Fwd: [AfriSIG-Alumni] AfriSIG23 - call for applications now open - deadline 15 August

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Noha Ashraf Abdel Baky

Jul 31, 2023, 1:54:47 PM7/31/23

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From: Anriette Esterhuysen <anri...@apc.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 8:47 PM
Subject: [AfriSIG-Alumni] AfriSIG23 - call for applications now open - deadline 15 August
To: African School on Internet Governance Alumni list <afrisig...@lists.apc.org>

The African School on Internet Governance –  #AfriSIG23 – will take place from 13 to 18 September in Abuja – Call for applications now open –  Deadline 15 August

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC), the African Union Commission (AUC) and Research ICT Africa, are pleased to announce the call for applications for the 11th annual African School on Internet Governance.  AfriSIG23 is scheduled for 13-18 September 2023 in Abuja, Nigeria, immediately prior to the African Internet Governance Forum, 19 to 21 September.  AfriSIG’s convenors are proud to announce that AfriSIG23 is being organised in collaboration with Paradigm Initiative, and the organisers of the 2023 African IGF,  the AfIGF secretariat and the Nigerian Communications Commission. The theme of this year’s AfriSIG is the African Union’s Data Policy Framework.


AfriSIG will take place over the course of five days as an intensive residential, interactive learning and knowledge-sharing event that covers:

  • Digitalisation, sustainable development and digital inclusion and inequality
  • The global internet governance ecosystem and the African institutional context at national and regional level
  • Open internet architecture, infrastructure, standards and protocols and management of internet names and numbers
  • Stakeholder and sector roles and responsibilities (government, intergovernmental forums, UN agencies, regulators, parliaments, civil society, business, academia, the media, the technical community and internet users)
  • Data governance: data as a strategic asset, driver of digital development. Data protection, security, data flows, sovereignty and localisation and the implementation of the African Union Data Policy Framework
  • Human rights and the internet, including freedom of expression, association, gender justice and media diversity and independence
  • Digital economy, including trade, taxation and sustainable development
  • Cybersecurity, trust and safety and responses to harmful use of the internet, hate speech, online gender-based violence, misinformation and disinformation
  • Emerging issues: Artificial Intelligence, climate change, digital sovereignty and the geopolitics of internet governance.
  • Current processes and debates, e.g. WSIS +20, the Global Digital Compact and the Summit of the Future


For the practicum component of the 11th annual AfriSIG fellows will produce a “multistakeholder national implementation and follow-up strategy” for the African Union Data Policy Framework, building on the current process taking place at the level of Regional Economic Commissions and member states, but with emphasis on the involvement of parliamentarians, civil society, business, the media and other non-state actors, including the technical community and academic and research institutions.


AfrISIG is not aimed at beginners. AfriSIG’s goal is to develop a pipeline of leading Africans from diverse sectors, backgrounds and ages with the skills to participate in local and international internet governance structures and shape the future of the internet landscape for Africa’s development. This call is only open to applicants who have relevant work experience and/or are involved in internet governance or information and communications technology (ICT) research, policy and regulation in Africa. An additional qualification for AfriSIG23 is active involvement in data governance at the level of research, oversight or implementation.

Applicants who work in some capacity with the governance of data on the internet from the following institutions/sectors are encouraged to apply:

  • Information regulators including privacy commissions
  • Data protection/governance professionals
  • Government ministries and departments
  • National and regional communications regulatory authorities
  • Regional Economic Communities of the African Union Commission
  • Members of parliament
  • Service providers and other businesses that form part of the internet industry
  • Civil society organisations including digital rights groups
  • Women’s rights and gender justice groups
  • Human rights institutions dealing with internet issues, such as national or regional human rights commissions.
  • The judiciary and other members of the legal community
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Technical organisations and cyber security professionals
  • Academic and research institutions
  • Media organisations and individual bloggers and journalists


Course fee: $1500. Participants are responsible for their own travel and visa costs.


A small number of full (includes travel) or partial (accommodation, meals and tuition) grants are available. To apply for financial support indicate this on the application form and provide an additional letter of motivation from the institution you are affiliated with.


Both self-funded and sponsored participants need to complete the application form. All participants, even those who are self-funded, will be expected to attend for the duration of the school. As part of the application, you will be required to:

  1. Complete this form in full
  2. Answer a quick five-question quiz
  3. Upload a recent CV
  4. Upload a letter of recommendation
  5. If you are applying for financial support, please upload a motivation letter from the institution with which you are affiliated explaining why you qualify for financial support.


AfriSIG cannot cover the cost of the participation in this event of AfriSIG participants, but we strongly encourage every one to register and join the event in person or remotely.

For more information, visit the AfriSIG website www.afrisig.org or contact the AfriSIG organisers, Anriette Esterhuysen and Peace Oliver Amuge at afr...@apc.org

Anriette Esterhuysen - anri...@apc.org//anri...@gmail.com
Senior advisor global and regional internet governance
Association for Progressive Communications
www.apc.org // afrisig.org
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Best Regards,
Noha Ashraf
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