Statement of the YCLSA Political Commission

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May 17, 2020, 12:46:07 PM5/17/20
to YCLSA Press Releases



Press Statement, 17 May 2020
Statement of the YCLSA Political Commission

The Young Communist League of South Africa [UFASIMBA] virtually convened an ordinary plenary session of the Standing Political Commission which was extended to Provincial Secretaries on the 16th of May 2020. The Political Commission is the highest implementing body of the Young Communist league of South Africa’s decisions, programmes and its ideological organ in between National Committee plenary sessions. 

The Political Commission received and discussed the political, organizational and financial overviews. The meeting also discussed the current political situation both domestically and internationally. 

The meeting resolved that the current normal within the political economy is abnormal and stressed the need for a 'New Normal': a socialist non-sleeping economy as the new growth path post the covid-19 pandemic and a 24-hour education system. In just over a month of the nationwide lockdown, the global capitalist system is looming another global recession and expectations are that, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global capitalist economy is likely to exceed that of any recession in the last 150 years – that is, in the entire history of capitalism. 

The Political Commission expressed that the inherited domestic capitalist economic model that has since been enhanced through neoliberal austerity by reducing state intervention in the economy and weakening state capacity especially through privatization is equally unhealthy for the South African political situation. Therefore, a new economy based on the ambitions of a class-orientated National Democratic Revolution is urgent. 

It is not surprising that the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the right-wing liberal fraternity in the South African polity composed of the Democratic Alliance, AfriForum, Solidarity and the Freedom Front Plus. The right-wing liberal fraternity reflects a racial apartheid system trying to remain relevant in the post-apartheid society hence they cannot develop enough ideological capacity beyond the racialized capitalist economy that continues to haunt the South African population. 

The Political Commission paid tribute to both Rivonia Trialist, anti-apartheid activist and SACP veteran, Denis Goldberg, and Dr Clarence Mini who was equally an anti-apartheid activist. The Commission is equally saddened by the passing of the SACP District Organizer in the Free State, Cde Pitso Nzimande. The YCLSA salutes these leaders of our movement for the excellent service to the people of South Africa and the movement. 

Recent development in Kwa-Zulu Natal of the young ‘Bobo’ Mbuthu who his torture and murder has left a painful scar in our society. The meeting called for justice for the murder of the young Andile ‘Bobo’ Mbuthu and reiterated the support of the YCLSA in the fight for justice. 
Given the developments since the nationwide lockdown, the Political Commission has therefore resolved on the following: 

Social Relief of Distress grants (Unemployment grant)

The Political Commission has equally commended the government for adopting the resolution of the YCLSA on the Basic Income Grant (Social relief of Distress grant). However, the concern is the criteria for the application of the grant and the planned duration for the release of the grants. 

The Commission expressed that R350 is not enough due to high cost of living in a capitalist country like ours and has certain limitations mainly because young mothers who are grant recipients do not qualify for this grant.  This is unfair given the fact that Child Support grants are for children and not young unemployed parents. Equally, the usage of bank accounts from private banking institutions as opposed to SASSA accounts will only benefit the banks and disadvantage young people with bank charges. 

Based on the latter, the Commission calls for the change in the criteria used for this grant to allow all unemployed Youth who are also recipients of grants on behalf of children to access the grants. The Commission has equally referred the question on the sustainability of the grant beyond the planned six months duration to the National Committee. 

Phased re-opening of Schools and higher learning institutions

The Political Commission has noted the announcement made by the Department of Basic Education on the intended reopening of schools to save the academic calendar. Schools are currently closed mainly because we are dealing with a pandemic and because the lives of learners are more important than the academic calendar. Equally, Matriculants and Grade 11 learners will soon be confronted with a reality of preparing for the next phase of their academic journey. Given this reality, the Political Commission resolved that Grade 11 and Grade 12 students should be allowed to go back to school under strict safety standards and precautions. 

Gender Based Violence and Mental Health

Gender Based Violence is reportedly on the rise in South African since the nationwide lockdown. The role played by mental health in this reality cannot equally be ignored. The Political Commission condemn any form of Gender Based Violence and calls on government to dedicate a specific budget to mental health to combat the psychological reality in our society head on. Thuthuzela care centres should also be capacitated to deal with this reality. 

The Political Commission equally called on institutions of higher learning to allow campus psychological services to be opened to students during the lockdown and campaigns on mental health should be conducted in all campuses when institutions reopen. 

Corruption during the Covid-19 Nationwide lockdown

Reports on looting of food parcels and related corruption during the nationwide lockdown is alarming and should be confronted immediately. South Africa should avoid another commission into corruption post the covid-19 nationwide lockdown which will be costly and take time. The Political Commission calls on President Cyril Ramaphosa and the National Coronavirus Command Council to mandate the Auditor general to follow all the money allocated for mitigating challenges related to the pandemic and where reports of corruption and maladministration are found, perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

Occupational Health and Safety  

Workers are human being before they are associated to any profession or occupation. Therefore, the lives of all workers should be prioritized before expected to perform any role in the workplace. The Political Commission reiterate the call for adherence to occupational health and safety. The Political Commission supports the call by the Trade Union movement. 

Adapting the organization to the Covid-19 situation

The Political Commission has analysed and discussed the manner in which the organization has responded to the nationwide lockdown and the covid-19 pandemic. The need to migrate certain activities online in order to comply with organizational processes and to keep the organization running cannot be overemphasized. The Political Commission has therefore resolved on the centralization of planning online lectures and Bua Thursdays in the national office. As per the ordinary, structures of the YCLSA through the Provincial Secretaries are expected to write to the National Office in order to host any online event in the name of the organization or social media pages related to the organization. All sub-national structures must adhere to organisational principles and discipline even during these difficult times. 

On Swaziland

Swaziland is one of the countries with the most oppressive regimes in the world. The government in Swaziland has unashamedly and unapologetically issued bogus Covid-19 statistics which do not make any numerical sense and have not rectified the statistics until today. Instead, the government has been focused on arresting journalists and activists that has exposed the weakness of the oppressive mechanist system in dealing with the pandemic. The Political Commission has called on the South African government as Chair of the AU Commission to intervene urgently. 

On Palestine
Since the previous month, the occupied Palestine has confirmed more than 500 cases of COVID-19. This territory is the fourth region in the world with the highest unemployment rate and third-highest population living in extreme poverty. Palestine is being blocked by land, sea and air by the Zionist Israeli apartheid regime and other territories have long been occupied – depriving Palestinians from all forms of basic needs – including proper medical care. All these factors create an increasing concern over the proliferation of the pandemic. The Commission condemns the brutality of the Zionist apartheid regime of Israel on the Palestinian people and call on the South African government to mobilize member states of the African Union to put international pressure on Israel to allow Palestinians to access proper health care services. 

Issued by YCLSA

Tinyiko Ntini – National Secretary

For enquiries:

Dloze Matooane – National Spokesperson
Mobile: 066 570 3902

Dineo Mokoena – Media Liaison
Mobile: 073 969 8532
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