YIPPS Happy Hour - Wednesday, July 25th @ 901 Restaurant & Bar

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Andrea Lytle Peet

Jul 18, 2012, 7:12:29 PM7/18/12
to yi...@googlegroups.com
Hey everyone,
For our July Happy Hour, YIPPS is going to cool off at 901 Restaurant & Bar (yeah, we'll wait a month or two on the roof deck...) next Wednesday, July 25th. 901 is located at 9th & I near Mount Vernon Square, the Convention Center, the Center City DC project, etc.
They have some good happy hour specials ($4 drafts, $5 wine and rail cocktails) and it's a neat ambiance so we hope you'll mark your calendars to come out and join us.
When: Wednesday 7/25, ~6p til ~8p
Where: 901 Restaurant & Bar, 901 9th St NW, corner of 9th & I
Closest Metros:  Gallery Place (Red / Yellow / Green) and Mt.Vernon Square (Yellow / Green)
Closest CaBi: 8th & H
If you have trouble finding us, call Andrea's cell: (202) 695-3179
See you there!
Andrea and John
Andrea Lytle Peet, AICP
Program Manager
STAR Community Index
(202) 695-3179
*NEW email address: and...@starcommunities.org

Andrea Lytle Peet

Jul 25, 2012, 1:29:10 PM7/25/12
to yi...@googlegroups.com
Just a reminder about the YIPPS Happy Hour TODAY at 901 Restaurant & Bar.  Details below.  Hope to see you there!
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