राण.समीरणः

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat-prANa-samIraNa: |

रस.मारुत.संयोगात्_पूर्ण वारिदः ॥४।१६।१४॥

rasa-mAruta-saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida: ||4|16|14||

पुरो ऽभिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन.आकृतिम्

pura:_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

प्रथम_उल्लासितः_मेघः स्तनितेन_इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

prathama_ullAsita: megha: stanitena_iva parvatam ||4|16|15||

पिता_अथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा लि.लिङ्ग.आकृतिम् ततः

pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali-liGga.AkRtim tata: |

स्नेह.र्द्र.वृत्तिः_दः_चिरात्_द्रि.तटीम् इव ॥४।१६।१६॥

sneha.Ardra-vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri-taTIm iva ||4|16|16||

भृगुः_दर्श स=स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

bhRgu: dadarza sa-sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

त्तः_जाता_इयम् त्य् आस्थाम् हसन् अपि महामतिः ॥४।१६।१७॥

matta: jAtA_iyam iti_AsthAm hasan api mahAmati: ||4|16|17||

मत्.पुत्रो ऽयम् इति स्नेहः_भृगुम् प्य् अहरत् तदा

mat.putra:_ayam iti sneha: bhRgum api_aharat tadA |

परमात्मीयता देहे यावत्_कृति.भाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvat AkRti-bhAvinI ||4|16|18||

बभूवतुः पिता-पुत्रौ ताव् अ_अन्योन्य.शोभितौ

babhUvatu: pitA-putrau tau_atha_anyonya-zobhitau |

निशा_अवसान.मुदिताव् अर्क-पद्म.आकराव् इ ॥४।१६।१९॥

nizA_avasAna-muditau_arka-padma.Akarau_iva ||4|16|19||

चिर.संगम.सम्बद्धाव् इ चक्र.आह्व.म्पती

cira-saMgama-sambaddhau_iva cakra.Ahva-dampatI |

घन.आगमन..स्नेहौ मयूर.जलदाव् इ ॥४।१६।२०॥

ghana.Agamana-sa.snehau mayUra-jaladau_iva ||4|16|20||

चिर.काल.दृढ.उत्कण्ठौ तुल्य.योग्यतया तया

cira.kAla-dRDha~utkaNThau tulya-yogyatayA tayA |

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् ताव् अ_उत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau_atha_utthAya mahAmatI ||4|16|21||

समङ्गा.द्विज=देहम् तम् भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः

samaGgA-dvija=deham tam bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् _अनुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

ka: hi nAma jagat-jAtam AcAram na_anutiSThati ||4|16|22||

एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन् पावने भृगु.भार्गवौ

evam tau kAnane tasmin pAvane bhRgu-bhArgavau |

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवि_इव शि.भास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi_iva zazi-bhAskarau ||4|16|23||

चेरतुः_ज्ञात.विज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्.गुरू

ceratu:_jJAta-vijJeyau jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU |

देश.काल.श.ओघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ ततः ॥४।१६।२४॥

deza.kAla-daza~ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||4|16|24||

अथ_असुर.गुरुत्वम् सः शुक्रः कालेन लब्धवान्

atha_asura-gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

भृगुः_पि_आत्मनः_योग्ये दे ऽतिष्ठत्_नामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

bhRgu: api_Atmana: yogye pade_atiSThat anAmaye ||4|16|25||

शुक्रः_असौ प्रथमम् इति क्रमेण जातः

zukra:_asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta:

तस्मात् सत् परम.पदात् उदार.कीर्तिः

tasmAt sat parama-padAt udAra-kIrti: |

स्वेन_आशु स्मृति.पद.विभ्रमेण पश्चात्

svena_Azu smRti-pada-vibhrameNa pazcAt

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितः दशा.न्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

anyeSu pravilulita: dazA~antareSu ||4|16|26||













*bhArgava is the family name of *zukra, the son of *bhRgu,

"bhArgava" is created by doubly expanding the first vowel of *nhRgu

so bhRgu-a - bhargu-a - bhArgu-a - bhArgav-a.

it is difficult to reconcile this formation with the common pronunciation

of the retroflex vowel <R> as "ri" or "ru";

rather, the tongue should be turned (but not clicked)

as a retroflex;

in like manner rAma,

the descendant of raghu,

is called raghu-a - rAghu-a - rAghav-a.






अथ_आक्षिप्य चः_स्य तनयस्य तथा भृगोः

atha_AkSipya vaca:_tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

उवाच भगवान् कालः_वचः_म्भीर.निःस्वनः ॥४।१६।१॥

uvAca bhagavAn kAla:_vaca:_gambhIra-ni:svana: ||4|16|1||



the Lord of Time responded in a voice that seemed to stream from deep



then chastising/correcting the words of that descendant of Bhrgu

the Lord Time spoke words the deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


*vlm.p.1. Vasishtha continued:—The god Yama interrupted zukra’s long lamentation and addressed him in words that sounded as deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*vlm. ... deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*atha.next/then AkSipya.chastising/correcting the vacas.speech/voice/words tasya.his/its/of.that tanaya.offspring/child/descendant tathA.thus of Bhrgu | uvAca.said/spoke .the Lord Bhagavan kAla.time vaca: the acas.speech/voice/words the gambhira.deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


TIME said—


समङ्गा.तापसीम् एताम् तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

samaGgA-tApasIm etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

प्रविश_इमाम् तनुम् साधो नगरीम् इव पार्थिवः ॥४।१६।२॥

praviza_imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm iva pArthiva: ||4|16|2||


The Samangâ Ascetic's body

give it up, Bhârgava, and enter this one, sâdhu,

like a prince entering a city


*vlm. ... enter this dead body in the manner of a prince entering his palace.

* tApasI.ascetic.f. etAm.this.f. tanu.thin/small\body\person saMtyaja.having.abandoned praviza.enter! tanu.thin/small\body\person  nagara.city/town pArthiva.earthly/princely


काले पूर्व.जया तन्वा तपः कृत्वा तया पुनः

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

गुरुत्वम् असुर.इन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवता_अनघ ॥४।१६।३॥

gurutvam asura~indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha ||4|16|3||


kAle - in.time/after.a.while- pUrva.jayA tanvA - being.embodied from previous birth - tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: - *tapas being made by him again -

gurutvam asura~indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha -


*vlm.3. Thou shalt perform austere devotion with this thy first born body, and obtain by virtue of that, the preceptorship of the Daitya tribe.

~Mo. 4,16.3 // ... tapa: kRtvA_anayA ...

*m. 3 O sinless one, continue your penance with this body and become the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasa tribes. It is your duty.

*sv.3 With that other body of Sukra, once again engage yourself in penance and then become the spiritual preceptor of the demons.


महा.कल्पान्तयाते भवता भार्गवी तनुः

mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

-पुनर्.ग्रहणाय_एषा त्याज्या प्रम्लान.पुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

a-punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat ||4|16|4||


When the Great Doomsday comes

the Bhârgava body should not be taken again by Your Grace


it should be cast.aside like a faded flower


mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: | a-punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna-puSpavat -


*vlm. ... at the end of the great kalpa, thou shalt have to shuffle off thy mortal coil ...

*m. ... so that you do not have to take a body again.


जीवन्मुक्त.पदम् प्राप्तः_न्वा प्राक्तन.रूपया

jIvan.mukta-padam prApta: tanvA prAktana-rUpayA |

हा.असुर.न्द्र.गुरुताम् कुर्वन् तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

mahA-asura~indra-gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|5||


having.got the state of Living-Free

with a body of previously.acquired form*

acting as the Guru of the great Darkling Lords

take your rest, great Thinker


jIvan.mukta-padam prApta: tanvA prAktana-rUpayA | mahA-asura~indra-gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate


*m. 5. After attaining the state of ‘Sivanmukta’, take a body with the same form as now and assure the ‘guruship’ of noble Rakshasas.

*vlm.5. Having attained the state of living liberation, by merit of thy prior acts; thou shalt continue in the preceptorship of the leader of the great Asuras for ever.

*moT.. prAktana-rUpayA zukra.AkhyayA ||4|16| *moT._4,16.5 ||4|16|


कल्याणम् अस्तु वाम् यामः वयम् तु_अभिमताम् दिशम्

kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu_abhimatAm dizam |

किम्चित्_पि यत् चित्तम् यस्य _अभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet ||4|16|6||


May blessing come upon you


but now for us the place which we are going.to is what the mind effects,

that becomes

as soon as it's supposed


kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu_abhimatAm dizam | na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet


*AS: ... there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*vlm. ... know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

*AS: Good luck to you two, we (editorial we) go in our desired direction; (you on the other hand are one for whom) there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*m. 6. May you be blessed! I am going in the direction of my liking when someone’s mind goes towards a certain thing, that thing will not become unliked.

*vlm.6. Fare you well, we shall now depart to our desired habitation; know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

#abhimata mfn. longed for, wished, desired; loved, dear; allowed azvgR.; supposed, imagined; am n. desire, wish.

*jd.6 - kalyANam astu vAm yAma: - may good fortune come to you! vayam tu abhimatAm dizam - but for us the wished/supposed direction na kiJ.cit api - there is nothing whatever yat cittam - which is affected yasya na abhimatam bhavet - which does not become desired/supposed.

*moT.. nanu katham tavApy abhimatam astIty | atrAha na kiJ.cid iti | tat kiJ.cid api na bhavati | yasya cittasya abhimatam na asti | ato mamApi sacittatvAd abhimatam astIti bhAva: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.6 ||4|16| ... api tac cittam ... ||4|16|


इति_उक्त्वा मुञ्चतोः बाष्पम् तयोः सः_अन्तरधीयत

iti_uktvA muJcato: bASpam tayo: sa:_antaradhIyata |

तप्त-अङ्ग्योः इव रोदस्योः समम् अंशुभिः अंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

tapta-aGgyo: iva rodasyo: samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn ||4|16|7||




they both let loose their tears


such was their inner feeling

like heat filling the hemisphere

or sunbeams sent.out by the sun.


iti uktvA

so saying

muJcato: bASpam

both loosed tears

tayo: sa: antaradhIyata - x

tapta-aGgyo: iva rodasyo: - x

samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn - x

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two- bhRgu and zukra. The second line compares him with the Sun: As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).

*m. 7. As he said thus, the two (Sukra and Bhrigu) were touched by affection and were moved to tears. The sky became red with the setting sun.

*vlm.7. Saying so, the god vanished from before the weeping father and son, and moved admist the burning sky, like the dispenser of light (sun).

*moT.. taptAMzu: sUrya: | rodasyo: dyAvApRthivyo: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.7 ||4|16| ... muJcato: puSpam tayo: ... ||4|16|

*sv.7-8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.


गते तस्मिन् भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

gate tasmin bhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

विचार्य भार्गवः_-भेद्याम् नियतेः नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

vicArya bhArgava:_a-bhedyAm niyate: niyatAm gatim ||4|16|8||


then Time the Terminator went.about his duties


Shukra the fiery.bright Bhârgava followed his own road

from destiny to destiny


*vlm.8. After the god had gone to the place of his destination, and gained his destined state among the gods, the Bhrigus remained to ruminate on the inexplicable and unalterable course of destiny (or divine ordinance).

*sv.7-8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.

*kRtAnte bhagavati gate tasmin The ender of things, lord [Time], going there bhavitavya-tAm to his duty bhArgava: vicArya the scion of bhRgu sought.out  abhedyAm the inevitable gatim niyate: niyatAm road from destiny to destiny


काल.कारण=संशुष्काम् भावि.पुष्प.शुभ.उदयाम्

kAla-kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi-puSpa-zubha~udayAm |

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लताम् इव माधवः ॥४।१६।९॥

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava: ||4|16|9||


kAla-kAraNa=saMzuSkAm Withered because of time


he entered that young body

tAm tanum bAlAm

su.latAm iva mAdhava:

as spring enters a vine

tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava:

. .

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT._4,16.8-9||
*sv.9 Thereupon, Sukra abandoned the body of Vasudeva in which he had performed intense penance on the bank of the river_samaGgA and re-entered the decayed body of Sukra, the son of the sage bhRgu.

*m. 9 Sukra then entered his body, which declined due to some exigencies of time like spring entering a tender creeper. ‘This body is going to be the cause of many auspicious events.’

*vlm.9. Súkra entered into his withered corpse, as the season of spring enters into a faded plant, in order to adorn it again with its vernal bloom, and its re-springing blossoms.

