Hylafax in asterisk, "/dev/ttyS0 is not a terminal device"

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Sim GPlusNervt

May 13, 2021, 3:11:58 PM5/13/21
to yajhfc-user
I tried to configure fax function in asterisk in combination with a fritzbox and followed the instructions here.

At step 6, I get the following error message:
root@asterisk:~# faxaddmodem ttyIAX0
/dev/ttyIAX0 is not a terminal device.
Serial port that modem is connected to [ttyIAX0]?
/dev/ttyS0 is not a terminal device.

I have only installed hylafax before, but do not know what to configure here. I followed these instructions,  but I did not know what to configure:

root@asterisk:~# faxmodem
Missing modem device.
usage: /usr/lib/hylafax/bin/faxmodem [-c fax-capabilities] [-p] [-P] [-u priority] [-q queue-dir] modem
root@asterisk:~# faxsetup

Setup program for HylaFAX (tm) 6.0.7.

Created for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu on Wed, 13 Jan 2021 13:00:13 +0000.

Reading cached parameters from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.

Found base64 encoder: /usr/bin/base64
Found Quoted-Printable encoder: qp-encode
Found mimencode for compatibilty: mimencode
Checking system for proper server configuration.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/getty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program.  The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error.  If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/getty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program.  The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error.  If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/vgetty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Warning: /etc/hylafax/egetty-link does not exist or is not an executable program!

The file:


does not exist or this file is not an executable program.  The
HylaFAX software optionally uses this program and the fact that
it does not exist on the system is not a fatal error.  If the
program resides in a different location and you do not want to
install a symbolic link for /etc/hylafax/egetty-link that points to your program
then you must reconfigure and rebuild HylaFAX from source code.

Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax.gs.

Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax.gs.

Update /var/spool/hylafax/status/any.info.

        HylaFAX configuration parameters are:

        [1] Init script starts faxq:            yes
        [2] Init script starts hfaxd            yes
        [3] Start paging protocol:              no
Are these ok [yes]?

Modem support functions written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.
Configuration parameters written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.

Restarting HylaFAX server processes.
Should I restart the HylaFAX server processes [yes]?

/etc/init.d/hylafax start
Starting hylafax (via systemctl): hylafax.service.

You do not appear to have any modems configured for use.  Modems are
configured for use with HylaFAX with the faxaddmodem(8) command.
Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]?
Serial port that modem is connected to [ttyS0]?
/dev/ttyS0 is not a terminal device.

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