The subject of your question is a bit misleading as you are asking about changing the ‘HSql ’ to ‘MySql’ which does not depend on IDE you use (For IDE it does not matter what database you connect to).
Your step 2 is redundant and in fact you broke the project by doing your changes that is why it does not build.
To build YC with MySQL support all you need is to use profiles, so when you do maven build to deploy under Tomcat with connection to MySQL you need to build:
mvn install -Pdev,mysql,paymentAll
Then you end up with war file including correct connection and MySQL driver dependencies. The connection can be specified in the env/maven/dev/config-db-mysql.properties It works because we specified the "dev" profile which makes it look in env/maven/dev and then "mysql" profile which uses the config-db-mysql.properties for connection settings.
And that is it.
You were changing all persistence.xml (I assume in tests also). So not only you broke the mechanism above, but you also broke the tests. Tests ALWAYS connect to Derby in-memory database and load test data. Because you changed the connection you end up with test connecting to your blank MySQL DB and fail (obviously because there is no data)
So you need to revert all your changes and use maven profiles "-P" parameter.
I understand that you have different IDE but the general approach should be the same, which is setup your IDE to use maven profiles.
So just to reiterate:
- revert your changes
- work out how to setup maven profiles in your IDE
YC team