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YCIG Elections Reminder: Important Dates and Actions Required

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Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

Nov 3, 2023, 10:49:09 AM11/3/23
Dear Youth Coalition on Internet Governance members,

This is a friendly reminder about the key dates and activities for the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance Steering Committee (YCIG SC) elections period. Please review the timeline and ensure you complete the required actions to participate actively in the governance of our Coalition.

Member Check-in: Complete the member check-in process by November 5, 2023, if you haven't already. Here's the link to the form: Member Check-in Form.

Nominations Open:
Prepare to submit your nominations starting November 5, 2023. Look out for the Google Form link to share candidacy statements.

Nominations Close: November 12, 2023, is the last day to nominate yourself or someone else.

Valid Nominations Announcement:
Check your email on November 13, 2023, for the announcement of valid nominations and candidate statements.

Voting Period: Cast your vote between November 13 and November 20, 2023.

Election Results: Look out for the announcement of the elected candidates on November 21, 2023. If elected, you have one week to confirm acceptance.

Steering Committee Hand-over: Attend the hand-over meeting scheduled between November 28 and December 5, 2023.

Please mark your calendars and set personal reminders for these important dates. Staying informed and participating in the election process is crucial for our Coalition's success.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out via

Best regards,

Nicolas Fiumarelli
Outgoing YCIG Steering Committee Member

Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

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Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

Nov 3, 2023, 10:50:24 AM11/3/23
Dear Youth Coalition on Internet Governance members,

This is a friendly reminder about the key dates and activities for the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance Steering Committee (YCIG SC) elections period. Please review the timeline and ensure you complete the required actions to participate actively in the governance of our Coalition.

Member Check-in: Complete the member check-in process by November 5, 2023, if you haven't already. Here's the link to the form: Member Check-in Form

Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

Nov 6, 2023, 9:55:01 AM11/6/23

Dear YCIG members,

The member check-in procedure for the YCIG Steering Committee elections is now closed. For persons who want to nominate themselves as a candidate for the YCIG Steering Committee elections, please fill in the following form by November 12, 2023:

You can find more information about the nomination procedure and the following steps at the bottom of this email.

Kind regards,

Nicolas Fiumarelli

Member Check-in: Complete the member check-in process by November 5, 2023,

Nominations Open:
 Prepare to submit your nominations starting November 6, 2023. Look out for the Google Form link to share candidacy statements. ---> WE ARE HERE

Nominations Close: November 12, 2023, is the last day to nominate yourself or someone else.

Valid Nominations Announcement: 
Check your email on November 13, 2023, for the announcement of valid nominations and candidate statements.

Voting Period: Cast your vote between November 13 and November 20, 2023.

Election Results: Look out for the announcement of the elected candidates on November 21, 2023. If elected, you have one week to confirm acceptance.

Steering Committee Hand-over: Attend the hand-over meeting scheduled between November 28 and December 5, 2023.

On behalf of the Outgoing YCIG Steering Committee Members

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 11:48 AM Youth Coalition on Internet Governance <> wrote:
Dear Youth Coalition on Internet Governance members,

This is a friendly reminder about the key dates and activities for the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance Steering Committee (YCIG SC) elections period. Please review the timeline and ensure you complete the required actions to participate actively in the governance of our Coalition.

Member Check-in: Complete the member check-in process by November 5, 2023, if you haven't already. Here's the link to the form: Member Check-in Form.

Nominations Open:
Prepare to submit your nominations starting November 6, 2023. Look out for the Google Form link to share candidacy statements.

Nominations Close: November 12, 2023, is the last day to nominate yourself or someone else.

Valid Nominations Announcement:
Check your email on November 13, 2023, for the announcement of valid nominations and candidate statements.

Voting Period: Cast your vote between November 13 and November 20, 2023.

Election Results: Look out for the announcement of the elected candidates on November 21, 2023. If elected, you have one week to confirm acceptance.

Steering Committee Hand-over: Attend the hand-over meeting scheduled between November 28 and December 5, 2023.

Please mark your calendars and set personal reminders for these important dates. Staying informed and participating in the election process is crucial for our Coalition's success.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out via

Best regards,

Nicolas Fiumarelli
Outgoing YCIG Steering Committee Member

Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

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