Schematron and Global Context Item Pattern Confusion

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Alexander Stein

Nov 6, 2020, 5:30:01 PM11/6/20
to XSpec


I am new to XSpec but it has been incredibly useful thus far. Thanks for such an amazing tool!

I am trying to use the documented global-context-item pattern by way of your examples to write tests with Schematron. My Schematron will have additionally a dependency on global param (not just the global-context-item) to load a path of relevant XML files with a collection() call to pull in definitions that can change to meet my needs.

Additionally, based on an XPath query, which I would like to only call in the global context, I want to pull in different external data conditionally, with doc() calls, contingent on this global variable's variable such that it keys on the right external file (profile-map and profile-lookup).

The Schematron is here:

The XSpec is here:

The example XML is now inline, but I have moved away from a relative href approach to this file to more granularly test the data for a unit test. Previously I was using this file, but do not anymore. Is this possible or considered a code smell? This error appears to happen regardless; the Schematron global declarations seem to be empty and unbound. Feedback welcome!

So what happens?

I am able to get some of the collection work, but other dependent variables, as I learned through debugging, that my global variable handling the XPath to choose a category that loads the correct profile map is not being evaluated, or at least not correctly.

Below is a screenshot and a copy of the XSpec HTML output is accessible through the Github Actions CI Zip archive I have set up (inside this folder, test/test_all-result.html). If there is a better way to condense this information, let me know.

Am I missing something obvious? I cannot get my selected-sensitivty-level to work and maybe not the profile. I am knew to this, so I presume I am not understanding the global-context pattern property well.

I appreciate any help and thanks in advance for your help.

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Nov 19, 2020, 8:06:43 AM11/19/20

> <x:expect-assert id="incomplete-implementation-requirements" label="it is invalid."/>

This x:expect-assert returns Failure, because the corresponding sch:assert/@test in ssp.sch is always true:

> <sch:assert id="incomplete-implementation-requirements" test="true()">

Note that x:expect-assert searches SVRL for svrl:failed-assert. Setting test=true() in sch:assert will not raise it.

Regarding the global context item,

In your case, I think the global context item and x:context must be identical. But the source of the global context item ($global-context-item) is global across all x:context. So, I'm afraid that you have to split the scenarios and put each scenario into its own .xspec file. For example:

<x:description xmlns:x="" schematron="../src/ssp.sch">
    <x:param name="allow-foreign">true</x:param>
    <x:param name="global-context-item" select="/">
        <system-security-plan xmlns="">
                <!-- no level set in empty element-->
                <security-sensitivity-level />
    <x:scenario label="For an OSCAL FedRAMP SSP">
        <x:scenario label="when the security sensitivity level">
            <x:scenario label="is not defined at all">
                <x:context select="$global-context-item" />
                <x:expect-assert id="no-security-sensitivity-level" label="it is invalid."/>

<x:description xmlns:x="" schematron="../src/ssp.sch">
    <x:param name="allow-foreign">true</x:param>
    <x:param name="global-context-item" select="/">
        <system-security-plan xmlns="">
    <x:scenario label="For an OSCAL FedRAMP SSP">
        <x:scenario label="when the security sensitivity level">
            <x:scenario label="is set to a value from the official FedRAMP list">
                <x:context select="$global-context-item" />
                <x:expect-not-assert id="invalid-security-sensitivity-level" label="it is valid."/>



@run-as=external introduced in XSpec v2.0 enables you to finetune the global context item in some cases. Unfortunately it is not available on Schematron. I opened an issue for it:

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Alexander Stein

Nov 19, 2020, 11:44:24 PM11/19/20
to XSpec
On Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 8:06:43 AM UTC-5 AirQuick wrote:

> <x:expect-assert id="incomplete-implementation-requirements" label="it is invalid."/>

This x:expect-assert returns Failure, because the corresponding sch:assert/@test in ssp.sch is always true:

> <sch:assert id="incomplete-implementation-requirements" test="true()">

Note that x:expect-assert searches SVRL for svrl:failed-assert. Setting test=true() in sch:assert will not raise it.

Apologies, that was foolish. Thanks for pointing it out!
Thanks for the concise explanation and letting me know. I will try that approach and follow this issue you provided. Thanks so much.

Alexander Stein

Nov 25, 2020, 1:07:36 AM11/25/20
to XSpec

I tried even removing my all-encompassing ssp.xspec and declared 1.xspec and 2.xspec, modeling your example, just focusing on these two. I then import only 1.xspec and 2.xspec in test_all.xspec and remove ssp.xspec, and it complained of overlapping global variables, so I am not certain this works either. Should I report a bug?

> Converting Schematron into XSLT...
> Error at /xsl:stylesheet/xsl:param[3] in declare-variable.xsl:
> XTSE0630  Duplicate global variable/parameter declaration (see line -1 of
>  file:/Users/username/Code/fedramp-automation/resources/validations/lib/xspec/src/compiler/xslt/declare-variable/declare-variable.xsl)
> Error at /xsl:stylesheet/xsl:param[2] in declare-variable.xsl:
>  XTSE0630  Duplicate global variable/parameter declaration (see line -1 of
>  file:/Users/username/Code/fedramp-automation/resources/validations/lib/xspec/src/compiler/xslt/declare-variable/declare-variable.xsl)
> Error at /xsl:stylesheet/xsl:param[3] in declare-variable.xsl:
>  XTSE0630  Duplicate global variable/parameter declaration (see line -1 of
> file:/Users/username/Code/fedramp-automation/resources/validations/lib/xspec/src/compiler/xslt/declare-variable/declare-variable.xsl)
>  In template rule with match="document-node(element(Q{}description))" on line 31 of schut-to-xslt.xsl
> Duplicate global variable/parameter declaration (see line -1 of file:/Users/username/Code/fedramp-automation/resources/validations/lib/xspec/src/compiler/xslt/declare-variable/declare-variable.xsl)


Nov 25, 2020, 12:46:54 PM11/25/20
/x:description/x:param/@name must be unique, even when you declare it in
separate .xspec files and x:import them.
So, instead of x:import'ing them, you have to run each .xspec file

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