Gear12::rejectStep: error

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Mehmet Cirit (Ceridli)

Feb 27, 2023, 9:31:01 PM2/27/23
to xyce-users
I am getting this error:

***** Beginning DC Operating Point Calculation...
***** Beginning Transient Calculation...
function Gear12::rejectStep:
   Maximum number of local error test failures.
*** Xyce Abort ***
function Gear12::rejectStep:
   Maximum number of local error test failures.
*** Xyce Abort ***

I switched the integration method, similar error:

***** Beginning DC Operating Point Calculation...
***** Beginning Transient Calculation...
function OneStep::rejectStep:
   Maximum number of local error test failures.  
*** Xyce Abort ***errorring
function OneStep::rejectStep:
   Maximum number of local error test failures.  
*** Xyce Abort ***

Looks like it is finding DC operating point,  and looking at the source code, it 
errors  out because possibly bad solution  is detected even if it has converged. 

Any help is appreciated.


Feb 28, 2023, 1:05:41 PM2/28/23
to Mehmet Cirit (Ceridli), xyce-users


Hi  Mehmet,


Thanks for your interests in Xyce. The information you shared means that the DC op is solved, but Xyce cannot take the first step out of DC op. It is due to nonlinear solver failures, not LTE failure. It is hard to know what caused the nonlinear solver failure at the first step without the netlist. Can you share the netlist with us so we can debug the problem?




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