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Sep 10, 2020, 10:53:42 AM9/10/20
to YCLSA Press Releases

Young Communist League of South Africa

Press Statement, 10 September 2020


The Young Communist League of South Africa [uFasimba] joins all progressive forces in commemorating the 76th anniversary of our sister organization and ally, the legendary “game changer”, the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL). The 76th anniversary of the ANCYL is an opportune moment to reflect on the role and current health status of the Congress Youth Movement.

Undoubtedly, the history of the progressive youth organ for people’s power reflects the power of an organized responsible and conscious youth in changing society for the better. The generation that launched the ANCYL, after its formation led the ANC in difficult times until the 1994 democratic breakthrough. It is the generation of 1944 that changed the character of the Congress Movement in order to drive the struggle for political freedom.

Those who now want to transfer the blame of the current state of the league to young people whereas the current state of paralysis in the ANCYL is mainly because of the same quasi-revolutionaries who elected to isolate the youth from their movement and funded illicit processes through state capture funds to install their own proxies. Today, the orchestrators of crisis persist to isolate young people from rebuilding their own league and opted to convert the former NEC into settlers through a task team created within the ANC as a quasi-youth league to display factional battles of the movement as a process of rebuilding the ANCYL.

As an ally of the ANCYL and equally as an organization that initiated the discussions on the formation of an organ to organize the African youth in the congress movement, the Communist Youth Movement shall not be aphonic when the ANCYL is in a state of paralysis, rather the YCLSA should be identified as an honest and reliable organ that will always advance an agenda in the best interest of the progressive youth population which includes the ANCYL. It is for this reason that we shall never seek to impress or be populist through the weaknesses of the ANCYL, rather, our energies should be focused on rebuilding a genuine, militant and discipline youth movement.  

Even though the Covid-19 pandemic justifies the inaction of the current task team in rebuilding the league, however, the current task team composed of settlers and the NEC members in the congress movement should allow the current generation of young people to build their own league.

The YCLSA remains convinced that a militant and competent ANCYL with the urge for the National Democratic Revolutionary agenda can be build through a genuine process led a conscious and active youth populace. We call upon the leadership of the ANC to announce the withdrawal of ANC NEC members from the National Youth Task Team to allow young people the space to rebuild the ANCYL.

Issued by the Young Communist League of South Africa [ufasimba]

Tinyiko Ntini

National Secretary

For enquiries contact:

Dloze Matooane
National Spokesperson
066 570 39022w
Whatsapp: 0826920127
Email: dmdma...@gmail.com

Dineo Mokoena
Media and Liaison
073 969 8532




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