complete fail with --noplugin

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Will Gray (graywh)

Mar 18, 2011, 11:35:16 AM3/18/11
to xptemplate
When starting Vim with --noplugin, xpt isn't loaded, but the ftplugins
still get loaded, causing all kinds of errors. I find the whole idea
of mixing the .xpt.vim files with the normal ftplugins a little dirty
anyway. I think things would be better if templates were kept in a
separate directory (a la snipmate). It will require a new 'au
FileType * exec 'runtime! xptemplates/'.&filetype'.vim
xptemplates/'.&filetype.'_*.vim xptemplates/'.&filetype.'/*.vim' and
several other changes. Sure, you can check that xpt was loaded, but
users would be required to add the same check to all their
personal .xpt.vim files, too. Using a different folder under 'rtp'
would also let you remove the .xpt.vim filename requirement.

Also, the help mentions that using g:xptemplate_snippet_folders
changes 'runtimepath', but 'rtp' is changed regardless. As a user of
pathogen.vim (the same applies for vundle users, too, I believe), it
doesn't make sense to store personal templates in path_to_xpt/person b/
c that folder is checked out from your git repository and isn't part
of my dotfiles repository. The docs say g:xptemlate_snippet_folders
should be avoided and is deprecated. The only other option that
leaves is placing them in ftplugin (either ~/.vim/ftplugin or some
other path in 'rtp' added by the user).

dr-dr xp

Mar 18, 2011, 9:57:46 PM3/18/11
I'm working on moving out snippet files out of ftplugin dir. They will reside in folder xptsnippet/ftplugin. When xptemplate.vim loaded, those folds will be added as real filetype plugin folder. 

And deprecating g:xptemlate_snippet_folders is a bad idea. I'm not going to remove it. This little change has been added into GIT/SVN but not published.

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