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Call for Contributions: International Observatory on Information and Democracy

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Umut Pajaro Velasquez

Nov 22, 2023, 9:36:57 AM11/22/23
Dear community,

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. The International Observatory on Information and Democracy is excited to announce a call for contributions to compile international research for our inaugural report. We are focusing on four priority themes:

  •     Artificial Intelligence, information ecosystems, and democracy
  •     Media Politics and Trust
  •     Data Governance and Democracy
  •     Misinformation and Disinformation (as a cross-cutting issue)

The aim of this report is to establish a shared understanding of the known and unknown aspects in these areas. By doing so, we hope to assist governments, policymakers, regulatory bodies, NGOs, and tech corporations in crafting better policies to protect our democratic institutions.

We invite experts and researchers to submit their literature addressing the research questions outlined in the call. This is an opportunity to showcase your research among international experts and be recognized as a contributor to the inaugural report of the Observatory.

Please share your comments, papers, reports, or published opinions on the four priority themes by January 7, 2024, at

For more details, you can visit our website:

Thank you for your valuable contributions to the advancement of knowledge and the protection of democratic values.

All the best,

Umut Pajaro Velasquez (they/them/elle)
Comunicadorx Social / BA in Communications Studies 
Máster en Estudios Culturales / MA in Cultural Studies
Chair - Gender SG - ISOC (2022 -2024)
Telegram: @umutpajaro
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