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT._4,16.8-9||


सा ब्राह्मणी-तनुः भूमौ विवर्ण-वदन.ङ्गिका

sA brAhmaNI-tanu: bhUmau vivarNa-vadana~aGgikA |

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्न-मूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna-mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|10||


sA brAhmaNI-tanu: bhUmau vivarNa-vadana~aGgikA | papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna-mUlA latA yathA


his_brAhmaNa body

that palefaced embodiment

fell to earth

quickly toppled

like a sapling cut at the root.

*moT._4,16.10 || sA brAhmaNa-tanur... vadanaGgikA ...

*m.10 At that time the body of the bra:min on the ‘_samaGgA’ banks fell to pieces like a creeper to its roots.

*sv.10 At that very moment, the body of Vasudeva fell down like an uprooted tree and became a corpse.

*vlm.10. His Bráhmanical body fell down immediately on the ground, staggering as when a tree is felled or falls down with its uprooted trunk; and it became disfigured in a moment in its face and limbs.


तस्याम् प्रविष्ट.जीवायाम् पुत्र.तन्वाम् महा.मुनिः

tasyAm praviSTa-jIvAyAm putra-tanvAm mahA.muni: |

चकार_अपि_आयनम् मन्त्रैः कमण्डलु-वारिभिः ॥४।१६।११॥

cakAra_api_Ayanam mantrai: sa* kamaNDalu-vAribhi: ||4|16|11||


to bring life into his son's body

the Great_muni

revived it with mantra.s

and the water of his Holy Waterpot.

*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

tasyAm praviSTa-jIvAyAm

For entering-life


his son's body


the Great Muni

cakAra ApyAyanam mantrai:

caused it to grow by mantras

sa kamaNDalu-vAribhi:

with the water of his holy Waterpot.

*moT.. tasyAm zukrAkhyAyAm ... ¶ ApyAyanam pUraNam || *moT._4,16.11 ||

*m.11 Then the great sage Bhrigu sprinkled the sacred water from his ‘kamandalu’ on the body of his son.

*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

*sv.11-12-13 The sage bhRgu sprinkled the body of Sukra with the holy water from his own water-pot, uttering sacred hymns which had the power to revive that body, clothing it with flesh, etc. Instantly, that body became youthful and radiant as it was before.

#pyai - #Apyai - #ApyAya ~ becoming full, increasing, _KSS. - #ApyAyana -adj.- causing fulness or stoutness SuS3r • increasing welfare, gladdening_Lex. - *ApyAyanam - the act of making full or fat_suSr; satiating; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing,_mn; increasing, causing to thrive,_mbh; growing or being fat or stout; gladness L.


र्वा नाड्यः_ततः_तन्वाः_स्याः पूर्णा विरेजिरे

sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: tasyA: pUrNA* virejire |

सरितः प्रावृषि_इव_म्बु.पूर.पूरित.कोटराः ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarita: prAvRSi_iva_ambu-pUra-pUrita-koTarA: ||4|16|12||


sarvA nADya: tatas - then all the nADI.Channels

tanvA: tasyA: - in that body

pUrNA: virejire - appeared full

sarita: prAvRSi iva - like rivers in the Rains

ambu-pUra-pUrita-koTarA: - with overflowing water filling the hollows of the earth.
*vlm.12. The veins and arteries and all the cells and cavities of the dead body, were again supplied with their circulating blood; as the dry beds of rivers, are filled again with floods of water in the rainy weather.

*m.12. Then all the nervous and other systems of the body became full with energy like a river being filled with waters in rainy season.


नलिनी प्रावृषि_इव_असौ धाव् इ नवा लता

nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhau_iva navA latA |

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्याः प्रान्ताः पल्लविता बभुः ॥४।१६।१३॥

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: ||4|16|13||


it was like a lotus in the Rains,

like a green shoot in spring,
when full

its sides swelled like a sprouting vine


nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhau_iva navA latA |

yadA pUrNA tadA - when/where full then/there -

tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: - they having.become- -


*vlm.13. The body being filled with blood, gave the limbs to bloom; like the growth of lotuses in rainy lakes, and the bursting of new shoots and buds in vernal plants.


अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ वहत्.प्राण.समीरणः

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat-prANa-samIraNa: |

रस.मारुत.संयोगात्_पूर्ण वारिदः ॥४।१६।१४॥

rasa-mAruta-saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida: ||4|16|14||


atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat-prANa-samIraNa: | rasa-mAruta-saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida:


and then Shukra.Bright stood.up

grown active by the flow of prâna

with rasa.Feeling and mAruta.Air conjoined

he was as full as a raincloud


*m.14 Then Sukra stood up with all the vital airs flowing though the body in full force and rhy thm. It was like an ocean rising in tide due to the airs blowing across its surface.

*vlm.14. Súkra then rose up from the ground, breathing the breath of life, like the cloud ascending to the sky by force of the winds.


पुरो ऽभिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन.आकृतिम्

pura:_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

प्रथम_उल्लासितः_मेघः स्तनितेन_इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

prathama_ullAsita: megha: stanitena_iva parvatam ||4|16|15||


he bowed respectfully before his father's sacred figure


he was like a raincloud after a long drought

when its thunder greets the mountaintop


pura:_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim | prathama_ullAsita: megha: stanitena_iva parvatam


*m.15 Seeing his father before him, he bowed to him, the most sacred one. It was like a mountain being pleased by the first thunder from a cloud.

*vlm.15. He bowed down to his father, standing in his holy figure before him; as the rising cloud clings to, and kisses the foot of the lofty mountain.


पिता_अथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा लि.लिङ्ग.आकृतिम् ततः

pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali-liGga.AkRtim tata: |

स्नेह.र्द्र.वृत्तिः_दः_चिरात्_द्रि.तटीम् इव ॥४।१६।१६॥

sneha.Ardra-vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri-taTIm iva ||4|16|16||


and then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced-body thus


a cloud from afar

adri-taTIm iva

as-if a mountain-top.


pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali-liGga.AkRtim tata: | sneha.Ardra-vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri-taTIm iva -


And then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced-body thus


a cloud from afar

as-if a mountain-top


*m. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16-17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

*vlm.16. The father then embraced the revived body of his son, and shed a flood of his affectionate tears upon him; as the high risen cloud washes the mountain top with showers.

*m.16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

?? *VA: having said so, he disappeared leaving them shedding tears of affliction, like heavens and earth heated by rays of sun

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two- bhRgu and zukra.

The second line compares him with the Sun:
As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).


भृगुः_दर्श स=स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

bhRgu: dadarza sa-sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

त्तः_जाता_इयम् त्य् आस्थाम् हसन् अपि महामतिः ॥४।१६।१७॥

matta: jAtA_iyam iti_AsthAm hasan api mahAmati: ||4|16|17||


bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy that mighty mind.

bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy,

that mighty mind.

*vlm.17. Bhrigu looked with affection on the new risen old body of his son; and smiled to see the resuscitation of the body that was begotten by him.

*m.16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16-17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

bhRgu: dadarza bhRgu the Fiery saw

sa-sneham with love

prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum former son's body

matta : jAtA iyam iti AsthAm delighted that it was his very own hope

hasan api mahA-mati: laughing then that great mind


*mo. tAnayIm tanaya.sambandhinIm | nanu tAdRg.jJAna.yuktena tena katham tAnayI tanu: sasneham dRSTA_iti | atra_Aha matta iti ||4|16| *moT._4,16.17 || ... tAnayIm tanum / matto jAto 'yam ity AsthA haraty api mahAmatim ||


मत्.पुत्रो ऽयम् इति स्नेहः_भृगुम् प्य् अहरत् तदा

mat.putra:_ayam iti sneha: bhRgum api_aharat tadA |

परमात्मीयता देहे यावत्_कृति.भाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvat AkRti-bhAvinI ||4|16|18||


"This is my likeness, my own son,"

bhRgu the Fiery thought,

and he was overcome with love,

seeing himself there, in the live body.

mat.putra:_ayam –

"This is my son"

iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA

paramAtmIyatA dehe –

an absolute likeness in body

yAvat_AkRti-bhAvinI -

insofar as assuming form

mat.putra:_ayam iti sneha:

bhRgum api_aharat tadA |

paramAtmIyatA dehe

yAvat AkRti-bhAvinI -


*vlm.18. He was pleased to know him as the son born of himself; and to find his features engrafted in him.

*VA: as sir Time went, zukra, having deliberated on what to be done, went on doing that by necessary order of God.

*AS: zukra, having considered the unbreakable order of future events ...

ayam mat putra: iti

*mo. … yAvad AkRti ... ¶ paratA parabhAva: | AtmIyatA AtmIyabhAva: | yAvadAkRti yAvaccharIram | bhAvinI apari:AryA || *moT._4,16.18 || ... paratAtmIyatA ceyam ... ||

*sv.18. The feeling of affection at the thought, "This is my son" overcame even the sage bhRgu; this is natural as long as there is body-consciousness. Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.

*m.16-18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.


बभूवतुः पिता-पुत्रौ ताव् अ_अन्योन्य.शोभितौ

babhUvatu: pitA-putrau tau_atha_anyonya-zobhitau |

निशा_अवसान.मुदिताव् अर्क-पद्म.आकराव् इ ॥४।१६।१९॥

nizA_avasAna-muditau_arka-padma.Akarau_iva ||4|16|19||


those two soon became

—father and son—

mutually delighted

nightly delighted by daybreak

they were like sun and lotus in form.


babhUvatu: pitA-putrau tau atha - sp those two, father & son, were

anyonya-zobhitau - mutual embellishments

nizA avasAna-muditau

arka-padma.Akarau iva - like sun and lotus in form


*moT.. … / nizAvasAnamuditAv arkapadmAkarAv iva // Mo. 4,16.19 //

nizAvasAne prabhAte | muditau ||4|16| *moT._4,16.19 ||4|16|

*m.19-20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night.

*vlm.19. Thus the son and sire graced each other by their company, as the sun and lotus-lake rejoice to see one another, after the shade of night.

*sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.


चिर.संगम.सम्बद्धाव् इ चक्र.आह्व.म्पती

cira-saMgama-sambaddhau_iva cakra.Ahva-dampatI |

घन.आगमन..स्नेहौ मयूर.जलदाव् इ ॥४।१६।२०॥

ghana.Agamana-sa.snehau mayUra-jaladau_iva ||4|16|20||


The two cira.for.long.



iva.like/as.if cakra.Ahva-dampatI



mayUra-jaladau – peacock-cloud.

*vlm.20. They rejoiced at their reunion, like the loving pair of swans at the end of the night of their separation; and as the joyous couple of peacocks, at the approach of the rainy clouds.

*sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.

*m.19-20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night. They were like two Chakravaka birds on the advent of a cloud.


चिर.काल.दृढ.उत्कण्ठौ तुल्य.योग्यतया तया

cira.kAla-dRDha~utkaNThau tulya-yogyatayA tayA |

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् ताव् अ_उत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau_atha_utthAya mahAmatI ||4|16|21||


cira-kAla-dRDha_utkaNThau – long-time-firm-eager tayA tulya-yogyatayA – by them like-suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA-matI – two great minds.

they sat a long time, recognizing the closeness between them—for

an hour or more—and then at last those two wise souls rose up again.

*vlm.21. The worthy sire and son, sat awhile on the spot, to halt after all their toils and troubles were at an end, and then they rose up to discharge the duties that were then at hand.

*sv.19-20-21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re-union.

*moT.. cirakAladRDhotkaNThayogyayA kathayA tayA ... // Mo. 4,16.21 //

#hve - #Ahve - #Ahva‑ - a caller, crier: (ifc.) named, called.

* cira-kAla-dRDha_utkaNThau – long-time-firm-eager tayA tulya-yogyatayA – by them like-suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA-matI – two great minds.

समङ्गा.द्विज=देहम् तम् भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः

samaGgA-dvija=deham tam bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् _अनुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

ka: hi nAma jagat-jAtam AcAram na_anutiSThati ||4|16|22||


the body of the samAGga.twiceborn


they burned to ash

for who, of those born in this world, does not follow its customs?

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth- born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

samaGgA-dvija=deham tam समङ्ग-=द्विज.देहम् तम् - the body of the samAGga.twiceborn

bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः they turned to ashes there

ka: hi nAma jagaj-jAtam AcAram na_anutiSThati को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् _अनुतिष्ठति for just who does not follow the customs of the world?

#part.#sam - #samaGga -adj.- having all the limbs, complete_AV. (in MBh. applied to the my thical cow #ba:ulA बहुला).

