URGENT: xsockets 5.x doesn't work with Mono 4.6.245 Stable

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Jack Hu

Sep 22, 2016, 10:05:26 AM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
Did you add any detection for Mono. I think Mono 4.6 is more compatible with Microsoft .NET, if you did, the mono specific code may be removed.

Jack Hu

Sep 22, 2016, 10:07:05 AM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
It's XSockets server.

Jack Hu

Sep 22, 2016, 10:08:52 AM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
And the problem's on ubuntu 14.04 and raspberry pi 3 with latest OS image.

Ulf Björklund

Sep 22, 2016, 11:51:52 AM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

Just tried on my Mac with mono and Xamarin.
On the Mac there is no issues, have not tried on a raspberry pi yet.

Just saying "does not work" is not to much information. Do you get ant errors? Exceptions?

Regards, Uffe

Ulf Björklund

Sep 22, 2016, 11:57:55 AM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
Just noticed that my Mac did not have the latest Mono version. Updating now and will try again after installation.

Jack Hu

Sep 22, 2016, 12:21:00 PM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
also doesn't work on ubuntu I said.
The problem is OnOpened() of some controller is not even get invoked.

Ulf Björklund

Sep 22, 2016, 12:39:40 PM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
To little information.

I updated to 4.6.245 and then the server exits instantly since the Console.ReadLine does not wait for input.
Before the update of Mono the server started as expected.

So... the server actually starts, but exits instantly since the Console.ReadLine does not wait for some reason after the update.

Ulf Björklund

Sep 22, 2016, 12:46:03 PM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
Update: After updating my settings was changed to not pause on Console.Readline so I changed that and now everything is running fine again.
Will be happy to take a look at your issue when you have posted your sample code with information about the issue.

Regards, Uffe

Jack Hu

Sep 22, 2016, 10:13:56 PM9/22/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
I said, it's Linux, test on Linux, please

Ulf Björklund

Sep 23, 2016, 2:05:41 AM9/23/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
Normally I would not go any furtther since you have not posted any code or examples about the issue, but I installed mono on a raspberry pi and ran a sample without issues.

Below you can see an image where I have connected to the server running on the PI (using putty).
The line OPEN: GUID is a log from my Foo controller and the OnOpened method. Code pasted in below the image.

using System;
namespace XS550
public class Foo : XSockets.Core.XSocket.XSocketController
public override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task OnOpened()
Console.WriteLine("OPEN: " + this.PersistentId);
await base.OnOpened();

So, there is nothing wrong on Linux, Unix or Windows. You have another issue but it is hard tp igure it out since you do not post any detailed  information.

Jack Hu

Sep 23, 2016, 11:13:35 AM9/23/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
thanks for all your efforts, could you please check mono
-V,the problem is 4.6.245, 4.4.2 is OK for sure.

Ulf Björklund

Sep 23, 2016, 2:19:13 PM9/23/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

Well, I am running raspbian (based on Debian) and not Ubuntu on my raspberry pi 3.
Latest Mono version when installing on raspbian seems to be 3.2.8

Regards, Uffe

Jack Hu

Sep 23, 2016, 9:34:38 PM9/23/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

Please go to following link to check out that how to install the Xamarin official binary releases for debian/ubuntu and their derivatives.


Shoot me message if you have any problem.

Jack Hu

Sep 23, 2016, 9:39:52 PM9/23/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
and I'm saying again that it's problem with Mono 4.6.245 and on Linux. Don't show me running with other versions of Mono. If you don't know how to install the version, you should ask me first.
You should uncheck the green solved checkmark.



Jack Hu

Sep 24, 2016, 1:29:18 AM9/24/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum

I've just install latest CI snapshot build of Mono 4.6, and it's OK now.
Pretty sure it's a critical bug of 4.6.245 fixed already in latest 4.6 branch.

and for usage don't follow the YUM approach on the page, it's for CentOS. Use replace 'yum' with 'apt', i.e.: apt search mono-4.6-snapshot.

Thanks for your efforts.


Ulf Björklund

Sep 24, 2016, 2:54:20 AM9/24/16
to XSockets.NET Developer forum
I always use apt-get install mono-complete when installing on raspberry pi. If you feel that I should use another option you should have been more detailed (and I asked for that) following the rules of the forum.
Not really using Linux very often so my way of doing things might be old/wrong.

Anyway, this is clearly a Linux/Mono issue and not an XSockets issue.

Regards, Uffe

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