Converting a string to numeric?

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May 11, 2009, 2:32:33 PM5/11/09
to Xpress-MP
Hi guys

I need some help. I have a file with both numeric and character data.
and i imported these to a 2d array(of type string) in mosel.

Now, this is what I wanna try...

Can I access a column from this array and then extract the numeric
value (in effect i wanna convert the string type info to numeric data
type) .

Like for ex... if i have the following row in an array in mosel

1 12 asd 34 abb

can i access the values 1, 12 and 34 and use them as numerics (as in,
can i later on use these in calculations as numbers; they are
currently defined as string types))?

is there a function which can convert string type to numeric ...or
something that can extract numeric information from within a

Thanks in advance!
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