Last Call followup

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John Abbe

Sep 16, 2013, 3:47:58 PM9/16/13
to Yi-Tan List
Great call, everyone! The wiki page for it:

I listed as many participants as I could get names of. If your name
isn't there or you know someone else who I missed, add it yourself or
email me about it and I'll update it.

If your name there is red it means you're not on the wiki yet. If you
would like to be, click on the "Sign Up" link at the top of any page on
the wiki.

I posted the IRC chat from when I joined (10:37am west coast time), if
anyone has it from before then please add it (or email it to me and I

There was a *lot* of great conversation about what Yi-Tan does going
forward - mining all of the content we have already developed (e.g.
e-book?), and what whole new possibilities we might explore. Some
details are in the IRC chat, and of course the audio from the call will
be available at some point as well. One thought at the end was to invite
everyone to simply be on the IRC channel whenever we're online and see
if anything comes of that. Jerry pointed out that for many people that's
opaque tech, and we have no way to archive it, so ideally we'll
transition to something more inclusive and saveable, but for now it's a
low-cost thing that at least some of us can easily try out.

Much thanks to Jerry, Pip, and everyone else who has made these calls as
wonder-full as they have been!


Jerry Michalski

Sep 16, 2013, 4:19:59 PM9/16/13
to Yi-Tan List
John, thank you! And thanks to everyone who was on today's final call. It was terrific. 

The full IRC was really cool, so I'm just going to drop it in here because otherwise many folks might never see one of the chats accompanying the Yi-Tan calls, so:

