Dear YCIG Community,
We hereby announce the beginning of the
elections period within our Dynamic Coalition, the Youth Coalition on
Internet Governance.
According to the YCIG Charter, active
members will be able to cast their votes for the elections. Those who
joined our Dynamic Coalition at least 3 months prior to the elections’
(date: October 15, 2024) are able to nominate someone or nominate themselves representing one of the 5 regional groups recognized by the United Nations:
- African Group;
- Asia-Pacific Group;
- Eastern European Group;
- Latin American and Caribbean Group;
- Western European and Others Group.
This is the proposed timeline:
- Check-in procedure: December 9th — December 23rd, 2024
- Nominations: Nominees will share their candidacy statements though the Google Form that will be shared on: December 24, 2024 – January 13th, 2025.
- Announcement of valid and non-valid nominations (see the YCIG Charter): YCIG will share a document with all the valid candidate statements. January 14th, 2025
- Voting period: January 16th — January 23rd, 2025
- Announcement of the elected candidates. Candidates have one week to confirm the acceptance of the position. January 25th, 2025.
- Hand-over meeting for the new Steering Committee members: January 30th — February 3rd, 2025
Member check-in:
In order to be able to cast your vote and nominate yourself or someone
else, please fill in the following form to complete the member check-in
procedure by December 23rd, 2024: Stay
tuned for our emails in the next few weeks in order to receive
information about nominations and the voting procedure. If you have any
questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us through
Kind regards,
Outgoing YCIG Steering Committee members