Daklha Gampo Retreat Centre

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Goh Yee Chin

Jul 19, 2016, 4:49:35 AM7/19/16
to yee-chi...@googlegroups.com

Grow fields of Merit & Bodhicitta at the holy site of Lord Gampopa:

Daklha Gampo Retreat Centre



There were many references in the scriptures by Lord Buddha of Daklha Gampo as a holy land.  It is also the holy place in which Lord Gampopa propagated the Buddha-dharma, and is known as “The Second Vajra Throne-seat”. Currently, there are seven to eight practitioners in retreat near the mountain peak where Lord Gampopa did his first retreat. Although the retreat huts have been rebuilt, because of the steep and remote terrain, the huts remain crude and simple.


When Palchen Rinpoche went on a pilgrimage to Daklha Gampo, the abbot of the Daklha Gampo Monastery spoke to Rinpoche and hoped that he could help establish a retreat centre in this holy place. Palchen Rinpoche joyfully agreed to this request. Rinpoche felt that it is due to the extensive merit he has accumulated in his past lives that he now has this opportunity to construct a Retreat Centre at this extraordinary and precious holy place. Rinpoche rejoices and is greatly pleased to be able to play a humble part and do something for the Kagyu Lineage Masters.


The construction for the Daklha Gampo Retreat Centre has begun. Rinpoche plans to expand on the existing foundation, by constructing a hall for the Retreat Centre, Six Yogas of Naropa rooms, more than 10 retreat huts and a kitchen. Transport cable has been installed and we are now able to transport construction materials from the foot of the mountain to the peak. (Erecting the cable costs 250,000 yuan, which is around S$50,000). The construction of the Retreat Centre is now in full swing and the entire construction expenses will total about 1.2 million yuan, which is around S$240,000.


It is extremely meritorious and precious to be able to contribute to the building of a Retreat Centre at the holy land of Lord Gampopa. United with bodhicitta, your contribution will accumulate vast merit. We welcome and rejoice at any amount given from a pure heart to the construction of the Daklha Gampo Retreat Centre to support its early completion. Meanwhile, we dedicate and supplicate for the happiness and well-being of all sentient beings. May the two accumulations of merit and wisdom grow for all sentient beings; and may all beings swiftly attain unsurpassed, perfect, complete, precious enlightenment.


The closing date for the collection of contribution is 18 August.


Tashi Delek!


Goh Yee Chin






The holy land of Lord Gampopa — Daklha Gampo




The existing Retreat Centre





The existing retreat hut




With a pure motivation, Palchen Rinpoche stands at the Retreat Centre and

rejoices at the holy place of Lord Gampopa




Transport cable that has been erected from the bottom to the top of the mountain





Diagram above of the cable route to the construction site of the Retreat Centre




The Retreat Centre is under construction





The Retreat Centre is under construction




The hall of the Retreat Centre is in the process of being built





The façade of the Retreat Centre that is being constructed



Daklha Gampo Monastery


There were many references in the scriptures by Lord Buddha of Daklha Gampo as a holy land.  Daklha Gampo is the nirmanakaya manifestation of the love and compassion of all Buddhas of the three times, and the mandala of wrathful deities. It is also the holy place in which Lord Buddha appeared in human form and the birthplace of the Kagyu lineage. It is the field in which sentient beings of the past, present and future can accumulate virtue and a place known as “The Second Vajra Throne-seat”.


In a text depicting the life stories of the Buddha, it was mentioned that in a past life, Shakyamuni Buddha was born as a prince called Dhondrup. In that life, he offered a holy elephant king as alms and was thus banished to Daklha Gampo. At that time, in front of the mountain was a river that’s extremely difficult to across (almost like the Yarlung Zangbo river of today). The prince entered into a samadhi state of compassion, and a mountain suddenly arose in the middle of the river (known as the Lukaer Palace today). With that, they managed to cross the river successfully. The prince practised and cultivated samadhi at that place for 12 years long.


According to historical records, this mountainous area was once the retreat place for many vidyadharas. Later, the Tibetan king, Songtsen Gampo, on noticing that the terrain looked seemingly like a rakshasa and was precisely the source, decided to bury Buddha images, sutras and stupas to subjugate the rakshasa. Guru Rinpoche once invited the deities of Daklha Gampo and their retinues to the mountain, performed an empowerment and buried a terma in the deep recesses of the mountain. He made an aspiration that anyone who sees, hears and visualises this holy place will not experience pain, suffering and obstacles. 


it was also recorded In three other scriptures that Lord Buddha praised the divine mountains of Daklha Gampo. In a particular scripture, it was recorded that Lord Buddha prophesised that in the future, a Bhikkhu called Moonlight will arrive to propagate Mahayana Buddhism. The Buddha even crafted a square lamp-shaped hat out of cooked rice balls and prophesised that during that period, the lineage holder will wear such a hat. Predictions on Lord Gampopa of the Dagpo Kagyu lineage were also recorded in many of Guru Rinpoche’s termas.


Lord Milarepa gave instructions to Lord Gampopa to go to a mountain in the shape of a king’s throne to benefit sentient beings. In 1121, Lord Gampopa arrived at the place his root teacher instructed him to go to, and vastly propagated the Kagyu lineage of Buddhist teachings. More than 50,000 practitioners gathered, and countless beings achieved supreme attainments or common attainments and attained great realisations.


It was recorded in numerous texts that the wisdom holders from the Four Major and Eight Minor Schools of Kagyu lineage were as numerous as grains of sand on earth, and the place was known as “The Second Vajra Throne-seat”. The Karmapas, and the lineage holders of the various schools of Kagyu such as Drupka Kagyu and others had all practised at this holy place.


Today, numerous precious relics belonging to the lineage lamas and wisdom holders of the Tabor Kagyu are kept inside the Buddha statues and stupas in the Daklha Gampo Monastery — such as the the yidam deity statue of Chenrezig belonging to Lord Tilopa, and the yidam deity statue belonging to Lord Naropa etc.


You can find naturally manifested Buddha images, stupas and footprints left by highly realised practitioners in this holy place at the mountain peak, halfway up the mountain and its foot. It is said that to go on a pilgrimage to this holy place bestows immeasurable merits. Lord Gampopa said: The quiet and secluded holy place of Daklha Mountain is the mandala of various deities. Anyone who practises in this holy place will successfully achieve the attainments of the two kinds! 
















毅进 合十






















该圣地有山顶,山腰,山脚三种转经道,绕转可见天然形成的佛像,佛塔,成就者在岩石上留下的脚印等等。转山朝圣功德无量,冈波巴大师云: 幽静圣地达拉山,云集各方本尊宫,此处修行道统者,圆满二种成就矣!










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