[10:16] <lappy> hello Jerry!
[10:16] <lappy> lappy = paul van
[10:16] <JerryM_> hey, nice to know that, PvS!
[10:16] == ptvan [c71556b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[10:17] <lappy> I couldn't pass up the last call
[10:18] == ptvan [~pt...@] has joined #yitan
[10:18] == lappy [~pt...@] has left #yitan []
[10:21] <JerryM_> having trouble staying on the IRC?
[10:21] <ptvan> I switched over to a desktop client and fixed my nickname :)
[10:21] == mark_oehlert [4420ae5e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:22] == philwolff [] has joined #yitan
[10:24] <JerryM_> howdy, y'all!
[10:24] == pjkerpan [36ecc554@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:24] <mark_oehlert> Howdy back Jerry!
[10:24] <philwolff> aloha
[10:25] <JerryM_> as Bobby Fishkin would say, "yarrrrr!"
[10:25] <JerryM_> btw, Talk Like a Pirate day is this week, on the 19th
[10:26] <pjkerpan> always like singing Simon and Garfunkel in pirate voice...
[10:26] <ptvan> excellent, I'll be sure to spread the word
[10:26] == hbgreenstein [] has joined #yitan
[10:27] <hbgreenstein> wow, last yi-tan
[10:28] <mark_oehlert> 2013 and last yi-tan and here we sit on IRC...the more things change, the more they stay the same :)
[10:29] <hbgreenstein> agreed
[10:32] == JohnDavidSmith [4ba4d987@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:33] <JohnDavidSmith> We're here to thank YOU, Jerry. :)
[10:34] <mark_oehlert> Here here JohnDavidSmith!
[10:36] == mdraznin [43fa288c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:37] <JerryM_> Pip's making me blush
[10:37] <mark_oehlert> name something else of this kind of value that's lasted for 9 years....
[10:37] <JohnDavidSmith> Limitless thanks -- we know what you've given us.  Actually seeing Jerry operate on these calls is instructive.
[10:37] == johnabbe [4c73910e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:37] == deanland [] has joined #yitan
[10:37] <johnabbe> hiyall
[10:37] <deanland> hello one and all
[10:38] == leifutne [] has joined #yitan
[10:38] <JohnDavidSmith> Hey, Pip and Jerry: more Yi-tan calls to train world leaders?  :-)
[10:39] <leifutne> <echoing Pip's praise for Jerry's masterful facilitation skills>
[10:39] <mark_oehlert> Arrakis was created to train the faithful.
[10:39] <johnabbe> who's speaking?): "we're all learning" "we all get on the call to learn"
[10:39] <mdraznin> hi everyone.
[10:39] <leifutne> pip
[10:39] <mark_oehlert> all students, all teachers
[10:39] <JohnDavidSmith> @JohnAbbe -- that was Pip Coburn.
[10:40] <deanland> Jerry: the dotcom Gipper!
[10:40] <leifutne> ha!
[10:40] <JohnDavidSmith> Mike Lelson -- Jerry brings abundance of insight.
[10:41] <johnabbe> Pip (before above comment) noted that he'd only ever heard one argumentative interaction on a call
[10:41] <johnabbe> Yi-Tan as a bibliography of insights
[10:41] <johnabbe> book?
[10:41] <mdraznin> pip's comments re Jerry, so on-target. what a remarkable community Jerry's created with these calls. yes, now someone has said, adundance of insight! so true.
[10:42] <johnabbe> Jerry notes that many links from the IRC end up in his brain
[10:43] <JohnDavidSmith> The summary provides new insights...
[10:43] <johnabbe> (fyi the link for our call is which will have IRC notes when we're done)
[10:43] <deanland> I always wondered if, when the webbrain software has a glitch, is that brain damage? :-)
[10:44] == NicoleLazzaro [ada76f8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:44] <JohnDavidSmith> The magic of "hive mind"
[10:44] <NicoleLazzaro> Morning!
[10:44] <mdraznin> thx for posting that link @johnabbe
[10:44] <leifutne> hi nicole!
[10:45] <hbgreenstein> hello all
[10:45] <johnabbe> {who?]: noting the community around Yi-tan, using "simple" tech: phone & URC
[10:46] <leifutne> @johnabbe that was Mark Oehlert
[10:46] <mdraznin> @Jerry, so is the truth you're just bored with us???
[10:46] <johnabbe> would anyone like to start building up a list of participants in this IRC? There are a lot and I can't track that and everything else at the same time. (also trying to eat breakfast :-)
[10:46] <JerryM_> noooo!
[10:46] <mark_oehlert>
[10:47] <mark_oehlert> the interest of continuing connections, I am @moehlert on twitter...
[10:47] <johnabbe> practice makes perfect
[10:47] <hbgreenstein> multitasking makes distrac
[10:47] <deanland> good idea, Mark.  I'm @deanland  
