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Announcing 2024 YCIG Steering Committee results

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Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

Nov 20, 2023, 2:38:21 PM11/20/23

Dear YCIG community,

The outgoing YCIG Steering Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s elections. During the election period, 21 votes were cast. The Committee automatically disregarded all those votes that did not provide the date of YCIG membership, because of which 2 of the votes were deemed invalid. 19 votes were marked as valid.

After the ballot review process, we are happy to announce the election results, and the newly elected YCIG Steering Committee members per regional group.

African Group:

  • Athanase Bahizire: 21.1%

  • Saba Tiku Beyene: 73.7% - elected candidate
  • Abstain: 5.3%

Asia-Pacific Group:

  • Ananda Gautam: 47.4% - elected candidate

  • Muhammad Umair Ali 15.8%

  • Pavel Farhan 15.8%

  • Phyo Thiri Lwin 15.8%

  • Abstain: 5.3%

Eastern European Group:

  • Marko Paloski: 89.5% - elected candidate

  • Abstain: 10.5%

Latin America and Carribean Group:

  • Denise Machado Leal: 94.7% - elected candidate

  • Abstain: 5.3%

Western European and Other Group:

  • James Paek: 31.6%

  • Umut Pajaro Velasquez 63.2% - elected candidate

  • Abstain: 5.3%

As a reminder to the elected candidates, the YCIG Charter (Chapter V, Article VI, point 9), establishes that the newly elected Steering Committee members shall confirm that they take the office within 7 days after the election results are announced. That said, we ask the elected candidates to send an email to by next Monday, November 27th 2023 confirming their seat at the next Steering Committee.

We would like to thank all the candidates for their interest in running for the next YCIG Steering Committee and congratulate the newly elected YCIG Steering Committee members for 2024!

Kind regards,

Nicolas Fiumarelli

On behalf of the Outgoing YCIG Steering Committee

Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

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