*sv.22 Both bhRgu and Sukra then performed the funeral rites of the body of the bra:mana boy Vasudeva; for thus do the men of wisdom honour social customs and traditions.

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth- born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

~mo. ... / ka: hi nAma jagajjAta AcAram ...i // Mo. 4,16.22 // AcAram lokAcAram || *moT._4,16.20-22 ||


एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन् पावने भृगु.भार्गवौ

evam tau kAnane tasmin pAvane bhRgu-bhArgavau |

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवि_इव शि.भास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi_iva zazi-bhAskarau ||4|16|23||



they two

there in that sacred forest

bhRgu and the bhArgava

dwelt in their radiant tapas

like the moon and sun in the sky


evam tau kAnane tasmin

pAvane bhRgu-bhArgavau |

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau

divi_iva zazi-bhAskarau -


*m.22 Later, they continued their penance on the Mandara hill shining like sun and moon.

*sv.23 Both of them then shone with the radiance of the sun and the moon.

*vlm.23. Afterwards the two devotees Bhrigu and Bhargava continued to dwell in that forest, like the two luminaries—the sun and moon, in the region of the sky.

*moT.. ... / saMsthitau tapasA dIptau ... // Mo. 4,16.23 // spaSTam || *moT._4,16.23 ||


चेरतुः_ज्ञात.विज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्.गुरू

ceratu:_jJAta-vijJeyau jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU |

देश.काल.श.ओघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ ततः ॥४।१६।२४॥

deza.kAla-daza~ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||4|16|24||


ceratu: - they traveled

jJAta-vijJeyau - known and knowing

jIvanmuktau – Living.Free

jagad.gurU – two World-Teachers

deza.kAla-dazA-ogheSu – in so many states of place and time

su.samau su.sthirau tata: - both the same, firmly fixed in That


*m. 24-26. Knowing what should be known, liberated while-in-life the two teachers of the world lived on unaffected by happiness or sorrows.

*sv.24 They who were surely the spiritual preceptors of the whole universe roamed the world. Established firmly in the knowledge of the self, they remained unmoved by the changes that took place in the time and in the environment.

*vlm.24. They both continued as the living liberated guides of men, by their knowledge of all that was to be known; and pre-serving the equanimity of their minds, and the steadiness of their dispositions, amidst all the vicissitudes of time and place: (and the changes of their fortune and circumstances).

*moT.. ... / dezakAladazaugheSu suzamam susthirau tata: // Mo. 4,16.24 //
tapa: kathambhUtam | zobhana: zama: yasmin | tat | tAdRzam || *moT._4,16.24 ||


अथ_असुर.गुरुत्वम् सः शुक्रः कालेन लब्धवान्

atha_asura-gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

भृगुः_पि_आत्मनः_योग्ये दे ऽतिष्ठत्_नामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

bhRgu: api_Atmana: yogye pade_atiSThat anAmaye ||4|16|25||


atha_asura-gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn - and so that zukra.Bright

after some time became guru of the asura.Darklings


Atmana: yogye pade

atiSThat_anAmaye - .


atha_asura-gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

bhRgu: api_Atmana: yogye pade_atiSThat anAmaye


*m. 25 In course of time Sukra became the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasas. Sage Bhrigu remained in that Supreme state (as Prajapti).

*sv.25 In course of time, Sukra became the spiritual preceptor of the demons; and his father bhRgu became one of the sages of highest wisdom.

*vlm.25. In course of time Sukra obtained the preceptorship of the demons, and Bhrigu remained in his patriarchal rank and authority among the sons of men (mánavas).

*VA: they burnt the body of twiceborn bramin of samanga river, for who does not uphold world-accepted customs? *AS: I agree. *VA: what is the form and splitting of atiSThadanAmaye? *AS: It is atiSThat anAmaye (the t- d is sandhi change). I think you would get it now? (anAmaye pade atiSThat).

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.25 // Atmana: yogye pade videha.mukty-Akhye pade || *moT._4,16.25 ||

शुक्रः_असौ प्रथमम् इति क्रमेण जातः

zukra:_asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta:

तस्मात् सत् परम.पदात् उदार.कीर्तिः

tasmAt sat parama-padAt udAra-kIrti: |

स्वेन_आशु स्मृति.पद.विभ्रमेण पश्चात्

svena_Azu smRti-pada-vibhrameNa pazcAt

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितः दशा.न्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

anyeSu pravilulita: dazA~antareSu ||4|16|26||


zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta: – this shukra was first in the order of birth tasmAt sat_parama-padAt - from that higher level of being -


svena_Azu -

all by himself





dazA-antareSu -
in his internal conditions.

*m. 26 Thus Sukra, who originally lived in that Supreme state of self, slipped into other lower states due to a loss of memory of his original state.

*sv.26 Such is the story of the sage Sukra; who on account of his infatuation with a nymph, wandered in countless wombs.

*vlm.26. Thus the son of Bhrigu, who was born as Sukra at first, was gradually led away from his holy state by his thought of the heavenly nymph, and subjected to various states of life to which he was prone; (by the bent of his mind and inward pivities*).

*moT.. sargAntazlokena zukravRttAntam saGkSipya kathayati zukro 'sAv iti | etasmAt sarveSAm Atmatvena puro vartamAnAt | paramapadAt cinmAtrAkhyAt uttamAt sthAnAt | dazAntareSu samaGgAtApasatvaparyanteSv avasthAvizeSeSu | iti zivam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.26 || ... jAta etasmAt ... pazcAd evam ca pravilulito ... ||4|16|

#lul - #vilul - #pravilul - #pravilulita‑ - shaken hither & thither • the only instance of this word in google is in nAtya.zAstra + pravilulito dazA-antareSu yv.FM 4.16.26 +












santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥

Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

The complete YVFiles of this masterpiece can be found at

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Jiva Das

Apr 6, 2021, 5:24:54 PM4/6/21
to yoga vasishtha


सर्ग .

sarga 4.16

santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

The complete YVFiles of this masterpiece can be found at

Jiva Das

Apr 6, 2021, 5:31:57 PM4/6/21
to yoga vasishtha






*bhArgava is the family name of *zukra, the son of *bhRgu,

"bhArgava" is created by doubly expanding the first vowel of *bhRgu

so bhRgu .a  . bhargu .a  . bhArgu .a  . bhArgav .a.

it is difficult to reconcile this formation with the common pronunciation

of the retroflex vowel <R> as "ri" or "ru";

rather, the tongue should be turned (but not clicked)

as a retroflex;

in like manner rAma,

the descendant of raghu,

is called raghu .a  . rAghu .a  . rAghav .a.






अथ_आक्षिप्य चः_स्य तनयस्य तथा भृगोः

atha_AkSipya vaca:_tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

उवाच भगवान् कालः_वचः_म्भीर.निःस्वनः ॥४।१६।१॥

uvAca bhagavAn kAla:_vaca:_gambhIra .ni:svana: ||4|16|1||



the Lord of Time responded in a voice that seemed to stream from deep



then chastising/correcting the words of that descendant of Bhrgu

the Lord Time spoke words the deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


*vlm.p.1. Vasishtha continued:—The god Yama interrupted zukra’s long lamentation and addressed him in words that sounded as deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*vlm. ... deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*atha.next/then AkSipya.chastising/correcting the vacas.speech/voice/words tasya.his/its/of.that tanaya.offspring/child/descendant tathA.thus of Bhrgu | uvAca.said/spoke .the Lord Bhagavan kAla.time vaca: the acas.speech/voice/words the gambhira.deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


TIME said—


समङ्गा.तापसीम् एताम् तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

samaGgA .tApasIm etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

प्रविश_इमाम् तनुम् साधो नगरीम् इव पार्थिवः ॥४।१६।२॥

praviza_imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm iva pArthiva: ||4|16|2||


The Samangâ Ascetic's body

give it up, Bhârgava, and enter this one, sâdhu,

like a prince entering a city


*vlm. ... enter this dead body in the manner of a prince entering his palace.

* tApasI.ascetic.f. etAm.this.f. tanu.thin/small\body\person saMtyaja.having.abandoned praviza.enter! tanu.thin/small\body\person  nagara.city/town pArthiva.earthly/princely


काले पूर्व.जया तन्वा तपः कृत्वा तया पुनः

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

गुरुत्वम् असुर.इन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवता_अनघ ॥४।१६।३॥

gurutvam asura .indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha ||4|16|3||


kAle  . in.time/after.a.while . pUrva.jayA tanvA  . being.embodied from previous birth  . tapa: kRtvA tayA puna:  . *tapas being made by him again  .

gurutvam asura .indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA_anagha  .


*vlm.3. Thou shalt perform austere devotion with this thy first born body, and obtain by virtue of that, the preceptorship of the Daitya tribe.

 .Mo. 4,16.3 // ... tapa: kRtvA_anayA ...

*m. 3 O sinless one, continue your penance with this body and become the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasa tribes. It is your duty.

*sv.3 With that other body of Sukra, once again engage yourself in penance and then become the spiritual preceptor of the demons.


महा.कल्पान्तयाते भवता भार्गवी तनुः

mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

.पुनर्.ग्रहणाय_एषा त्याज्या प्रम्लान.पुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

a .punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna .puSpavat ||4|16|4||


When the Great Doomsday comes

the Bhârgava body should not be taken again by Your Grace


it should be cast.aside like a faded flower


mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: | a .punar.grahaNAya_eSA tyAjyA pramlAna .puSpavat  .


*vlm. ... at the end of the great kalpa, thou shalt have to shuffle off thy mortal coil ...

*m. ... so that you do not have to take a body again.


जीवन्मुक्त.पदम् प्राप्तः_न्वा प्राक्तन.रूपया

jIvan.mukta .padam prApta: tanvA prAktana .rUpayA |

हा.असुर.न्द्र.गुरुताम् कुर्वन् तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

mahA .asura .indra .gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|5||


having.got the state of Living .Free

with a body of previously.acquired form*

acting as the Guru of the great Darkling Lords

take your rest, great Thinker


jIvan.mukta .padam prApta: tanvA prAktana .rUpayA | mahA .asura .indra .gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate


*m. 5. After attaining the state of ‘Sivanmukta’, take a body with the same form as now and assure the ‘guruship’ of noble Rakshasas.

*vlm.5. Having attained the state of living liberation, by merit of thy prior acts; thou shalt continue in the preceptorship of the leader of the great Asuras for ever.

*moT.. prAktana .rUpayA zukra.AkhyayA ||4|16| *moT._4,16.5 ||4|16|


कल्याणम् अस्तु वाम् यामः वयम् तु_अभिमताम् दिशम्

kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu_abhimatAm dizam |

किम्चित्_पि यत् चित्तम् यस्य _अभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet ||4|16|6||


May blessing come upon you


but now for us the place which we are going.to is what the mind effects,

that becomes

as soon as it's supposed


kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu_abhimatAm dizam | na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na_abhimatam bhavet


*AS: ... there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*vlm. ... know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

*AS: Good luck to you two, we (editorial we) go in our desired direction; (you on the other hand are one for whom) there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*m. 6. May you be blessed! I am going in the direction of my liking when someone’s mind goes towards a certain thing, that thing will not become unliked.

*vlm.6. Fare you well, we shall now depart to our desired habitation; know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

#abhimata mfn. longed for, wished, desired; loved, dear; allowed azvgR.; supposed, imagined; am n. desire, wish.

*jd.6  . kalyANam astu vAm yAma:  . may good fortune come to you! vayam tu abhimatAm dizam  . but for us the wished/supposed direction na kiJ.cit api  . there is nothing whatever yat cittam  . which is affected yasya na abhimatam bhavet  . which does not become desired/supposed.

*moT.. nanu katham tavApy abhimatam astIty | atrAha na kiJ.cid iti | tat kiJ.cid api na bhavati | yasya cittasya abhimatam na asti | ato mamApi sacittatvAd abhimatam astIti bhAva: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.6 ||4|16| ... api tac cittam ... ||4|16|


इति_उक्त्वा मुञ्चतोः बाष्पम् तयोः सः_अन्तरधीयत

iti_uktvA muJcato: bASpam tayo: sa:_antaradhIyata |

तप्त .अङ्ग्योः इव रोदस्योः समम् अंशुभिः अंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

tapta .aGgyo: iva rodasyo: samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn ||4|16|7||




they both let loose their tears


such was their inner feeling

like heat filling the hemisphere

or sunbeams sent.out by the sun.


iti uktvA

so saying

muJcato: bASpam

both loosed tears

tayo: sa: antaradhIyata  . x

tapta .aGgyo: iva rodasyo:  . x

samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn  . x

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two . bhRgu and zukra. The second line compares him with the Sun: As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).

