YNPN National Job List

Contact owners and managers
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The YNPN Job List is for sharing nonprofit or social sector jobs, internship or volunteer opportunities across the country. The views expressed in e-mails do not necessarily reflect the sentiments of YNPN National. Only subscribers can post to the group.

To post to this group, send email to ynpn-national-job-list@googlegroups.com
or create a New Topic


To subscribe from this group, send an email to ynpn-national-job-list+subscribe@googlegroups.com


To unsubscribe from this group, send email to ynpn-national-job-list+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com


You have the following options for delivery preference:

  • Don't send email updates (No email): You won't get emails, but you can still see posts by logging in to Google Groups and clicking on that group.
  • Send daily summaries (Abridged): On days when people post to the group, you'll only get one email that includes every message that was sent. Send combined updates (Digest): You'll get one email for every 25 posts to the group.
  • Notify me for every new message (All email): You'll get an email anytime someone posts to the group. This is the default for non-Gmail addresses. If you would like to change your delivery preference, but are unable to (i.e. because you're not using a Google account), contact us at info@ynpn.org and we'll change it for you.

Please post with care to ensure that your post provides value and benefit to other YNPN members.

  • DO NOT SPAM the lists with posts not related to the nonprofit or social sector. This includes advertisements, sales pitches, or completely off-topic materials. Posts on other sectors will only be allowed if they mention how the job/event/resource is relevant to nonprofit professionals.

  • DO NOT SOLICIT ACTIONS such as donations, petition signing, and the like. We all support worthwhile causes, but the list will be unreadable if we all just solicit each other.

  • DO NOT SEND "OUT OF OFFICE" EMAILS. Set your auto-response to Reply rather than a Reply All if you're going to be out of the office-so that your message goes to only the person that sent the message, rather than everyone on the list.
  • DO NOT FLAME LIST MEMBERS by sending emails that are confrontational, hostile, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Please be respectful of other members and be cautious about your tone.
  • DO NOT ADD YNPN LISTS TO ANY OTHER DISTRIBUTION LISTS. This includes sending a YNPN list name/email to a third party without the person's consent (e.g. if you manage a list that advertises nonprofit consultants, you would be spamming the other members of the list by adding them by default to your list). This also includes forwarding your organization's weekly/monthly newsletter to this list.
Many of our local chapters have job lists too. If you want to connect to a local YNPN chapter near you, you can find a map of our chapters across the country here