[10:47] <hbgreenstein> < @howardgr
[10:48] <mark_oehlert> practice makes permanent - perfect practice makes perfect - ;-)
[10:48] <NicoleLazzaro> For me. Taking notes makes me listen harder.
[10:48] <johnabbe> me  too usually
[10:49] <johnabbe> (jerry had marvelled at someone else good at summarizing doing it without taking notes)
[10:49] <johnabbe> (now listing exotic locations and restricted access he has gone through during calls)
[10:50] <johnabbe> jerry: only 3-4 calls went down for technical reasons
[10:50] <johnabbe> jerry: way too many highlights - you all share them...
[10:51] <deanland> I recall one of the music on hold messups was playing 70s shlock pop music.
[10:53] <leifutne> great idea, Howard. an e-book of just the Yi-Tan summaries
[10:53] <mdraznin> @JerryM I started participating on these calls during a relatively dark period of my life, specifically was out of work for a really extended period. Jerry was a beacon of hopefulness and inspiration via these calls that just helped make everything different for me. this sounds terribly cliched but was quite genuine experience.
[10:54] <mark_oehlert> Kickstarter?
[10:54] <hbgreenstein> Yes!
[10:54] <leifutne> is there a speech-to-text program that can easily produce rough transcripts of all those audio files?
[10:55] <mark_oehlert> all the reward levels would be the same...just give what you can and contribute to your own personal limit
[10:55] <NicoleLazzaro> The calls were great introduction to new minds and new uses of media. I'm grateful for the patterns of thinking. i always walked away inspired and wondering where technology would go next.
[10:56] <mark_oehlert> i think something like an e-book or even one that could be *gasp printed say via Blurb or Lulu would be a fitting tribute to Yi-Tan
[10:57] <hbgreenstein> I've been using elance - $20/hr or less for transcription - overseas or the US
[10:58] == marciaconner [473e453e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[10:58] <mdraznin> "the power of artifacts can never be overstated."
[10:58] <NicoleLazzaro> +1
[10:58] <marciaconner> sorry I'm late!
[10:58] <johnabbe> crowd-source making the e-book:
[10:58] <hbgreenstein> interestingly enough - while we've had a google group, we've rarely used it as an email list.
[10:58] <NicoleLazzaro> Hi Marcia!
[10:58] <johnabbe> 1) pay for transcription
[10:59] <marciaconner> Hi Nicole!
[10:59] <JerryM_> hi Marcia!
[10:59] <JerryM_> and Nicole!
[10:59] <johnabbe> 2) gather weekly or bi-weekly to review them together, pick besy-ofs, figure out how to turn this into a book
[11:00] <marciaconner> My son turned 9 today so I'm extra mindful of what didn't exist 9 years ago. iPhone++
[11:00] <johnabbe> Mining these ways of listening, combining (who?)
[11:01] <johnabbe> (re artifacts, I was underwhelmed once I got the Glove of Power. They told me it would let me rule the universe? ;-)
[11:01] <mark_oehlert> johnabbe LOL
[11:01] <mdraznin> @johnabbe hah!  :-)
[11:02] == Chris_____ [4c0e43e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[11:03] == alchang [] has joined #yitan
[11:03] <deanland> Does an archive of the IRC chats exist?  That would make an excellent component of the collection, would enhance it.
[11:03] == alchang [] has quit [Client Quit]
[11:03] <mark_oehlert> NSA has joined #yitan
[11:04] == alchang [] has joined #yitan
[11:04] <NicoleLazzaro> Hi Al!
[11:04] <deanland> Hi to Al and with one more l, Hi to ALL
[11:05] <mark_oehlert> organizational structures. How do we change them?
[11:05] <NicoleLazzaro> I'd say the people I've met here are deep thinkers, and game changers.
[11:06] <hbgreenstein> Hi AL, Hi NSA lurkerz
[11:06] <NicoleLazzaro> Hi Howard! Hi Dean!
[11:06] <mdraznin> @deanland couldn't agree more about value of an archive of the IRC chats making an excellent component of the collection, would enhance it. Yes!
[11:06] <JerryM_> we need context! send up the Yi-Tan signal!
[11:06] <marciaconner> Love the idea of the Yi-Tan signal!
[11:06] <mark_oehlert> Nicole - I agree but I also think the space Jerry has created here, encourages deep thinking and game-changing
[11:07] <alchang> Hi Nicole, Dean, Howard!
[11:07] <NicoleLazzaro> @Mark yes, the space is critical.
[11:08] <mdraznin> Great idea being discussed
[11:08] <NicoleLazzaro> The main themes: crowd sourcing, crowd anything, social media, long tail. What does is means when many can participate in gov, education, industry, communication.