*m. 7. As he said thus, the two (Sukra and Bhrigu) were touched by affection and were moved to tears. The sky became red with the setting sun.

*vlm.7. Saying so, the god vanished from before the weeping father and son, and moved admist the burning sky, like the dispenser of light (sun).

*moT.. taptAMzu: sUrya: | rodasyo: dyAvApRthivyo: ||4|16| *moT._4,16.7 ||4|16| ... muJcato: puSpam tayo: ... ||4|16|

*sv.7 .8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.


गते तस्मिन् भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

gate tasmin bhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

विचार्य भार्गवः_ .भेद्याम् नियतेः नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

vicArya bhArgava:_a .bhedyAm niyate: niyatAm gatim ||4|16|8||


then Time the Terminator went.about his duties


Shukra the fiery.bright Bhârgava followed his own road

from destiny to destiny


*vlm.8. After the god had gone to the place of his destination, and gained his destined state among the gods, the Bhrigus remained to ruminate on the inexplicable and unalterable course of destiny (or divine ordinance).

*sv.7 .8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.

*kRtAnte bhagavati gate tasmin The ender of things, lord [Time], going there bhavitavya .tAm to his duty bhArgava: vicArya the scion of bhRgu sought.out  abhedyAm the inevitable gatim niyate: niyatAm road from destiny to destiny


काल.कारण=संशुष्काम् भावि.पुष्प.शुभ.उदयाम्

kAla .kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi .puSpa .zubha .udayAm |

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लताम् इव माधवः ॥४।१६।९॥

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava: ||4|16|9||


kAla .kAraNa=saMzuSkAm Withered because of time

bhAvi .puSpa .zubha_udayAm

he entered that young body

tAm tanum bAlAm

su.latAm iva mAdhava:

as spring enters a vine

tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava:

. .

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT._4,16.8 .9||
*sv.9 Thereupon, Sukra abandoned the body of Vasudeva in which he had performed intense penance on the bank of the river_samaGgA and re .entered the decayed body of Sukra, the son of the sage bhRgu.

*m. 9 Sukra then entered his body, which declined due to some exigencies of time like spring entering a tender creeper. ‘This body is going to be the cause of many auspicious events.’

*vlm.9. Súkra entered into his withered corpse, as the season of spring enters into a faded plant, in order to adorn it again with its vernal bloom, and its re .springing blossoms.

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT._4,16.8 .9||


सा ब्राह्मणी .तनुः भूमौ विवर्ण .वदन.ङ्गिका

sA brAhmaNI .tanu: bhUmau vivarNa .vadana .aGgikA |

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्न .मूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna .mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|10||


sA brAhmaNI .tanu: bhUmau vivarNa .vadana .aGgikA | papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna .mUlA latA yathA


his_brAhmaNa body

that palefaced embodiment

fell to earth

quickly toppled

like a sapling cut at the root.

*moT._4,16.10 || sA brAhmaNa .tanur... vadanaGgikA ...

*m.10 At that time the body of the bra:min on the ‘_samaGgA’ banks fell to pieces like a creeper to its roots.

*sv.10 At that very moment, the body of Vasudeva fell down like an uprooted tree and became a corpse.

*vlm.10. His Bráhmanical body fell down immediately on the ground, staggering as when a tree is felled or falls down with its uprooted trunk; and it became disfigured in a moment in its face and limbs.


तस्याम् प्रविष्ट.जीवायाम् पुत्र.तन्वाम् महा.मुनिः

tasyAm praviSTa .jIvAyAm putra .tanvAm mahA.muni: |

चकार_अपि_आयनम् मन्त्रैः कमण्डलु .वारिभिः ॥४।१६।११॥

cakAra_api_Ayanam mantrai: sa* kamaNDalu .vAribhi: ||4|16|11||


to bring life into his son's body

the Great_muni

revived it with mantra.s

and the water of his Holy Waterpot.

*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

tasyAm praviSTa .jIvAyAm

For entering .life

putra .tanvAm

his son's body

mahA .muni:

the Great Muni

cakAra ApyAyanam mantrai:

caused it to grow by mantras

sa kamaNDalu .vAribhi:

with the water of his holy Waterpot.

*moT.. tasyAm zukrAkhyAyAm ... ¶ ApyAyanam pUraNam || *moT._4,16.11 ||

*m.11 Then the great sage Bhrigu sprinkled the sacred water from his ‘kamandalu’ on the body of his son.

*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

*sv.11 .12 .13 The sage bhRgu sprinkled the body of Sukra with the holy water from his own water .pot, uttering sacred hymns which had the power to revive that body, clothing it with flesh, etc. Instantly, that body became youthful and radiant as it was before.

#pyai  . #Apyai  . #ApyAya  . becoming full, increasing, _KSS.  . #ApyAyana  .adj. . causing fulness or stoutness SuS3r • increasing welfare, gladdening_Lex.  . *ApyAyanam  . the act of making full or fat_suSr; satiating; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing,_mn; increasing, causing to thrive,_mbh; growing or being fat or stout; gladness L.


र्वा नाड्यः_ततः_तन्वाः_स्याः पूर्णा विरेजिरे

sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: tasyA: pUrNA* virejire |

सरितः प्रावृषि_इव_म्बु.पूर.पूरित.कोटराः ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarita: prAvRSi_iva_ambu .pUra .pUrita .koTarA: ||4|16|12||


sarvA nADya: tatas  . then all the nADI.Channels

tanvA: tasyA:  . in that body

pUrNA: virejire  . appeared full
sarita: prAvRSi iva  . like rivers in the Rains
ambu .pUra .pUrita .koTarA:  . with overflowing water filling the hollows of the earth.

*vlm.12. The veins and arteries and all the cells and cavities of the dead body, were again supplied with their circulating blood; as the dry beds of rivers, are filled again with floods of water in the rainy weather.

*m.12. Then all the nervous and other systems of the body became full with energy like a river being filled with waters in rainy season.


नलिनी प्रावृषि_इव_असौ धाव् इ नवा लता

nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhau_iva navA latA |

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्याः प्रान्ताः पल्लविता बभुः ॥४।१६।१३॥

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: ||4|16|13||


it was like a lotus in the Rains,

like a green shoot in spring,
when full

its sides swelled like a sprouting vine


nalinI prAvRSi_iva_asau madhau_iva navA latA |

yadA pUrNA tadA  . when/where full then/there  .

tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu:  . they having.become .  .


*vlm.13. The body being filled with blood, gave the limbs to bloom; like the growth of lotuses in rainy lakes, and the bursting of new shoots and buds in vernal plants.


अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ वहत्.प्राण.समीरणः

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat .prANa .samIraNa: |

रस.मारुत.संयोगात्_पूर्ण वारिदः ॥४।१६।१४॥

rasa .mAruta .saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida: ||4|16|14||


atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat .prANa .samIraNa: | rasa .mAruta .saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida:


and then Shukra.Bright stood.up

grown active by the flow of prâna

with rasa.Feeling and mAruta.Air conjoined

he was as full as a raincloud


*m.14 Then Sukra stood up with all the vital airs flowing though the body in full force and rhy thm. It was like an ocean rising in tide due to the airs blowing across its surface.

*vlm.14. Súkra then rose up from the ground, breathing the breath of life, like the cloud ascending to the sky by force of the winds.


पुरो ऽभिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन.आकृतिम्

pura:_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

प्रथम_उल्लासितः_मेघः स्तनितेन_इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

prathama_ullAsita: megha: stanitena_iva parvatam ||4|16|15||


he bowed respectfully before his father's sacred figure


he was like a raincloud after a long drought

when its thunder greets the mountaintop


pura:_abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim | prathama_ullAsita: megha: stanitena_iva parvatam


*m.15 Seeing his father before him, he bowed to him, the most sacred one. It was like a mountain being pleased by the first thunder from a cloud.

*vlm.15. He bowed down to his father, standing in his holy figure before him; as the rising cloud clings to, and kisses the foot of the lofty mountain.


पिता_अथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा लि.लिङ्ग.आकृतिम् ततः

pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali .liGga.AkRtim tata: |

स्नेह.र्द्र.वृत्तिः_दः_चिरात्_द्रि.तटीम् इव ॥४।१६।१६॥

sneha.Ardra .vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri .taTIm iva ||4|16|16||


and then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced .body thus

love .melting .state

a cloud from afar

adri .taTIm iva

as .if a mountain .top.


pitA_atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali .liGga.AkRtim tata: | sneha.Ardra .vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri .taTIm iva  .


And then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced .body thus

love .melting .state

a cloud from afar

as .if a mountain .top


*m. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16 .17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

*vlm.16. The father then embraced the revived body of his son, and shed a flood of his affectionate tears upon him; as the high risen cloud washes the mountain top with showers.

*m.16 .18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

?? *VA: having said so, he disappeared leaving them shedding tears of affliction, like heavens and earth heated by rays of sun

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two . bhRgu and zukra.

The second line compares him with the Sun:
As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).


भृगुः_दर्श स=स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

bhRgu: dadarza sa .sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

त्तः_जाता_इयम् त्य् आस्थाम् हसन् अपि महामतिः ॥४।१६।१७॥

matta: jAtA_iyam iti_AsthAm hasan api mahAmati: ||4|16|17||


bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy that mighty mind.

bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy,

that mighty mind.

*vlm.17. Bhrigu looked with affection on the new risen old body of his son; and smiled to see the resuscitation of the body that was begotten by him.

*m.16 .18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16 .17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

bhRgu: dadarza bhRgu the Fiery saw

sa .sneham with love

prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum former son's body

matta : jAtA iyam iti AsthAm delighted that it was his very own hope

hasan api mahA .mati: laughing then that great mind


*mo. tAnayIm tanaya.sambandhinIm | nanu tAdRg.jJAna.yuktena tena katham tAnayI tanu: sasneham dRSTA_iti | atra_Aha matta iti ||4|16| *moT._4,16.17 || ... tAnayIm tanum / matto jAto 'yam ity AsthA haraty api mahAmatim ||


मत्.पुत्रो ऽयम् इति स्नेहः_भृगुम् प्य् अहरत् तदा

mat.putra:_ayam iti sneha: bhRgum api_aharat tadA |

परमात्मीयता देहे यावत्_कृति.भाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvat AkRti .bhAvinI ||4|16|18||


"This is my likeness, my own son,"

bhRgu the Fiery thought,

and he was overcome with love,

seeing himself there, in the live body.

mat.putra:_ayam –

"This is my son"

iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA

paramAtmIyatA dehe –

an absolute likeness in body

yAvat_AkRti .bhAvinI  .

insofar as assuming form

mat.putra:_ayam iti sneha:

bhRgum api_aharat tadA |

paramAtmIyatA dehe

yAvat AkRti .bhAvinI  .


*vlm.18. He was pleased to know him as the son born of himself; and to find his features engrafted in him.

*VA: as sir Time went, zukra, having deliberated on what to be done, went on doing that by necessary order of God.

*AS: zukra, having considered the unbreakable order of future events ...

ayam mat putra: iti

*mo. … yAvad AkRti ... ¶ paratA parabhAva: | AtmIyatA AtmIyabhAva: | yAvadAkRti yAvaccharIram | bhAvinI apari:AryA || *moT._4,16.18 || ... paratAtmIyatA ceyam ... ||

*sv.18. The feeling of affection at the thought, "This is my son" overcame even the sage bhRgu; this is natural as long as there is body .consciousness. Both of them rejoiced at this happy re .union.

*m.16 .18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.


बभूवतुः पिता .पुत्रौ ताव् अ_अन्योन्य.शोभितौ

babhUvatu: pitA .putrau tau_atha_anyonya .zobhitau |

निशा_अवसान.मुदिताव् अर्क .पद्म.आकराव् इ ॥४।१६।१९॥

nizA_avasAna .muditau_arka .padma.Akarau_iva ||4|16|19||


those two soon became

—father and son—

mutually delighted

nightly delighted by daybreak

they were like sun and lotus in form.


babhUvatu: pitA .putrau tau atha  . sp those two, father & son, were

anyonya .zobhitau  . mutual embellishments

nizA avasAna .muditau

arka .padma.Akarau iva  . like sun and lotus in form


*moT.. … / nizAvasAnamuditAv arkapadmAkarAv iva // Mo. 4,16.19 //
nizAvasAne prabhAte | muditau ||4|16| *moT._4,16.19 ||4|16|

*m.19 .20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night.

