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[ANN] XStream 1.4.18 released

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Jörg Schaible

Aug 22, 2021, 2:10:14 PM8/22/21
to XStream User
Dear Community,

XStream 1.4.18 has been released and is also available on Maven Central. The
version targets the security vulnerabilities CVE-2021-39139 to CVE-2021-39141
and CVE-2021-39144 to CVE-2021-39154.

Nine years ago XStream 1.4.12 was released with the possibility to use its
Security Framework to setup a whitelist. Since then XSteam has always strongly
recommended this to all users. The history has shown now that it is not
possible to maintain a blacklist and keep XStream secure, therefore this
release is the first one that uses a whitelist with basic types by default. You
will have to add your own types to this list to process the XML.

XStream Committers

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