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Could not resolve unknown device transformer, model not found in scope

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Apr 24, 2024, 6:36:40 AM4/24/24
to xyce-users
 I am using XDM and Xyce to process the ACCIA_A.scs netlist written by spectre using the command xdm_bdl -s spectre -d out -o xyce --auto ACCIA_A.scs. The error reported is: (Exception: Line(s):[1786]. Could not resolve unknown device transformer, model not found in scope) should be written differently in Xyce than in spectre. Can you please advise me on what the name of (transformer) should be in Xyce? Thank you!


Apr 24, 2024, 9:41:45 AM4/24/24
to xyce-users

Thank you for sending the original definition of the transformer subcircuit.


In Xyce the “K” devices are used to link up individual inductors into a transformer such as:


L1 2 0 1mH

L2 3 0 1mH

K1 L1 L2 0.75



In the Specter sample you sent, there are “K” devices, but no reference to the individual inductors.  Thus, it’s not clear what the sub parts are suppose to be for this transformer.  The individual inductance is unknown but it would look something like this in Xyce:


L1 p c xx

L2 c n xx

L3 d 0 xx

K1 L3 L11.0

K2 L3 L2 1.0


The Spectre documentation may provide more information on what the syntax of the “K” line means here.  Specifically what “transformer” references (like a model card) and what “n1” is (coupling coefficient?, number of turns? Or inductor inductance?)



Rich Schiek



From: <> on behalf of 何不 <>
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 4:37
To: xyce-users <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [xyce-users] Could not resolve unknown device transformer, model not found in scope

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 I am using XDM and Xyce to process the ACCIA_A.scs netlist written by spectre using the command xdm_bdl -s spectre -d out -o xyce --auto ACCIA_A.scs. The error reported is: (Exception: Line(s):[1786]. Could not resolve unknown device transformer, model not found in scope) should be written differently in Xyce than in spectre. Can you please advise me on what the name of (transformer) should be in Xyce? Thank you!


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Apr 25, 2024, 5:00:45 AM4/25/24
to xyce-users
Thank you for your reply! The transformer in the Spectre circuit netlist seems to be a built-in model, but XDM does not recognize it. I can't change the structure of the netlist either.So I would like to know how to solve this problem. Thank you!


Apr 25, 2024, 1:17:47 PM4/25/24
to xyce-users
Since we don't know what Spectre is using for the individual inductor models, there isn't a way to accurately translate the Spectre netlist to Xyce.  

The Spectre netlist says the transformer model comes from a library called "analogLib" so you may be able to find the missing information there if that file is available.

In Xyce the resulting sub circuit will look something like this:

.sub ideal_balun d c p n

L1 d 0 1mH

L2 p c 1mH

L3 c n 1mH

K1 L1 L2 1.0

K2 L1 L3 1.0 


but that's a guess on the actual inductance of the individual inductors.

Good luck,


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