*vlm.19. Thus the son and sire graced each other by their company, as the sun and lotus .lake rejoice to see one another, after the shade of night.

*sv.19 .20 .21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re .union.


चिर.संगम.सम्बद्धाव् इ चक्र.आह्व.म्पती

cira .saMgama .sambaddhau_iva cakra.Ahva .dampatI |

घन.आगमन..स्नेहौ मयूर.जलदाव् इ ॥४।१६।२०॥

ghana.Agamana .sa.snehau mayUra .jaladau_iva ||4|16|20||


The two cira.for.long.



iva.like/as.if cakra.Ahva .dampatI


ghana.Agamana .sa .snehau

mayUra .jaladau – peacock .cloud.

*vlm.20. They rejoiced at their reunion, like the loving pair of swans at the end of the night of their separation; and as the joyous couple of peacocks, at the approach of the rainy clouds.

*sv.19 .20 .21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re .union.

*m.19 .20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night. They were like two Chakravaka birds on the advent of a cloud.


चिर.काल.दृढ.उत्कण्ठौ तुल्य.योग्यतया तया

cira.kAla .dRDha .utkaNThau tulya .yogyatayA tayA |

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् ताव् अ_उत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau_atha_utthAya mahAmatI ||4|16|21||


cira .kAla .dRDha_utkaNThau – long .time .firm .eager tayA tulya .yogyatayA – by them like .suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA .matI – two great minds.

they sat a long time, recognizing the closeness between them—for

an hour or more—and then at last those two wise souls rose up again.

*vlm.21. The worthy sire and son, sat awhile on the spot, to halt after all their toils and troubles were at an end, and then they rose up to discharge the duties that were then at hand.

*sv.19 .20 .21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re .union.

*moT.. cirakAladRDhotkaNThayogyayA kathayA tayA ... // Mo. 4,16.21 //

#hve  . #Ahve  . #Ahva .  . a caller, crier: (ifc.) named, called.

* cira .kAla .dRDha_utkaNThau – long .time .firm .eager tayA tulya .yogyatayA – by them like .suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA .matI – two great minds.

समङ्गा.द्विज=देहम् तम् भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः

samaGgA .dvija=deham tam bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् _अनुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

ka: hi nAma jagat .jAtam AcAram na_anutiSThati ||4|16|22||


the body of the samAGga.twiceborn


they burned to ash

for who, of those born in this world, does not follow its customs?

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth . born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

samaGgA .dvija=deham tam समङ्ग .=द्विज.देहम् तम्  . the body of the samAGga.twiceborn

bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः they turned to ashes there

ka: hi nAma jagaj .jAtam AcAram na_anutiSThati को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् _अनुतिष्ठति for just who does not follow the customs of the world?

#part.#sam  . #samaGga  .adj. . having all the limbs, complete_AV. (in MBh. applied to the my thical cow #ba:ulA बहुला).

*sv.22 Both bhRgu and Sukra then performed the funeral rites of the body of the bra:mana boy Vasudeva; for thus do the men of wisdom honour social customs and traditions.

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth . born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

 .mo. ... / ka: hi nAma jagajjAta AcAram ...i // Mo. 4,16.22 // AcAram lokAcAram || *moT._4,16.20 .22 ||


एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन् पावने भृगु.भार्गवौ

evam tau kAnane tasmin pAvane bhRgu .bhArgavau |

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवि_इव शि.भास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi_iva zazi .bhAskarau ||4|16|23||



they two

there in that sacred forest

bhRgu and the bhArgava

dwelt in their radiant tapas

like the moon and sun in the sky


evam tau kAnane tasmin

pAvane bhRgu .bhArgavau |

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau

divi_iva zazi .bhAskarau  .


*m.22 Later, they continued their penance on the Mandara hill shining like sun and moon.

*sv.23 Both of them then shone with the radiance of the sun and the moon.

*vlm.23. Afterwards the two devotees Bhrigu and Bhargava continued to dwell in that forest, like the two luminaries—the sun and moon, in the region of the sky.

*moT.. ... / saMsthitau tapasA dIptau ... // Mo. 4,16.23 // spaSTam || *moT._4,16.23 ||


चेरतुः_ज्ञात.विज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्.गुरू

ceratu:_jJAta .vijJeyau jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU |

देश.काल.श.ओघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ ततः ॥४।१६।२४॥

deza.kAla .daza .ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||4|16|24||


ceratu:  . they traveled

jJAta .vijJeyau  . known and knowing

jIvanmuktau – Living.Free

jagad.gurU – two World .Teachers

deza.kAla .dazA .ogheSu – in so many states of place and time

su.samau su.sthirau tata:  . both the same, firmly fixed in That


*m. 24 .26. Knowing what should be known, liberated while .in .life the two teachers of the world lived on unaffected by happiness or sorrows.

*sv.24 They who were surely the spiritual preceptors of the whole universe roamed the world. Established firmly in the knowledge of the self, they remained unmoved by the changes that took place in the time and in the environment.

*vlm.24. They both continued as the living liberated guides of men, by their knowledge of all that was to be known; and pre .serving the equanimity of their minds, and the steadiness of their dispositions, amidst all the vicissitudes of time and place: (and the changes of their fortune and circumstances).

*moT.. ... / dezakAladazaugheSu suzamam susthirau tata: // Mo. 4,16.24 //
tapa: kathambhUtam | zobhana: zama: yasmin | tat | tAdRzam || *moT._4,16.24 ||


अथ_असुर.गुरुत्वम् सः शुक्रः कालेन लब्धवान्

atha_asura .gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

भृगुः_पि_आत्मनः_योग्ये दे ऽतिष्ठत्_नामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

bhRgu: api_Atmana: yogye pade_atiSThat anAmaye ||4|16|25||


atha_asura .gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn  . and so that zukra.Bright

after some time became guru of the asura.Darklings

Atmana: yogye pade

atiSThat_anAmaye  . .


atha_asura .gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

bhRgu: api_Atmana: yogye pade_atiSThat anAmaye


*m. 25 In course of time Sukra became the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasas. Sage Bhrigu remained in that Supreme state (as Prajapti).

*sv.25 In course of time, Sukra became the spiritual preceptor of the demons; and his father bhRgu became one of the sages of highest wisdom.

*vlm.25. In course of time Sukra obtained the preceptorship of the demons, and Bhrigu remained in his patriarchal rank and authority among the sons of men (mánavas).

*VA: they burnt the body of twiceborn bramin of samanga river, for who does not uphold world .accepted customs? *AS: I agree. *VA: what is the form and splitting of atiSThadanAmaye? *AS: It is atiSThat anAmaye (the t . d is sandhi change). I think you would get it now? (anAmaye pade atiSThat).

*moT.. ... / ... // Mo. 4,16.25 // Atmana: yogye pade videha.mukty .Akhye pade || *moT._4,16.25 ||

शुक्रः_असौ प्रथमम् इति क्रमेण जातः

zukra:_asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta:

तस्मात् सत् परम.पदात् उदार.कीर्तिः

tasmAt sat parama .padAt udAra .kIrti: |

स्वेन_आशु स्मृति.पद.विभ्रमेण पश्चात्

svena_Azu smRti .pada .vibhrameNa pazcAt

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितः दशा.न्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

anyeSu pravilulita: dazA .antareSu ||4|16|26||


zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta: – this shukra was first in the order of birth tasmAt sat_parama .padAt  . from that higher level of being  .

udAra .kIrti:

svena_Azu  .

all by himself

smRti .pada .vibhrameNa




dazA .antareSu  .
in his internal conditions.

*m. 26 Thus Sukra, who originally lived in that Supreme state of self, slipped into other lower states due to a loss of memory of his original state.

*sv.26 Such is the story of the sage Sukra; who on account of his infatuation with a nymph, wandered in countless wombs.

*vlm.26. Thus the son of Bhrigu, who was born as Sukra at first, was gradually led away from his holy state by his thought of the heavenly nymph, and subjected to various states of life to which he was prone; (by the bent of his mind and inward pivities*).

*moT.. sargAntazlokena zukravRttAntam saGkSipya kathayati zukro 'sAv iti | etasmAt sarveSAm Atmatvena puro vartamAnAt | paramapadAt cinmAtrAkhyAt uttamAt sthAnAt | dazAntareSu samaGgAtApasatvaparyanteSv avasthAvizeSeSu | iti zivam ||4|16| *moT._4,16.26 || ... jAta etasmAt ... pazcAd evam ca pravilulito ... ||4|16|

#lul  . #vilul  . #pravilul  . #pravilulita .  . shaken hither & thither • the only instance of this word in google is in nAtya.zAstra + pravilulito dazA .antareSu yv.FM 4.16.26 +






santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

The complete YVFiles of this masterpiece can be found at

Jiva Das

Nov 17, 2021, 11:25:08 AM11/17/21
to yoga vasishtha


*bhArgava is the family name of *zukra, the son of *bhRgu,

"bhArgava" is created by doubly expanding the first vowel of *bhRgu

so bhRgu.a. bhargu.a. bhArgu.a. bhArgav.a.

it is difficult to reconcile this formation with the common pronunciation

of the retroflex vowel <R> as "ri" or "ru";

rather, the tongue should be turned (but not clicked)

as a retroflex;

in like manner rAma,

the descendant of raghu,

is called raghu.a. rAghu.a. rAghav.a.






थाक्षिप्य चोस्‍तस्‍य तनयस्य तथा भृगोः

atha AkSipya vaca: tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

उवाच भगवान् कालो वचो म्भीनिःस्वनः ॥४।१६।१॥

uvAca bhagavAn kAla: vaca: gambhIra.ni:svana: ||4|16|1||


atha AkSipya vaca: tasya /

tanayasya tathA bhRgo: =

uvAca bhagavAn kAla: \

vaca: gambhIra.ni:svana:



the Lord of Time responded in a voice that seemed to stream from deep



then chastising/correcting the words of that descendant of Bhrgu

the Lord Time spoke words the deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


*vlm.p.1. Vasishtha continued:—The god Yama interrupted zukra’s long lamentation and addressed him in words that sounded as deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*vlm.... deep as the roaring of a cloud.

*atha.next/then AkSipya.chastising/correcting the vacas.speech/voice/words tasya.his/its/of.that tanaya.offspring/child/descendant tathA.thus of Bhrgu | uvAca.said/spoke.the Lord Bhagavan kAla.time vaca: the acas.speech/voice/words the gambhira.deeply/gravely.ni:svana.resounding\ soundless


TIME said—


समङ्गा.तापसीमेताम्  तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

samaGgA.tApasIm etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

प्रवि zex माम् तनुम् साधो नगरी mix व पार्थिवः ॥४।१६।२॥

praviza imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm iva pArthiva: ||4|16|2||


samaGgA.tApasIm etAm /

tanum saMtyaja bhArgava =

praviza imAm tanum sAdho \

nagarIm iva pArthiva:


The Samangâ Ascetic's body

give it up, Bhârgava, and enter this one, sâdhu,

like a prince entering a city


*vlm.... enter this dead body in the manner of a prince entering his palace.

* tApasI.ascetic.f. etAm.this.f. tanu.thin/small\body\person saMtyaja.having.abandoned praviza.enter! tanu.thin/small\body\person nagara.city/town pArthiva.earthly/princely


काले पूर्वजया तन्वा तपः कृत्वा तया पुनः

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

गुरुत्वसुरेन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवतानघ ॥४।१६।३॥

gurutvam asura.indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA anagha ||4|16|3||


kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA /

tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

gurutvam asura.indrANAm \

kartavyam bhavatA anagha


kAle. in.time/after.a.while. pUrva.jayA tanvA. being.embodied from previous birth. tapa: kRtvA tayA puna:. *tapas being made by him again.

gurutvam asura.indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA anagha.


*vlm.3. Thou shalt perform austere devotion with this thy first born body, and obtain by virtue of that, the preceptorship of the Daitya tribe.

.Mo. 4,16.3 //... tapa: kRtvA anayA...

*m. 3 O sinless one, continue your penance with this body and become the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasa tribes. It is your duty.

*sv.3 With that other body of Sukra, once again engage yourself in penance and then become the spiritual preceptor of the demons.