[11:08] <mdraznin> re framing issues of what's next
[11:09] <marciaconner> ... too bad.. and we're so quiet and demure!
[11:09] <marciaconner> Thanks Mark for asking about "Jerry not leaving the planet"...
[11:09] <deanland> Jerry returns to Ork on Thursday.
[11:09] <mdraznin> +1 @mariaconner
[11:10] <NicoleLazzaro> More themes:change especially in government and education.
[11:10] <marciaconner> I met an old friend a few weeks ago who clearly knew about some space-craft-like things the rest of us didn't, and wouldn't share info because he feared for our lives!
[11:10] <marciaconner> What isn't clear to me is how to find one another after the calls. Like others, I find amazing people and welcome connecting after.
[11:10] <deanland> @marciaconner, sounds like the movie, Safety Not Guaranteed (I think that's the title)
[11:11] <ptvan> @marciaconner good point, being able to connect for dinner and otherwise would be nice
[11:11] <mark_oehlert> damn NSA
[11:11] <mdraznin> heh
[11:11] <deanland> Perhaps an opt-in list, sent to all who receive the weekly call invitations, would be a way to offer contact info
[11:11] <ptvan> + conversations, of course
[11:12] <mdraznin> @deanland I think that's a good way to approach it
[11:12] <mark_oehlert> so before we all go, let's schedule a date/number for the first Yi-Tan Artifact Production Sub-committee
[11:13] <JohnDavidSmith> argumentaion mapping apps...
[11:14] <mdraznin> @mark_oehlert yes re scheduling those
[11:14] <johnabbe> If Synanim isn't on there, check that out. Not an in-the-moment tool, long asynch process
[11:14] <NicoleLazzaro> Screen sharing and photos / video of people's faces also increases social bonding and sense of presense.
[11:15] <deanland> I find MUCH better and more reliable than Google Hangouts.  
[11:15] <hbgreenstein> Nicole - sounds a bit like Google Hangout
[11:15] <mark_oehlert> ...also increases chances that I need to not workout RIGHT before the call.....
[11:15] <hbgreenstein> Zoom is also a good choice
[11:15] <marciaconner> so who has a suggestion on creating that optin contact list?
[11:15] <hbgreenstein> however they limit free calls to certain number of people and 45 min
[11:15] == lei [4babdb7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[11:16] <JerryM_> Argumentation Mapping Apps in me Bwain:
[11:16] <NicoleLazzaro> If there is energy to archive the old YiTan, why not harness that energy to build a new and improved vehicle for all this technology and change goodness?
[11:17] == lei [4babdb7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[11:17] <NicoleLazzaro> Help take Jerry to the next level, in a way we can all participate and enjoy.
[11:17] <mark_oehlert> I'm in.
[11:17] == lei [4babdb7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[11:17] <mdraznin> Question for Jerry/group - Should we, and if yes, how can we bring the wealth of info from Yitan to practical applications to real world problems happening now?
[11:18] <marciaconner> Yes yes, NicoleLazzaro "Help take Jerry to the next level, in a way we can all participate and enjoy." -- help take the world to the next level along the way.
[11:18] <ptvan> @marciaconner yi-tan list is already a google group list. I would suggest creating another list for purposes of collaboration . meetingup
[11:18] <mdraznin> @NicoleLazzaro I'm up for that too.
[11:19] <deanland> +1 @ptvan
[11:19] <leifutne>
[11:19] <NicoleLazzaro> This could be in a vehicle that has an open access, ablity for many to benifit. Could it be a Craig's List for ideas for change?
[11:19] <mark_oehlert> I think if we do a Frederick MD Yi-Tan Meetup....I may be lonely :)
[11:19] <NicoleLazzaro> The google group could be interesting. What platform would be the best.
[11:19] <marciaconner> Joining Google Group now, if others didn't know of previously:!forum/yi-tan
[11:19] <NicoleLazzaro> ?
[11:21] <mark_oehlert> just got told I didn't have permission to join...kinda feelin down now
[11:22] <JerryM_> Tree Bressen - link?
[11:22] <ptvan>
[11:23] <NicoleLazzaro> Does REX need help to build it's infrastructure?
[11:24] <JohnDavidSmith> Google ID complexity mess up hangouts.  
[11:24] <marciaconner> @mark_oehlert I received the same error msg. Baffled.
[11:24] <JohnDavidSmith> chat limits on hangouts.
