Welcome to the Xyce-Users web forum.
This group is an open-source community discussion forum for users of the Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator to discuss the software, its uses, and development ideas. To subscribe to this group with a Google account, click the "Apply to join this group" button. You will be asked to provide some information that will be used to confirm that you are a Xyce user before being accepted as a member.
We will not process subscription requests without this information.To subscribe without a Google account, send an email to
Please include in your email the email address you used when you downloaded Xyce from its web site so you can be confirmed as a Xyce user. We will not accept subscription requests that do not include this information. The email you provide does not have to be the same one that you are using to subscribe to the group --- we just need to check it against our records. If you downloaded Xyce by some means other than the official web site, we might request further information before approving your subscription request. You will receive a confirmation email when your application is accepted.
This is a forum for members of the Xyce community to ask questions and discuss any topic related to Xyce, including installation, use, and development. The Sandia Xyce developers are active participants in the forum, but the forum exists as an independent entity from the official Xyce home page at Sandia National Laboratories. The views and opinions in the Xyce Google Group are not those of National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS), the operator of Sandia National Laboratories, nor are they endorsed by NTESS. The views and opinions in the Xyce Google Group are provided without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Xyce project's official web site is