महाकल्पान्त याते भवता भार्गवी तनुः

mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

अपुनर्ग्रहणायै षा त्याज्या प्रम्लापुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

a.punar.grahaNAya eSA tyAjyA pramlAna.puSpavat ||4|16|4||


mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte /

bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: =

a.punar.grahaNAya eSA \

tyAjyA pramlAna.puSpavat


When the Great Doomsday comes

the Bhârgava body should not be taken again by Your Grace


it should be cast.aside like a faded flower


*vlm.... at the end of the great kalpa, thou shalt have to shuffle off thy mortal coil...

*m.... so that you do not have to take a body again.


जीवन्मुक्तपदम् प्रा ptas न्वा प्राक्तरूपया

jIvan.mukta.padam prApta: tanvA prAktana.rUpayA |

हासुरेन्द्रगुरुताम् कुर्वन् तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

mahA.asura.indra.gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|5||


jIvan.mukta.padam prApta: /

tanvA prAktana.rUpayA |

mahA.asura.indra.gurutAm \

kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate


having.got the state of Living.Free

with a body of previously.acquired form*

acting as the Guru of the great Darkling Lords

take your rest, great Thinker


*m. 5. After attaining the state of ‘Sivanmukta’, take a body with the same form as now and assure the ‘guruship’ of noble Rakshasas.

*vlm.5. Having attained the state of living liberation, by merit of thy prior acts; thou shalt continue in the preceptorship of the leader of the great Asuras for ever.

*moT.. prAktana.rUpayA zukra.AkhyayA ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.5 ||4|16|


कल्याणस्तु वाम् या mox वयम् tvx अभिमताम् दिशम्

kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu abhimatAm dizam |

किम्चि dax पि cx चित्तम् यस्य नाभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na abhimatam bhavet ||4|16|6||


kalyANam astu vAm yAma: /

vayam tu abhimatAm dizam =

na kimcit api yat cittam \

yasya na abhimatam bhavet


May blessing come upon you


but now for us the place which we are going.to is what the mind effects,

that becomes

as soon as it's supposed


kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu abhimatAm dizam | na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na abhimatam bhavet


*AS:... there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*vlm.... know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

*AS: Good luck to you two, we (editorial we) go in our desired direction; (you on the other hand are one for whom) there is nothing that is thought which is not disagreeable.

*m. 6. May you be blessed! I am going in the direction of my liking when someone’s mind goes towards a certain thing, that thing will not become unliked.

*vlm.6. Fare you well, we shall now depart to our desired habitation; know for certain that there is nothing desirable to the mind, which it cannot accomplish (by perseverance).

#abhimata mfn. longed for, wished, desired; loved, dear; allowed azvgR.; supposed, imagined; am n. desire, wish.

*jd.6. kalyANam astu vAm yAma:. may good fortune come to you! vayam tu abhimatAm dizam. but for us the wished/supposed direction na kiJ.cit api. there is nothing whatever yat cittam. which is affected yasya na abhimatam bhavet. which does not become desired/supposed.

*moT.. nanu katham tavApy abhimatam astIty | atrAha na kiJ.cid iti | tat kiJ.cid api na bhavati | yasya cittasya abhimatam na asti | ato mamApi sacittatvAd abhimatam astIti bhAva: ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.6 ||4|16|... api tac cittam... ||4|16|


tyux क्त्वा मुञ्च tox rx बाष्पम् तयोः sox न्तरधीयत

iti uktvA muJcato: bASpam tayo: sa: antara.dhIyata |

प्तो ऽङ्ग्योरिवरोदस्योः सममंशुभिरंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

tapta.aGgyo: iva rodasyo: samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn ||4|16|7||




they both let loose their tears


such was their inner feeling

like heat filling the hemisphere

or sunbeams sent.out by the sun.


iti uktvA

so saying

muJcato: bASpam

both loosed tears

tayo: sa: antaradhIyata. x

tapta.aGgyo: iva rodasyo:. x

samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn. x

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two. bhRgu and zukra. The second line compares him with the Sun: As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).

*m. 7. As he said thus, the two (Sukra and Bhrigu) were touched by affection and were moved to tears. The sky became red with the setting sun.

*vlm.7. Saying so, the god vanished from before the weeping father and son, and moved admist the burning sky, like the dispenser of light (sun).

*moT.. taptAMzu: sUrya: | rodasyo: dyAvApRthivyo: ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.7 ||4|16|... muJcato: puSpam tayo:... ||4|16|

*sv.7.8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.


गते तस्मिन् भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

gate tasmin bhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

विचार्य भार्गवो भेद्याम् नियतेर्नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

vicArya bhArgava: a.bhedyAm niyate: niyatAm gatim ||4|16|8||


gate tasmin bhagavati /

kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm =

vicArya bhArgava: a.bhedyAm \

niyate: niyatAm gatim


then Time the Terminator went.about his duties


Shukra the fiery.bright Bhârgava followed his own road

from destiny to destiny


*vlm.8. After the god had gone to the place of his destination, and gained his destined state among the gods, the Bhrigus remained to ruminate on the inexplicable and unalterable course of destiny (or divine ordinance).

*sv.7.8 Having said this, Time vanished at that very place.

*kRtAnte bhagavati gate tasmin The ender of things, lord [Time], going there bhavitavya.tAm to his duty bhArgava: vicArya the scion of bhRgu sought.out abhedyAm the inevitable gatim niyate: niyatAm road from destiny to destiny


काकारणसंशुष्काम् भाविपुष्पशुभोदयाम्

kAla.kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi.puSpa.zubha.udayAm |

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लतामि माधवः ॥४।१६।९॥

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava: ||4|16|9||


kAla.kAraNa=saMzuSkAm /

bhAvi.puSpa.zubha.udayAm =

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm \

su.latAm iva mAdhava:


kAla.kAraNa=saMzuSkAm Withered because of time

bhAvi.puSpa.zubha udayAm

he entered that young body

tAm tanum bAlAm

su.latAm iva mAdhava:

as spring enters a vine

tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava:


*moT..... /... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT. 4,16.8.9||
*sv.9 Thereupon, Sukra abandoned the body of Vasudeva in which he had performed intense penance on the bank of the river samaGgA and re.entered the decayed body of Sukra, the son of the sage bhRgu.

*m. 9 Sukra then entered his body, which declined due to some exigencies of time like spring entering a tender creeper. ‘This body is going to be the cause of many auspicious events.’

*vlm.9. Súkra entered into his withered corpse, as the season of spring enters into a faded plant, in order to adorn it again with its vernal bloom, and its re.springing blossoms.

*moT..... /... // Mo. 4,16.9 // kAlAkhyam yat kAraNam | tena zuSkAm | mAdhava: vasanta: | lakSaNayA vAsantika: rasa: | bhAvI puSpavat zubha: udaya: yasyA: | tAm || *moT. 4,16.8.9||


सा ब्राह्मणीत nux rx भूमौ विवर्णवदनाङ्गिका

sA brAhmaNI.tanu: bhUmau vivarNa.vadana.aGgikA |

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्नमूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna.mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|10||


sA brAhmaNI.tanu: bhUmau /

vivarNa.vadana.aGgikA |

papAta kampitA tUrNam \

chinna.mUlA latA yathA


his brAhmaNa body

that palefaced embodiment

fell to earth

quickly toppled

like a sapling cut at the root


*moT. 4,16.10 || sA brAhmaNa.tanur... vadanaGgikA...

*m.10 At that time the body of the bra:min on the ‘ samaGgA’ banks fell to pieces like a creeper to its roots.

*sv.10 At that very moment, the body of Vasudeva fell down like an uprooted tree and became a corpse.

*vlm.10. His Bráhmanical body fell down immediately on the ground, staggering as when a tree is felled or falls down with its uprooted trunk; and it became disfigured in a moment in its face and limbs.


तस्याम् प्रविष्टजीवायाम् पुत्रतन्वाम् महामुनिः

tasyAm praviSTa.jIvAyAm putra.tanvAm mahA.muni: |

चकाराप्यायनम् मन्त्रैः कमण्डलु.वारिभिः ॥४।१६।११॥

cakAra api Ayanam mantrai: sa* kamaNDalu.vAribhi: ||4|16|11||


tasyAm praviSTa*.jIvAyAm /

putra.tanvAm mahA.muni: =

of his son's body, the Grand.Muni

cakAra api Ayanam mantrai: \


sa* kamaNDalu.vAribhi:

with the water of his Holy.Waterpot


to bring life into his son's body

the Great muni

revived it with mantra.s


*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

tasyAm praviSTa.jIvAyAm

For entering.life


his son's body


the Great Muni

cakAra ApyAyanam mantrai:

caused it to grow by mantras

sa kamaNDalu.vAribhi:

with the water of his holy Waterpot.

*moT.. tasyAm zukrAkhyAyAm... ¶ ApyAyanam pUraNam || *moT. 4,16.11 ||

*m.11 Then the great sage Bhrigu sprinkled the sacred water from his ‘kamandalu’ on the body of his son.

*vlm.11. The old sage Bhrigu finding the revivification of the dead body of his son, sanctified it with propitiatory mantras and sprinkling of water, from his sacerdotal water pot (kamandalu).

*sv.11.12.13 The sage bhRgu sprinkled the body of Sukra with the holy water from his own water.pot, uttering sacred hymns which had the power to revive that body, clothing it with flesh, etc. Instantly, that body became youthful and radiant as it was before.

#pyai. #Apyai. #ApyAya. becoming full, increasing,  KSS.. #ApyAyana.adj.. causing fulness or stoutness SuS3r • increasing welfare, gladdening Lex.. *ApyAyanam. the act of making full or fat suSr; satiating; satisfying, refreshing, pleasing, mn; increasing, causing to thrive, mbh; growing or being fat or stout; gladness L.


र्वा नाड्यस्‍तस्‍न्वास्‍स्याः पूर्णा विरेजिरे

sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: tasyA: pUrNA* virejire |

सरितः प्रावृषीवाम्बुपूपूरितकोटराः ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarita: prAvRSi iva ambu.pUra.pUrita.koTarA: ||4|16|12||


sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: /

tasyA: pUrNA* virejire =

sarita: prAvRSi iva ambu.\pUra.pUrita.koTarA:


sarvA nADya: tatas. then all the nADI.Channels

tanvA: tasyA:. in that body

pUrNA: virejire. appeared full
sarita: prAvRSi iva. like rivers in the Rains
ambu.pUra.pUrita.koTarA:. with overflowing water filling the hollows of the earth.

*vlm.12. The veins and arteries and all the cells and cavities of the dead body, were again supplied with their circulating blood; as the dry beds of rivers, are filled again with floods of water in the rainy weather.

*m.12. Then all the nervous and other systems of the body became full with energy like a river being filled with waters in rainy season.


नलिनी प्रावृषि इव असौ धाव् नवा लता

nalinI prAvRSi iva asau madhau iva navA latA |

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्याः प्रान्ताः पल्लविता बभुः ॥४।१६।१३॥

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: ||4|16|13||


nalinI prAvRSi iva asau /

madhau iva navA latA |

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: \

prAntA: pallavitA* babhu:


it was like a lotus in the Rains,

like a green shoot in spring,
when full

its sides swelled like a sprouting vine


nalinI prAvRSi iva asau madhau iva navA latA |

yadA pUrNA tadA. when/where full then/there.

tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu:. they having.become..


*vlm.13. The body being filled with blood, gave the limbs to bloom; like the growth of lotuses in rainy lakes, and the bursting of new shoots and buds in vernal plants.


अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ वहत्प्रासमीरणः

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat.prANa.samIraNa: |

रसमारुतसंयोगाद् पूर्ण वारिदः ॥४।१६।१४॥

rasa.mAruta.saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida: ||4|16|14||


atha zukra: samuttasthau /

vahat.prANa.samIraNa: |

rasa.mAruta.saMyogAt \

ApUrNa* iva vArida:


and then Shukra.Bright stood.up

grown active by the flow of prâna

with rasa.Feeling and mAruta.Air conjoined

he was as full as a raincloud


*m.14 Then Sukra stood up with all the vital airs flowing though the body in full force and rhy thm. It was like an ocean rising in tide due to the airs blowing across its surface.

*vlm.14. Súkra then rose up from the ground, breathing the breath of life, like the cloud ascending to the sky by force of the winds.


पुरो भिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन.आकृतिम्

pura: abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

प्रथम उल्लासितः मेघः स्तनितेन इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

prathama ullAsita: megha: stanitena iva parvatam ||4|16|15||


pura: abhivAdayAm.Asa /

pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

prathama ullAsita: megha: \

stanitena iva parvatam


he bowed respectfully before his father's sacred figure


he was like a raincloud after a long drought

when its thunder greets the mountaintop


*m.15 Seeing his father before him, he bowed to him, the most sacred one. It was like a mountain being pleased by the first thunder from a cloud.

