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Jun 4, 2020, 1:38:54 PM6/4/20
to YCLSA Press Releases


Young Communist League of South Africa


Press Statement, 04 June 2020




The Young Communist League of South Africa [UFASIMBA] has noted the provocative populist statement released officially by the Democratic Alliance (DA) through the shadow Minister of Police directed at the Alliance Secretariat meeting. This blether rhetoric - talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense – should be attributed to the desperate attempts for relevance by the entire South African right-wing fraternity.


The Democratic Alliance should be condemned for using the struggle of the poor to advance narrow liberal populism and for downplaying a genuine struggle against racism in the United States of America (USA) and the world as if it is merely about a few wrong incidents by the police. Obviously, to expect the Democratic Alliance to understand anything about racism would be absurd – the same organization has continuously defended apartheid Israel and denied the racist reality in the South African economic structure and political system. However, the demonstrations in the United States have always been about black lives and the unequal treated of the state towards different races in that society. In a simple sense – the working class and poor masses in the United States are facing the same unjust struggle that the Democratic Alliance defends in South Africa.


Opportunistically, the Democratic Alliance continues to drive a baseless narrative that it has championed the fight against police brutality in South Africa since well it has launched a campaign against police brutality. This is a farce – common sense dictates that any genuine struggle against brutality cannot be selective – brutality should be fought in all forms including the economic brutality on the South African working population and the poor and the racist brutality of the South African economy.


Given the posture that the Democratic Alliance claims, the Young Communist League of South Africa invites the Democratic Alliance to join progressive forces in advancing the National Democratic Revolution against various forms of brutality such as racism, poverty, unemployment, inequality, underdevelopment, sexism and patriarchy – all brought by the capitalist system. We appreciate that the Democratic Alliance alleges that it has some form of energy to fight injustice and we expected the Democratic Alliance to condemn apartheid Israel against Palestine. The Democratic Alliance should join the global struggle against capitalism which is responsible for all forms of brutality.


Also, given the brutality brought by the current capitalist abnormality and the historical injustices of the apartheid system which has placed the majority of South Africans in unpleasant conditions while a few continues to enjoy the benefits of the South African productive capacity – a reality that has resulted in more than two thirds of the South African population being dependent on the public health system while only a few benefits from the private health facilities – the Young Communist League of South Africa challenges the Democratic Alliance to abandon the anti-National Health Insurance campaign that it started before the nationwide lockdown and join the national effort to create a single equal health system for everyone under the National Health Insurance.


The Democratic Alliance populist rhetoric and opportunism should be condemned much as racism and police brutality should be condemned in South Africa and anywhere else in the world.


The Young Communist League of South Africa remains in solidarity with the nationwide protestors in the United States of America against the racist Trump administration.


Issued by the Young Communist League of South Africa [UFASIMBA]


For Inquiries contact:

Dloze Matooane
National Spokesperson
066 570 3902
Whatsapp: 0826920127


Dineo Mokoena
Media and Liaison
073 969 8532








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