An error occured connecting to the server

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Spyros Tsiolis

Jul 5, 2016, 6:52:09 AM7/5/16
to yajhfc-user
Hello again,

I checked the list for relevant messages. I do not think there is something relevant
to what I am having problems with .

I have an installation with hylafax. Two windows 7 machines and an ubuntu 12.04 x86 server
Ubuntu runs hylafax, clients are the windows 7 boxes with yajhfc_0_6_0.

Client installation works fine, then trying to connect to the server and the following
pops-up (on "details") :

An error occured connecting to the server:

    at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
    at gnu.inet.ftp.FtpClientProtocol.pass(
    at yajhfc.HylaClientManager.forceLogin(
    at yajhfc.options.SingleServerSettingsPanel$TestConnectionWorker.doWork(

YajHFC 0.6.0
Java 1.8.0_91 (Oracle Corporation)
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_91-b15
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Windows 7 6.1 (x86)

1. uninstalled obsolete JRE version and re-installed with latest one
2. reinstalled yajhfc from scratch
3. Disabled firewall on windows boxes  (same thing happens, no progress)
4. Made sure there's no iptables running on server (ubuntu)
5. Telnetted to the server on port 4559 and works fine

At this point , I can safely say I've ran out of ideas.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Best Regards,


John Hudak

Jul 6, 2016, 11:31:02 PM7/6/16
Yasu Spyros:

I don't have much in the way of specific suggestions but it seems that JRE is not happy with YAJHFC. 
Does the problem occur on BOTh windoz machines?

When you removed the old JRE and yajhfc, did you clean the registry (check out CCleaner)?

Did you use the windows installer version of YAJHFC?
Perhaps you can try contacting the author of YAJHFC for some ideas?
are all versions of the programs consistent? e.g. 32-bit or 64-bit address space?

good luck

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Jonas Wolz

Jul 10, 2016, 8:44:37 AM7/10/16

> I have an installation with hylafax. Two windows 7 machines and an
> ubuntu 12.04 x86 server
> Ubuntu runs hylafax, clients are the windows 7 boxes with yajhfc_0_6_0.
> Client installation works fine, then trying to connect to the server
> and the following
> pops-up (on "details") :
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> An error occured connecting to the server:
> java.util.NoSuchElementException
> at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source)
> at gnu.inet.ftp.FtpClientProtocol.pass(
> [...]
> 1. uninstalled obsolete JRE version and re-installed with latest one
> 2. reinstalled yajhfc from scratch
> 3. Disabled firewall on windows boxes (same thing happens, no progress)
> 4. Made sure there's no iptables running on server (ubuntu)
> 5. Telnetted to the server on port 4559 and works fine
To me this looks like the answer to the "PASS" command from the server
is empty.
If you do an "ftp server 4559" (replace "server" with the server name of
course) instead of telnet, can you login?

(This looks similar to the following issue:

Hope that helps

Spyros Tsiolis

Aug 2, 2016, 8:08:11 AM8/2/16
to yajhfc-user

hi Jonas,

Thank you for your kind reply.

Hmmm, Looks like you are right.
It looks a _lot_ like the issue in the link you've sent me.

Just FYI, here's my ftp command :

root@proteus:~# ftp localhost 4559
Connected to localhost.
220 proteus server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 6.0.6) ready.
Name (localhost:supervisor): <HERE I JUST PRESSED ENTER>
230 User supervisor logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.

There exists a user called "supervisor". I just pressed <ENTER> and
the daemon logged me in without asking for a password.

So now what do I do ?




Spyros Tsiolis

Aug 2, 2016, 8:52:32 AM8/2/16
to yajhfc-user

On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 6:31:02 AM UTC+3, John Hudak wrote:
Yasu Spyros:

I don't have much in the way of specific suggestions but it seems that JRE is not happy with YAJHFC. 
Does the problem occur on BOTh windoz machines?

When you removed the old JRE and yajhfc, did you clean the registry (check out CCleaner)?

Did you use the windows installer version of YAJHFC?
Perhaps you can try contacting the author of YAJHFC for some ideas?
are all versions of the programs consistent? e.g. 32-bit or 64-bit address space?

good luck

Yasu John :-)

Thank you for your time answering this.
My next move would be to check java versions.
However, it looks like the issue lies with authentication.
I just answered to Jonas about this.

In any case I will go through the checklist you provided.

Thank you again,

Kinds Regards,



John Hudak

Aug 2, 2016, 11:04:40 AM8/2/16
Yasu Spyros:
Ti kanes?
I don't think I would spend anytime doing my checklist.  Jonas test suggestion and your results seem to support the empty PASS command as the issue.

kali tyche!


Spyros Tsiolis

Aug 4, 2016, 3:23:23 AM8/4/16
to yajhfc-user

On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 3:44:37 PM UTC+3, Jonas Wolz wrote:

Hi again Jonas,

I managed to isolate the problem !!!

If I ftp to port 4559 from the machine itself as "localhost" :

supervisor@proteus:~$ ftp localhost 4559

Connected to localhost.
220 proteus server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 6.0.6) ready.
Name (localhost:supervisor):
230 User supervisor logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.

It DOESN'T EVEN ASK for a password and accepts the connection.

Now if I ftp from the server itself using its IP address _instead_ of "localhost" :

supervisor@proteus:~$ ftp 4559
Connected to

220 proteus server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 6.0.6) ready.
Name (
331 Password required for supervisor.
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
Login failed.
No control connection for command: Success

Now, If I try to do this from one of the windows machines (windows 7 32-bit, Enterprize) :

c:\> ftp 4559
connected to
220 proteus server (HylaFAX (vm) Version 6.0.6) ready.
User ( supervisor
password : <PASSWORD_HERE>
Connection closed by remote host.

Now at this point I am afraid I am posting to the wrong list and
that I should post my issues to the hylafax list.
However, this is _not_ my first hylafax server installation.
The only diferrence between this installation and the rest is
that Hylafax got installed on an Ubuntu 14.04 server X86
as the rest of the installations took place on Ubuntu 12.04 server
X86 boxes.
It seems that anyone asking for access to the service through the
local network gets denied for some reason.
I've checked iptables and ufw on ubuntu. UFW service is stopped
and there's nothing on iptables.

what do you think chaps ?
Should I voice my issues to the hylafax list ?
I don't know how to proceed with this to tell you the truth.

Thank you all for kind time and patience,



Spyros Tsiolis

Aug 4, 2016, 8:23:47 AM8/4/16
to yajhfc-user
Hello all,

just to let you know that I RESOLVED this.
It HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YAJHFC. It was a hylafax server configuration
tidbit I missed.

In my defence, this is the first time I had to configure this specific setting.
I have three hylafax server installations from which this is the only one that
red-flagged this !

So here it is, very clear at the end of this page / link :

The only machine that talks as a client to hylafax is the server itself as "localhost".
If you want to add more machines / nodes / networks / subnets, you have to 
explicitly state them one by one.

I tried the regexp line that it has at the bottom :


and changed it to this :


in hope that it will allow nodes under to access the server and it did !

Restarted the hylafax service and everything worked fine.

Thank you all again for your time and patience !



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