[11:24] <JohnDavidSmith> limit of 9 video participants.
[11:24] <JohnDavidSmith> but publish on youtube is a ++
[11:24] <NicoleLazzaro> Publishing on YouTube would be powerful.
[11:24] <hbgreenstein> i disagree
[11:24] <JohnDavidSmith> Experimenting with formats -- not just tech platforms but styles of interaction.
[11:25] <hbgreenstein> (about debates) :)
[11:25] <mark_oehlert> there is a limit but can't it rotate? ie limit is for 9 concurrent on video
[11:26] <NicoleLazzaro> The power comes from the *conversation* about change. What tech, fomat, and process could amplify the conversation?
[11:26] <alchang> bingo
[11:27] <philwolff> plans for 2014 Yi-Tan reunion?
[11:27] <mark_oehlert> audio must remain...I'm less wedded to video
[11:27] <NicoleLazzaro> Jerry wants to 1. Finish a book (as a seedbomb) 2. Walk the talk.
[11:27] <mark_oehlert> Burning Yi-Tan?
[11:27] <JohnDavidSmith> Jerry's book: authenticity, vulnerability, intent.  <--- in context as a starting point
[11:28] <leifutne> heh. maybe a Yi-Tan camp at next year's Burning Man?
[11:28] <lei> love the Burning Yi Tan :-)
[11:28] <NicoleLazzaro> I'm dealing with China, and having video on the call is huge. The connection and cooperation is very helpful (in a wierd emotional sort of way.)
[11:30] <hbgreenstein> Burning man is fine, but lots of us don't go
[11:30] <JohnDavidSmith> using Jerry's Brain during a call.
[11:30] <pjkerpan> Howard, willing to start.... :-)
[11:31] <hbgreenstein> nope, I'd rather camp in the forest than the desert
[11:32] <mark_oehlert> right. back to "conversation" - Nicole nailed that one - that is a key dynamic
[11:32] <JohnDavidSmith> Wikis not so conversational.  Google docs are easier.
[11:33] <hbgreenstein> it is tough to get people to use their brains on a regular basis...
[11:33] <NicoleLazzaro> Thx Al & Mark! What would be the Pintrst of conversation?
[11:34] <JerryM_> and the Pinterest of context....
[11:34] <NicoleLazzaro> :) and implementation?
[11:35] == leifutne [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812]]
[11:35] <JerryM_>
[11:35] <hbgreenstein> need to head to next meeting, hope all are well and stay well. < @Howardgr - ttfn
[11:35] == hbgreenstein [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 23.0.1/20130814063812]]
[11:35] <mark_oehlert> Pinterest of Conversation *turns idea over in his mind*
[11:36] <NicoleLazzaro> It could be a stream of really tasty idea nuggets.
[11:36] <JohnDavidSmith>
[11:36] <johnabbe> finding and remixing the nuggets in all the great talks out there (TED, etc.)
[11:36] <mark_oehlert> Nicole - I haven't had lunch yet - you're killing me :)
[11:37] <alchang> Well, the world has gone "snippety", nuggety over the last 8-10 years, pictures and sentences vs. paragraphs and pages.   But it's the power of asynchronous conversation.  part of the yi-tan magic is that it's not just conversation, but it's synchronous real-time conversation, interactive.
[11:38] <johnabbe> (re Tree Bressen - she has a great list of the facilitative roles that people can take on in a group)
[11:38] <mark_oehlert> So calls yes 100% but then asynchronous context-building in the interims
[11:38] <johnabbe> right
[11:38] <mdraznin> metated is really neat idea. that sounds like it could play a central role in future activities
[11:38] <johnabbe> "Everyone comes out more intelligent."
[11:38] <lei> through silence as well
[11:38] <NicoleLazzaro> @al Agree, the syncronicity is important. I do a lot of thinking while listening. And the desire to participate fuels this attention and creativity.
[11:38] <johnabbe> both stimulating and relaxing
[11:38] <johnabbe> +1 lei!
[11:39] <JohnDavidSmith> It has to be said there IS a slightly daunting aspect to present company.  (or is that just me?)
[11:39] <JohnDavidSmith> :)
[11:39] <NicoleLazzaro> "Not to use intelligence as a control device." Interesting idea. I love this group!
[11:40] <deanland> Daunting? How so?
[11:40] <lei> yes to not always knowing what is coming through me
[11:40] <JerryM_> you daunt us, JDS
[11:40] <JohnDavidSmith> I'm reacting to the "intelligence stretch" that Frederick is talking about.
[11:40] <mdraznin> @JohnDavidSmith yup, i'm right there with you re daunting etc. (it's not only your experience)
[11:41] <NicoleLazzaro> It's relaxing to take time away from my work life to refresh the intelectual life. (I like the daunting part... keeps the conversation sharp)