*vlm.15. He bowed down to his father, standing in his holy figure before him; as the rising cloud clings to, and kisses the foot of the lofty mountain.


पिताथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा लिलिङ्गाकृतिम् ततः

pitA atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali.liGga.AkRtim tata: |

स्नेहार्द्रवृत्‍ति‍र्दश्‍चिराद्रितटीमि ॥४।१६।१६॥

sneha.ardra.vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri.taTIm iva ||4|16|16||


pitA atha prAktanIm tanvA /

Ali.liGga.AkRtim tata: |

sneha.ardra.vRtti: jalada: \

cirAt adri.taTIm iva


pitA atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali.liGga.AkRtim tata: |

sneha.ardra.vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri.taTIm iva ||4|16|16||


and then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced.body thus


a cloud from afar

adri.taTIm iva

as.if a mountain.top.


And then the father

of/from the body

the former embraced.body thus


a cloud from afar

as.if a mountain.top


*m. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16.17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

*vlm.16. The father then embraced the revived body of his son, and shed a flood of his affectionate tears upon him; as the high risen cloud washes the mountain top with showers.

*m.16.18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

?? *VA: having said so, he disappeared leaving them shedding tears of affliction, like heavens and earth heated by rays of sun

*AS: The tears were being shed by the two. bhRgu and zukra.

The second line compares him with the Sun:
As the Sun leaves the heated earth and sky (together).


भृगुर्दर्श स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

bhRgu: dadarza sa.sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

त्‍तो जातेमित्‍यास्थाम् हस पि महामतिः ॥४।१६।१७॥

matta: jAtA iyam iti AsthAm hasan api mahAmati: ||4|16|17||


bhRgu: dadarza sa.sneham /

prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum =

matta: jAtA iyam iti AsthAm \

hasan api mahAmati:


bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy that mighty mind.

bhRgu the Fiery looked with love upon the body of his son.

He saw his own reflection there, and laughed with joy,

that mighty mind.

*vlm.17. Bhrigu looked with affection on the new risen old body of his son; and smiled to see the resuscitation of the body that was begotten by him.

*m.16.18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.

*sv.16.17 bhRgu was delighted to see his son thus resurrected from the dead and fondly embraced him, smiling happily all the while.

bhRgu: dadarza bhRgu the Fiery saw

sa.sneham with love

prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum former son's body

matta : jAtA iyam iti AsthAm delighted that it was his very own hope

hasan api mahA.mati: laughing then that great mind


*mo. tAnayIm tanaya.sambandhinIm | nanu tAdRg.jJAna.yuktena tena katham tAnayI tanu: sasneham dRSTA iti | atra Aha matta iti ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.17 ||... tAnayIm tanum / matto jAto 'yam ity AsthA haraty api mahAmatim ||


मत्पुत्रो मिति स्नेहो‍ भृगुमप्यहरत्तदा

mat.putra: ayam iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA |

परमात्मीयता देहे यावदाकृतिभाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvat AkRti.bhAvinI ||4|16|18||


mat.putra: ayam iti sneha: /

bhRgum api aharat tadA |

paramAtmIyatA dehe \

yAvat AkRti.bhAvinI


"This is my likeness, my own son,"

bhRgu the Fiery thought,

and he was overcome with love,

seeing himself there, in the live body.

mat.putra: ayam –

"This is my son"

iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA

paramAtmIyatA dehe –

an absolute likeness in body

yAvat AkRti.bhAvinI.

insofar as assuming form

mat.putra: ayam iti sneha:

bhRgum api aharat tadA |

paramAtmIyatA dehe

yAvat AkRti.bhAvinI.


*vlm.18. He was pleased to know him as the son born of himself; and to find his features engrafted in him.

*VA: as sir Time went, zukra, having deliberated on what to be done, went on doing that by necessary order of God.

*AS: zukra, having considered the unbreakable order of future events...

ayam mat putra: iti

*mo. … yAvad AkRti... ¶ paratA parabhAva: | AtmIyatA AtmIyabhAva: | yAvadAkRti yAvaccharIram | bhAvinI apari:AryA || *moT. 4,16.18 ||... paratAtmIyatA ceyam... ||

*sv.18. The feeling of affection at the thought, "This is my son" overcame even the sage bhRgu; this is natural as long as there is body.consciousness. Both of them rejoiced at this happy re.union.

*m.16.18. Then the father embraced his son with great affection like a cloud embracing a mountain.


बभूवतुः पिता.पुत्रौ तावथान्योन्यशोभितौ

babhUvatu: pitA.putrau tau atha anyonya.zobhitau |

निशावसामुदितार्कपद्मारावि ॥४।१६।१९॥

nizA avasAna.muditau arka.padma.Akarau iva ||4|16|19||


babhUvatu: pitA.putrau /

tau atha anyonya.zobhitau =

nizA avasAna.muditau \

arka.padma.Akarau iva


those two soon became

—father and son—

mutually delighted

nightly delighted by daybreak

they were like sun and lotus in form.


babhUvatu: pitA.putrau tau atha. sp those two, father & son, were

anyonya.zobhitau. mutual embellishments

nizA avasAna.muditau

arka.padma.Akarau iva. like sun and lotus in form


*moT.. … / nizAvasAnamuditAv arkapadmAkarAv iva // Mo. 4,16.19 //

nizAvasAne prabhAte | muditau ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.19 ||4|16|
*m.19.20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night.

*vlm.19. Thus the son and sire graced each other by their company, as the sun and lotus.lake rejoice to see one another, after the shade of night.

*sv.19.20.21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re.union.


चिसंगसम्बद्धावि क्‍राह्वम्पती

cira.saMgama.sambaddhau iva cakra.Ahva.dampatI |

नागमसस्नेहौ मयूजलदावि ॥४।१६।२०॥

ghana.Agamana.sa.snehau mayUra.jaladau iva ||4|16|20||


The two cira.for.long.



iva.like/as.if cakra.Ahva.dampatI



mayUra.jaladau – peacock.cloud.

*vlm.20. They rejoiced at their reunion, like the loving pair of swans at the end of the night of their separation; and as the joyous couple of peacocks, at the approach of the rainy clouds.

*sv.19.20.21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re.union.

*m.19.20 There was seen intense togetherness between father and son like a lotus garden and sun at the end of night. They were like two Chakravaka birds on the advent of a cloud.


चिरका दृढोत्कण्ठौ तुल्ययोग्यतया तया

cira.kAla.dRDha.utkaNThau tulya.yogyata.yA tayA |

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् तावथोत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

sthitvA tatra muhUrta.m tau atha utthAya mahAmatI ||4|16|21||


cira.kAla.dRDha.utkaNThau /

tulya.yogyata.yA tayA =

sthitvA tatra muhUrta.m tau \

atha utthAya mahAmatI


cira.kAla.dRDha utkaNThau – long.time.firm.eager tayA tulya.yogyatayA – by them like.suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA.matI – two great minds.

they sat a long time, recognizing the closeness between them—for

an hour or more—and then at last those two wise souls rose up again.

*vlm.21. The worthy sire and son, sat awhile on the spot, to halt after all their toils and troubles were at an end, and then they rose up to discharge the duties that were then at hand.

*sv.19.20.21 Both of them rejoiced at this happy re.union.

*moT.. cirakAladRDhotkaNThayogyayA kathayA tayA... // Mo. 4,16.21 //

#hve. #Ahve. #Ahva.. a caller, crier: (ifc.) named, called.

* cira.kAla.dRDha utkaNThau – long.time.firm.eager tayA tulya.yogyatayA – by them like.suited sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau – situate there an hour those two atha utthAya – then rising mahA.matI – two great minds.

समङ्गाद्विजदेहम् तम् भस्मसात्तत्र चक्रतुः

samaGgA.dvija=deham tam bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

को हि नाम जगज्‍जामाचारम् नानुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

ka: hi nAma jagat.jAtam AcAram na anutiSThati ||4|16|22||


samaGgA.dvija=deham tam /

bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

ka: hi nAma jagat.jAtam \

AcAram na anutiSThati


the body of the samAGga.twiceborn


they burned to ash

for who, of those born in this world, does not follow its customs?

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth. born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

samaGgA.dvija=deham tam समङ्ग.=द्विज.देहम् तम्. the body of the samAGga.twiceborn

bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः they turned to ashes there

ka: hi nAma jagaj.jAtam AcAram na anutiSThati को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् अनुतिष्ठति for just who does not follow the customs of the world?

#part.#sam. #samaGga.adj.. having all the limbs, complete AV. (in MBh. applied to the my thical cow #ba:ulA बहुला).

*sv.22 Both bhRgu and Sukra then performed the funeral rites of the body of the bra:mana boy Vasudeva; for thus do the men of wisdom honour social customs and traditions.

*vlm.22. They then set fire to the body of the sámangá Bra:man, and reduced it to ashes; for who is there among the earth. born mortals, that ought to set at naught aught of the customary usages of his country?

.mo.... / ka: hi nAma jagajjAta AcAram...i // Mo. 4,16.22 // AcAram lokAcAram || *moT. 4,16.20.22 ||


एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन् पावने भृगुभार्गवौ

evam tau kAnane tasmin pAvane bhRgu.bhArgavau |

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवी शिभास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi iva zazi.bhAskarau ||4|16|23||


evam tau kAnane tasmin /

pAvane bhRgu.bhArgavau =

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau \

divi iva zazi.bhAskarau



they two

there in that sacred forest

bhRgu and the bhArgava

dwelt in their radiant tapas

like the moon and sun in the sky


*m.22 Later, they continued their penance on the Mandara hill shining like sun and moon.

*sv.23 Both of them then shone with the radiance of the sun and the moon.

*vlm.23. Afterwards the two devotees Bhrigu and Bhargava continued to dwell in that forest, like the two luminaries—the sun and moon, in the region of the sky.

*moT..... / saMsthitau tapasA dIptau... // Mo. 4,16.23 // spaSTam || *moT. 4,16.23 ||


चेरतुर्ज्ञातविज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्गुरू

ceratu: jJAta.vijJeyau jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU |

देशकालशौघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ ततः ॥४।१६।२४॥

deza.kAla.daza.ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||4|16|24||


ceratu: jJAta.vijJeyau /

jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU =

deza.kAla.daza.ogheSu \

susamau susthirau tata:


ceratu:. they traveled

jJAta.vijJeyau. known and knowing

jIvanmuktau – Living.Free

jagad.gurU – two World.Teachers

deza.kAla.dazA.ogheSu – in so many states of place and time

su.samau su.sthirau tata:. both the same, firmly fixed in That


*m. 24.26. Knowing what should be known, liberated while.in.life the two teachers of the world lived on unaffected by happiness or sorrows.

*sv.24 They who were surely the spiritual preceptors of the whole universe roamed the world. Established firmly in the knowledge of the self, they remained unmoved by the changes that took place in the time and in the environment.

*vlm.24. They both continued as the living liberated guides of men, by their knowledge of all that was to be known; and pre.serving the equanimity of their minds, and the steadiness of their dispositions, amidst all the vicissitudes of time and place: (and the changes of their fortune and circumstances).

*moT..... / dezakAladazaugheSu suzamam susthirau tata: // Mo. 4,16.24 //
tapa: kathambhUtam | zobhana: zama: yasmin | tat | tAdRzam || *moT. 4,16.24 ||


थासुगुरुत्वम् सः शुक्रः कालेन लब्धवान्

atha asura.gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

भृगुरप्यात्मनो योग्ये दे तिष्ठनामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

bhRgu: api Atmana: yogye pade atiSThat anAmaye ||4|16|25||


atha asura.gurutvam sa: /

zukra: kAlena labdhavAn =

bhRgu: api Atmana: yogye \

pade atiSThat anAmaye


atha asura.gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn. and so that zukra.Bright

after some time became guru of the asura.Darklings

*m. 25 In course of time Sukra became the ‘Guru’ of Rakshasas. Sage Bhrigu remained in that Supreme state (as Prajapti).

*sv.25 In course of time, Sukra became the spiritual preceptor of the demons; and his father bhRgu became one of the sages of highest wisdom.

*vlm.25. In course of time Sukra obtained the preceptorship of the demons, and Bhrigu remained in his patriarchal rank and authority among the sons of men (mánavas).

