OSD Drain and Log

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May 7, 2018, 3:30:29 AM5/7/18
to XtreemFS

I have a basic structure with XtreemFS. A server with DIR, MCR and OSD, and another server with other OSD. All works fine, I have information stripped throw both OSD, but now I want to drain my first OSD, and I get this :

xtfs_remove_osd -d -dir localhost:32638 uuid:334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904

[ W | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 07 09:23:20 ] java.io.IOException: sending RPC failed: request timed out
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCResponse.get(RPCResponse.java:69)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.getFileListOfOSD(OSDDrain.java:290)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.drain(OSDDrain.java:146)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.drainOSD(xtfs_remove_osd.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.main(xtfs_remove_osd.java:189)
[ E | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 07 09:23:20 ] Failed to get filelist from OSD
ERROR: An error accured during the OSD drain process. See logging outputfor details. It is NOT save to shutdown the OSD.
[ D | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 07 09:23:20 ] org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrainException: sending RPC failed: request timed out
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.getFileListOfOSD(OSDDrain.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.drain(OSDDrain.java:146)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.drainOSD(xtfs_remove_osd.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.main(xtfs_remove_osd.java:189)

Both servers are Ubuntu, could be a problem with JAVA version? xtreemfs-tools asks for 1.6 version, actually I've 1.8. Or its a problem with MCR or the OSD, I can't find any log about "Failed to get filelist from OSD", where I should look?

Thanks in advance,

Robert Schmidtke

May 8, 2018, 2:55:00 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS

this should not be a problem with Java. First thing that comes to mind is, try using pbrpc://localhost:32638 as the DIR uri.

Do you happen to have the MRC log output?
Do you have SSL configured? If so, you need to supply additional arguments to xtfs_remove_osd.
Are you sure the machine that you're running the xtfs_remove_osd command from has the MRC running at localhost, port 32638?

Hope this helps.



May 8, 2018, 5:00:45 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS
Hi Robert,

MRC doesn't says anithing about OSDDrain, even doesn't change after running OSDDrain. There's no SSL. Everything is configured in a local network :

OSD1 -
OSD2 -

A very basic configuration. It doesn't matter if I use localhost or the ip, I get the same result.  If I don't set the port I only get this :

root@xtreemfs:/etc/xos/xtreemfs# xtfs_remove_osd -d -dir pbrpc://localhost uuid:334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904
[ I | TimeSync             | TSync Thr       |   8 | May 08 10:57:42 ] Thread TSync Thr started
[ I | TimeSync             | TSync Thr       |   8 | May 08 10:57:42 ] TimeSync is running using the local clock
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:57:42 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (dir) started

But nothing happens.


Robert Schmidtke

May 8, 2018, 5:31:36 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS

so it appears the OSD is not reachable by the tool ... Is it the same error for both of your OSDs? I.e. have you tried using both UUIDs?
Have you tried running the tool on the other machine (also with both UUIDs)?

Is the installation otherwise functional, i.e. can you store and retrieve files to/from the OSDs without any issue?

Leaving out the port in the DIR uri seems to cause an error, yes, thanks for pointing that out.



May 8, 2018, 6:23:23 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS

The installation is functional, I'll make a copy, and I'll try to drain the other OSD.

I paste the full debug, if you can see somthing wrong :

root@xtreemfs:/etc/xos/xtreemfs# xtfs_remove_osd -d -dir pbrpc://localhost:32638 uuid:334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904
[ I | TimeSync             | TSync Thr       |   8 | May 08 10:51:22 ] Thread TSync Thr started
[ I | TimeSync             | TSync Thr       |   8 | May 08 10:51:22 ] TimeSync is running using the local clock
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:22 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (dir) started
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  10 | May 08 10:51:22 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (resolver) started
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:22 ] loading uuid mapping for 334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:22 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@685f4c2e no 173466
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:22 ] connect to localhost/
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] connection created
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] socket send buffer size: 1313280
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] socket receive buffer size: 212992
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] local bind point:
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] connected from / to localhost/
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sending record marker: 58/38/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=96 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sent request 173466 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] response received
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sent request to DIR
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] received response for 334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] matching uuid record found for uuid 334094f6-7d98-409e-bdec-ac07c87c8904 with network *
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  12 | May 08 10:51:23 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (osd) started
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@5fcfe4b2 no 173467
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sending record marker: 37/2/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=39 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sent request 173467 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] response received
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  13 | May 08 10:51:23 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (mrc) started
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] loading uuid mapping for 733afe4a-5ec1-4cdb-9488-4a78dcb1060f
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@1b701da1 no 173468
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sending record marker: 58/38/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=96 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sent request 173468 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:23 ] response received
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] sent request to DIR
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] received response for 733afe4a-5ec1-4cdb-9488-4a78dcb1060f
[ D | UUIDResolver         | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:23 ] matching uuid record found for uuid 733afe4a-5ec1-4cdb-9488-4a78dcb1060f with network *
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@6d9c638 no 173469
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending record marker: 40/38/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=78 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sent request 173469 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] response received
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@cac736f no 173470
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending record marker: 40/483/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=523 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sent request 173470 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:24 ] response received
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@1175e2db no 35305
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] connect to /
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] connection created
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] socket send buffer size: 1313280
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] socket receive buffer size: 212992
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:24 ] local bind point: /
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  12 | May 08 10:51:24 ] connected from / to /
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |  12 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sending record marker: 40/0/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |  12 | May 08 10:51:24 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=40 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  12 | May 08 10:51:24 ] sent request 35305 to /
[ W | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:34 ] java.io.IOException: sending RPC failed: request timed out

 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCResponse.get(RPCResponse.java:69)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.getFileListOfOSD(OSDDrain.java:290)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.drain(OSDDrain.java:146)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.drainOSD(xtfs_remove_osd.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.main(xtfs_remove_osd.java:189)
[ E | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:34 ] Failed to get filelist from OSD

ERROR: An error accured during the OSD drain process. See logging outputfor details. It is NOT save to shutdown the OSD.
[ D | OSDDrain             | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:34 ] org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrainException: sending RPC failed: request timed out

 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.getFileListOfOSD(OSDDrain.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.osd.drain.OSDDrain.drain(OSDDrain.java:146)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.drainOSD(xtfs_remove_osd.java:295)
 ...                                           org.xtreemfs.utils.xtfs_remove_osd.main(xtfs_remove_osd.java:189)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@182decdb no 173471
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sending record marker: 40/38/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=78 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sent request 173471 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] response received
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | main            |   1 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sending request org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.client.RPCClientRequest@26f0a63f no 173472
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sending record marker: 40/483/0
[ D | RPCClientRequest     | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] send buffer #1: ReusableBuffer( capacity=8192 limit=523 position=0)
[ D | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] sent request 173472 to localhost/
[ D | RPCResponse          | xtfs_remove_... |   9 | May 08 10:51:34 ] response received
[ I | RPCNIOSocketClient   | xtfs_remove_... |  10 | May 08 10:51:34 ] Thread xtfs_remove_osd (resolver) terminated


Robert Schmidtke

May 8, 2018, 6:31:18 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS
Quick question: which version of XtreemFS are you using?


May 8, 2018, 7:25:32 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS

I think the last one 1.5.1. Installed on Ubuntu Server 16.04 throught repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/xtreemfs/xUbuntu_16.04/

Robert Schmidtke

May 8, 2018, 7:57:45 AM5/8/18
to XtreemFS

could you try the latest packages available at: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/xtreemfs:/unstable/ ?
There have been some bug fixed in between that might resolve your issue (I cannot guarantee it though).

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