[11:41] <johnabbe> Jerry: Marty say we [esp. dominant-culture --John] humans have been struck in linear, need to break out of that
[11:42] <lei> the beginnings of collective consciousness...walk our walk
[11:42] <mark_oehlert> i know i was daunted until i participated basically I was conditioned by other less accepting I'll just say whatever pops into my head
[11:42] <JohnDavidSmith> going beyond reductionist cause & effect logic --> that's the thread around which to design ourselves.
[11:43] <lei> Bohm's work speaks to the Quaker process too
[11:43] <deanland> daunt·ing
[11:43] <deanland> ˈdôntiNG,ˈdänt-/
[11:43] <deanland> adjective
[11:43] <deanland> adjective: daunting
[11:43] <deanland>     1.
[11:43] <deanland>     seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating.
[11:43] <deanland>     "a daunting task"
[11:43] <deanland>     synonyms: intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying;
[11:44] <JohnDavidSmith> My take on organization & community -- there's much to think about on this subject.
[11:44] <mark_oehlert> damn day job is dragging me back....once again HUGE gratitude to Jerry for this space, truly amazing - and let me know what I can do and when we are getting back together....
[11:45] <johnabbe> is a resource tapping into the patterns behind Quaker meeting and many other processes
[11:45] <ptvan> take care @mark
[11:45] <NicoleLazzaro> Yes, gratitude. To Jerry and all of you!
[11:45] <johnabbe> also see
[11:46] <pjkerpan> I have missed SO MANY of the calls...BUT never underestimate even the "call to action" each week that the call was happening.
[11:46] <JohnDavidSmith> going into silence ...
[11:47] <pjkerpan> I would always then find time in one of my other meetings that day to look up the topic of that day's Yitan
[11:47] <pjkerpan> so I learned and was broadened even in my lame non-participation
[11:48] <JohnDavidSmith> And Jerry is taking a crack at summarizing this call!  :-)
[11:49] <JohnDavidSmith> Important point: Yi-Tan calls are an opoportunity to "learn how to listen"
[11:50] <mdraznin> reposting what @johndavidsmith just 'said' - Important point: Yi-Tan calls are an opoportunity to "learn how to listen"
[11:50] <johnabbe> does anyone have the whole IRC chat? I showed up late, started with: "<johnabbe> hiyall"
[11:50] <ptvan> I want to add --> Minimum Delightful Product versus Minimum Viable Product
[11:50] <NicoleLazzaro> +1 Ptvan
[11:50] <ptvan> you want me to email the whole chat to you? @john
[11:51] <deanland> @johnabbe, send me an email and I'll capture what I have thus far
[11:51] <johnabbe> you can add it at when the call is over (if you have an account?)
[11:53] <marciaconner> Hmm, tryng to read through here wondering if we found a way to have an opt in for email/othercontact.
[11:53] == estee [43bc9fec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
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[11:54] == estee [43bc9fec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #yitan
[11:54] <JohnDavidSmith> Hi Estee... :)
[11:56] == philwolff_ [] has joined #yitan
[11:56] == philwolff [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[11:57] == philwolff_ has changed nick to philwolff
[11:57] <NicoleLazzaro> Listening to the summary. Wowed as alwasy. Jerry also wants more people to play with. YAY Play! \o/ Fiero!
[11:58] == philwolff [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:58] == philwolff [] has joined #yitan
[11:59] <lei> yes yay for play in 3D,4D, 5d ;-)
[11:59] <johnabbe> i put a few names on - who am i missing?
[11:59] <johnabbe> (irc nicks not always clear... :)
[11:59] <pjkerpan> (pjkerpan = Patrick Kerpan)
[12:00] <marciaconner> @johnabbe marciaconner would love to be added to the last call list.
[12:00] <pjkerpan> :-(   :-)
[12:00] == alchang [] has quit [Quit: alchang]
[12:00] <marciaconner> THANK YOU Jerry.
[12:00] <lei> leilani henry
[12:00] <lei> muchas gracias!!
[12:00] <mdraznin> Thanks for everything over the years with these calls Jerry!
[12:01] <deanland> Do we all meet at the Nighthawk Diner now?
[12:01] <ptvan> ptvan = paul van slembrouck  … happy to help make things for the future of post-hi-tan / REX   including visually illustrating the ideas / content
[12:01] == lei [4babdb7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:01] <ptvan> add me!