*VA: they burnt the body of twiceborn bramin of samanga river, for who does not uphold world.accepted customs? *AS: I agree. *VA: what is the form and splitting of atiSThadanAmaye? *AS: It is atiSThat anAmaye (the t. d is sandhi change). I think you would get it now? (anAmaye pade atiSThat).

*moT..... /... // Mo. 4,16.25 // Atmana: yogye pade videha.mukty.Akhye pade || *moT. 4,16.25 ||

शुक्‍रो सौ प्रथममिति क्रमेण जातः

zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta:


tasmAt sat parama.padAt udAra.kIrti: |

स्वेनाशु स्मृति.पद.विभ्रमेण पश्चात्

svena Azu smRti.pada.vibhrameNa pazcAt

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितो दशान्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

anyeSu pravilulita: dazA.antareSu ||4|16|26||


zukra: asau prathama.m iti krameNa jAata: / tasmAt sat parama.padA.t udAra.kIrti: =

svena Azu smRti.pada.vibhrama.iNa pazcAt \ anya.iSu pravilulita: dazaA.antara.eSu


zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta: – this shukra was first in the order of birth tasmAt sat parama.padAt. from that higher level of being.


svena Azu.

all by himself





in his internal conditions.

*m. 26 Thus Sukra, who originally lived in that Supreme state of self, slipped into other lower states due to a loss of memory of his original state.

*sv.26 Such is the story of the sage Sukra; who on account of his infatuation with a nymph, wandered in countless wombs.

*vlm.26. Thus the son of Bhrigu, who was born as Sukra at first, was gradually led away from his holy state by his thought of the heavenly nymph, and subjected to various states of life to which he was prone; (by the bent of his mind and inward pivities*).

*moT.. sargAntazlokena zukravRttAntam saGkSipya kathayati zukro 'sAv iti | etasmAt sarveSAm Atmatvena puro vartamAnAt | paramapadAt cinmAtrAkhyAt uttamAt sthAnAt | dazAntareSu samaGgAtApasatvaparyanteSv avasthAvizeSeSu | iti zivam ||4|16| *moT. 4,16.26 ||... jAta etasmAt... pazcAd evam ca pravilulito... ||4|16|

#lul. #vilul. #pravilul. #pravilulita.. shaken hither & thither • the only instance of this word in google is in nAtya.zAstra + pravilulito dazA.antareSu yv.FM 4.16.26 +





सर्ग .१६

sarga 4.16

वसिष्ठ उवाच

vasiSTha* uvAca |

अथ आक्षिप्य चः स्य तनयस्य तथा भृगोः

atha AkSipya vaca: tasya tanayasya tathA bhRgo: |

उवाच भगवान् कालः वचः म्भी.निःस्वनः ॥४।१६।१॥

uvAca bhagavAn kAla: vaca: gambhIra.ni:svana: ||4|16|1||

काल उवाच

kAla* uvAca |

समङ्गा.तापसीम् एताम् तनुम् संत्यज भार्गव

samaGgA.tApasIm etAm tanum saMtyaja bhArgava |

प्रविश इमाम् तनुम् साधो नगरीम् इव पार्थिवः ॥४।१६।२॥

praviza imAm tanum sAdho nagarIm iva pArthiva: ||4|16|2||

काले पूर्व.जया तन्वा तपः कृत्वा तया पुनः

kAle pUrva.jayA tanvA tapa: kRtvA tayA puna: |

गुरुत्वम् असु.इन्द्राणाम् कर्तव्यम् भवता अनघ ॥४।१६।३॥

gurutvam asura.indrANAm kartavyam bhavatA anagha ||4|16|3||

महा.कल्पान्त याते भवता भार्गवी तनुः

mahA.kalpAnta* AyAte bhavatA bhArgavI tanu: |

.पुनर्.ग्रहणाय एषा त्याज्या प्रम्ला.पुष्पवत् ॥४।१६।४॥

a.punar.grahaNAya eSA tyAjyA pramlAna.puSpavat ||4|16|4||

जीवन्मुक्त.पदम् प्राप्तः न्वा प्राक्त.रूपया

jIvan.mukta.padam prApta: tanvA prAktana.rUpayA |

हा.असु.न्द्र.गुरुताम् कुर्वन् तिष्ठ महा.मते ॥४।१६।५॥

mahA.asura.indra.gurutAm kurvan tiSTha mahA.mate ||4|16|5||

कल्याणम् अस्तु वाम् यामः वयम् तु अभिमताम् दिशम्

kalyANam astu vAm yAma: vayam tu abhimatAm dizam |

किम्चित् पि यत् चित्तम् यस्य अभिमतम् भवेत् ॥४।१६।६॥

na kimcit api yat cittam yasya na abhimatam bhavet ||4|16|6||

इति उक्त्वा मुञ्चतोः बाष्पम् तयोः सः अन्तरधीयत

iti uktvA muJcato: bASpam tayo: sa: antaradhIyata |

तप्त.अङ्ग्योः इव रोदस्योः समम् अंशुभिः अंशुमान् ॥४।१६।७॥

tapta.aGgyo: iva rodasyo: samam aMzubhi: aMzumAn ||4|16|7||

गते तस्मिन् भगवति कृतान्ते भवितव्यताम्

gate tasmin bhagavati kRtAnte bhavitavyatAm |

विचार्य भार्गवः .भेद्याम् नियतेः नियताम् गतिम् ॥४।१६।८॥

vicArya bhArgava: a.bhedyAm niyate: niyatAm gatim ||4|16|8||

का.कारण=संशुष्काम् भावि.पुष्प.शु.उदयाम्

kAla.kAraNa=saMzuSkAm bhAvi.puSpa.zubha.udayAm |

विवेश ताम् तनुम् बालाम् सु.लताम् इव माधवः ॥४।१६।९॥

viveza tAm tanum bAlAm su.latAm iva mAdhava: ||4|16|9||

सा ब्राह्मणी.तनुः भूमौ विवर्ण.वदन.ङ्गिका

sA brAhmaNI.tanu: bhUmau vivarNa.vadana.aGgikA |

पपात कम्पिता तूर्णम् छिन्न.मूला लता यथा ॥४।१६।१०॥

papAta kampitA tUrNam chinna.mUlA latA yathA ||4|16|10||

तस्याम् प्रविष्ट.जीवायाम् पुत्र.तन्वाम् महा.मुनिः

tasyAm praviSTa.jIvAyAm putra.tanvAm mahA.muni: |

चकार अपि आयनम् मन्त्रैः कमण्डलु.वारिभिः ॥४।१६।११॥

cakAra api Ayanam mantrai: sa* kamaNDalu.vAribhi: ||4|16|11||

र्वा नाड्यः ततः तन्वाः स्याः पूर्णा विरेजिरे

sarvA* nADya: tata: tanvA: tasyA: pUrNA* virejire |

सरितः प्रावृषि इव म्बु.पू.पूरित.कोटराः ॥४।१६।१२॥

sarita: prAvRSi iva ambu.pUra.pUrita.koTarA: ||4|16|12||

नलिनी प्रावृषि इव असौ धाव् नवा लता

nalinI prAvRSi iva asau madhau iva navA latA |

यदा पूर्णा तदा तस्याः प्रान्ताः पल्लविता बभुः ॥४।१६।१३॥

yadA pUrNA tadA tasyA: prAntA: pallavitA* babhu: ||4|16|13||

अथ शुक्रः समुत्तस्थौ वहत्.प्रा.समीरणः

atha zukra: samuttasthau vahat.prANa.samIraNa: |

रस.मारुत.संयोगात् पूर्ण वारिदः ॥४।१६।१४॥

rasa.mAruta.saMyogAt ApUrNa* iva vArida: ||4|16|14||

पुरो भिवादयाम्.आस पितरम् पावन.आकृतिम्

pura: abhivAdayAm.Asa pitaram pAvana.AkRtim |

प्रथम उल्लासितः मेघः स्तनितेन इव पर्वतम् ॥४।१६।१५॥

prathama ullAsita: megha: stanitena iva parvatam ||4|16|15||

पिता अथ प्राक्तनीम् तन्वा लि.लिङ्ग.आकृतिम् ततः

pitA atha prAktanIm tanvA Ali.liGga.AkRtim tata: |

स्नेह.र्द्र.वृत्तिः दः चिरात् द्रि.तटीम् इव ॥४।१६।१६॥

sneha.Ardra.vRtti: jalada: cirAt adri.taTIm iva ||4|16|16||

भृगुः दर्श =स्नेहम् प्राक्तनीम् तानवीम् तनुम्

bhRgu: dadarza sa.sneham prAktanIm tAnavIm tanum |

त्तः जाता इयम् त्य् स्थाम् हसन् अपि महामतिः ॥४।१६।१७॥

matta: jAtA iyam iti AsthAm hasan api mahAmati: ||4|16|17||

मत्.पुत्रो यम् इति स्नेहः भृगुम् प्य् हरत् तदा

mat.putra: ayam iti sneha: bhRgum api aharat tadA |

परमात्मीयता देहे यावत् कृति.भाविनी ॥४।१६।१८॥

paramAtmIyatA dehe yAvat AkRti.bhAvinI ||4|16|18||

बभूवतुः पिता.पुत्रौ ताव् अन्योन्य.शोभितौ

babhUvatu: pitA.putrau tau atha anyonya.zobhitau |

निशा अवसा.मुदिताव् र्क.पद्म.आकराव् ॥४।१६।१९॥

nizA avasAna.muditau arka.padma.Akarau iva ||4|16|19||

चि.संग.सम्बद्धाव् चक्र.आह्व.म्पती

cira.saMgama.sambaddhau iva cakra.Ahva.dampatI |

घन.आगम..स्नेहौ मयू.जलदाव् ॥४।१६।२०॥

ghana.Agamana.sa.snehau mayUra.jaladau iva ||4|16|20||

चिर.का.दृ.उत्कण्ठौ तुल्य.योग्यतया तया

cira.kAla.dRDha.utkaNThau tulya.yogyatayA tayA |

स्थित्वा तत्र मुहूर्तम् ताव् उत्थाय महामती ॥४।१६।२१॥

sthitvA tatra muhUrtam tau atha utthAya mahAmatI ||4|16|21||

समङ्गा.द्विज=देहम् तम् भस्मसात् तत्र चक्रतुः

samaGgA.dvija=deham tam bhasmasAt tatra cakratu: |

को हि नाम जगज्.जातम् आचारम् अनुतिष्ठति ॥४।१६।२२॥

ka: hi nAma jagat.jAtam AcAram na anutiSThati ||4|16|22||

एवम् तौ कानने तस्मिन् पावने भृगु.भार्गवौ

evam tau kAnane tasmin pAvane bhRgu.bhArgavau |

संस्थितौ तपसौ दीप्तौ दिवि इव शि.भास्करौ ॥४।१६।२३॥

saMsthitau tapasau dIptau divi iva zazi.bhAskarau ||4|16|23||

चेरतुः ज्ञात.विज्ञेयौ जीवन्मुक्तौ जगद्.गुरू

ceratu: jJAta.vijJeyau jIvan.muktau jagat.gurU |

देश.काल..ओघेषु सुसमौ सुस्थिरौ ततः ॥४।१६।२४॥

deza.kAla.daza.ogheSu susamau susthirau tata: ||4|16|24||

अथ असु.गुरुत्वम् सः शुक्रः कालेन लब्धवान्

atha asura.gurutvam sa: zukra: kAlena labdhavAn |

भृगुः पि आत्मनः योग्ये दे तिष्ठत् नामये ॥४।१६।२५॥

bhRgu: api Atmana: yogye pade atiSThat anAmaye ||4|16|25||

शुक्रः असौ प्रथमम् इति क्रमेण जातः

zukra: asau prathamam iti krameNa jAta:

तस्मात् सत् पर.पदात् उदा.कीर्तिः

tasmAt sat parama.padAt udAra.kIrti: |

स्वेन आशु स्मृति.पद.विभ्रमेण पश्चात्

svena Azu smRti.pada.vibhrameNa pazcAt

अन्येषु प्रविलुलितः दशा.न्तरेषु ॥४।१६।२६॥

anyeSu pravilulita: dazA.antareSu ||4|16|26||


santoSaH paramo lAbhaH satsaGgaH paramA gatiH |
vicAraH paramaM jJAnaM zamo hi paramaM sukham ||

सन्तोषः परमो लाभः सत्सङ्गः परमा गतिः।
विचारः परमं ज्ञानं शमो हि परमं सुखम्॥
Contentment is the highest gain, Good Company the highest course,
Enquiry the highest wisdom, and Peace the highest enjoyment.
                             -- Yoga Vasishtha 

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