Call for Applications to The Asian Agriculture Summit & Exhibition (AASE)

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Gopi Krishna Bhattarai

Apr 18, 2019, 12:14:51 AM4/18/19
to, lok awasthi

Call for Applications to The Asian Agriculture Summit & Exhibition (AASE)

4 - 6 July 2019 | Kathmandu, Nepal 

Theme: Youth Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, and Related Trade Standards!

It is our distinct pleasure to invite you and your agency to partnership/attend on 'The Asian Agriculture Summit & Exhibition (AASE) 2019'. AASE which is being organized in close cooperation with the Government of Nepal, Private sector, donor agencies, UN agencies, INGOs, multinational companies, Universities, and like-minded organizations, will give new insights into the guiding agriculture entrepreneurship, marketing, policies, and practices.

AASE will contribute to the cause of agricultural intervention and sustainable growth where youths will be at the forefront of change in the local communities and globally. The goal of the Summit is to promote sustainable agro-economy through exchanging knowledge and experiences of youth agro-entrepreneurs, and building networks for “collective good” as well as provide valuable feedback to and obtain support from academics and policymakers. The summit will allow space to share products and ideas, build relationship and network, and opportunity for cross-country public-private market exchange.

We are hopeful that this summit will be able to foster, unite and develop the better youth entrepreneurship declaration and network in Asia. And, the summit is to bring together 150 delegates/entrepreneurs from America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia around the world. 

The deadline for application is 15 May 2019. Please follow the link for the application. We're looking your knowledgeable participation.

Dear friends, please share and forward it your network and possible partners.  And we are looking for a country focal person for coordination and networking for The Asian Agriculture Summit, if are interested, you are welcome.  I'm looking for your kind support. hope it is a better forum to meet each other.

We look forward to welcoming you to Kathmandu, Nepal!

 With Best Regards

Gopi Krishan Bhattarai

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