[12:02] == Chris_____ [4c0e43e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:02] <mdraznin> @johnabbe  would love to be added to the call etc list @mdraznin
[12:03] <NicoleLazzaro> Game On! \o/
[12:03] <mdraznin> signing off - Jerry, THANK YOU!
[12:03] <johnabbe> wait
[12:03] == mdraznin [43fa288c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:03] <johnabbe> argh
[12:04] <ptvan> ?
[12:04] <johnabbe> does anyone know their name
[12:04] <johnabbe> mdraznin
[12:04] <deanland> @johnabbe, is that an existentialist question?
[12:04] == pjkerpan [36ecc554@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[12:04] <johnabbe> heh
[12:05] <deanland> Of course, the musical answer to that question is the theme from Cheers
[12:05] == estee [43bc9fec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:07] <deanland> FWIW, once in a while I would just happen to leave the IRC open, forget about it, and then later have an interesting conversation with someone else who had done the same.
[12:07] <deanland> a post-YiTan happenstance sort of event
[12:08] <johnabbe> heh
[12:08] <johnabbe> yitan of one, could talk w yourself and see if anyone else finds it interesting when they check in
[12:08] <johnabbe> be right back
[12:09] == johnabbe [4c73910e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:09] == johnabbe_ [] has joined #yitan
[12:10] == philwolff [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[12:15] == philwolff_ [] has joined #yitan
[12:15] == philwolff [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[12:15] == philwolff_ has changed nick to philwolff
[12:16] == JohnDavidSmith [4ba4d987@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:17] == philwolff [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:17] <johnabbe_> ptvan, are you planning to post the IRC archive?
[12:17] == NicoleLazzaro [ada76f8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
[12:17] == philwolff [] has joined #yitan
[12:18] <johnabbe_> we're melting… :)
[12:18] <ptvan> no wasn't planning to, I thought I saw someone mention that it's posted on the wiki somewhere
[12:20] == philwolff [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[12:20] == philwolff [] has joined #yitan
[12:21] <johnabbe_> That's the link to post it to. I could post my incomplete copy, but if you have the full thing and could post it that would be great
[12:21] <ptvan> oh sure
[12:21] <ptvan> agh i get it
[12:21] <johnabbe_> If it's too much of a hassle, email it to me at
[12:22] <ptvan> I'll email it, I don't have an account
[12:23] <ptvan> hey, so I'm pretty sure you have the entire transcript
[12:23] <ptvan> nobody said anything prior to you joining
[12:23] <ptvan> it was silent for the first 8 minutes
[12:24] <ptvan> unless...
[12:24] <ptvan> my chat history is limited to 10:38a
[12:28] <johnabbe_> oh okay - if no one wrote before that i'm all good
[12:29] == philwolff_ [] has joined #yitan
[12:29] <ptvan> i'm not an IRC pro.. I'm using Colloquy client and it doesn't keep the entire chat history, but i'm pretty sure you didn't miss much
[12:29] == philwolff [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[12:30] == philwolff_ has changed nick to philwolff
[12:30] <johnabbe_> I see a "Leilani Rashida Henry" on the wiki and I think I remember Jerry saying her name more than once  anyone remember for sure?
[12:30] <ptvan> time for lunch, talk soon i hope.  i was intro'd to Jerry about 4 years ago, and have been lurking since, but would like to be more active.
[12:30] <johnabbe_> cool - I'll be here...
[12:31] <ptvan> cool, take care!

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Nancy White

Sep 16, 2013, 4:38:21 PM9/16/13
DARN IT! I missed it!

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:47 PM, John Abbe <> wrote:

Michael Thomas

Sep 16, 2013, 5:37:34 PM9/16/13
to, Michael Thomas
Echo that! 

Thanks for the epic IRC log. Wow! I also must echo comments about Yi-tan being a 'touchstone' space. Thank you Jerry and Pip for creating a magnificent community. 

I'd suggest a 'Yi-tan reunion' call, and yet: I've seen Jerry's notes on the future and it's very bright. We have a lot to look forward to. 

Kind regards, 

John Abbe

Sep 17, 2013, 1:17:42 AM9/17/13
We only saved IRC logs for a small minority of the calls, but you can see all of them here:*right+by%20create?item=link&limit=50
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