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Tcl package for object-oriented circuit building

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George Yashin

Nov 30, 2024, 7:56:22 PM11/30/24
to xyce-users


I hope I'm not violating any rules regarding self-promotion, but I’d like to share a project that could be helpful for Xyce users working with scripting and automating simulations.
I recently released a project called SpiceGenTcl. It provides a scripting interface for Xyce (and Ngspice) using an object-oriented approach to building circuits. With it, you can perform repeated simulations, modify circuit parameters and models, and even adjust the circuit's topology.

The project includes detailed documentation and tutorials that cover DC, AC and transient simulations, as well as data post-processing.

There’s also an example showcasing Monte Carlo simulations. In the future, I plan to add optimization examples, including data fitting.

The package is compatible with both Linux and Windows, and licensed under MIT.

Thank you, George.

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