I am using a netlist which simulates in Xyce serial with no issues. However, when using Xyce parallel I get an error with the Zoltan Load Balancing and the simulations fails. Are there any settings which could improve this behavior?
Thank You.
Sim Console Output:
***** Setting up topology...
***** Device Count Summary ...
C level 1 (Capacitor) 1004
D level 1,2 (Diode) 1728
I level 1 (Independent Current Source) 5
M level 14 (BSIM4) 64150
R level 1 (Resistor) 1162
V level 1 (Independent Voltage Source) 95
Total Devices 68144
***** Setting up matrix structure...
***** Number of Unknowns = 33450
***** Initializing...
***** Beginning Transient Calculation...
Analyzed Singleton Problem:
Singletons Detected!
Num Singletons: 62
ConstructedSingleton Problem:
RatioOfDimensions: 0.998146
RatioOfNonzeros: 0.815433
ZOLTAN Load balancing method = 10 (HYPERGRAPH)
function OneStep::rejectStep:
Maximum number of failures at time 0
*** Xyce Abort ***
function OneStep::rejectStep:
Maximum number of failures at time 0
*** Xyce Abort ***
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
with errorcode 1.
NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.