Will setting Xonsh as a login shell break system()?

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d33 tah

Nov 18, 2018, 5:23:41 PM11/18/18
to xonsh

As in the title - if I use programs that use system() a lot, will setting Xonsh as a login shell break them? Here's an example of what I mean:

<xonsh>$ HAI='a' bash -c 'echo $HAI'
xonsh: For full traceback set: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True
xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: HAI='a'
hai=a: command not found

That doesn't seem to be conforming to POSIX, how much of an issue is it really when you switch? Or does Xonsh have a separate POSIX mode that turns on when it's not ran interactively?


Gil Forsyth

Nov 19, 2018, 9:52:16 AM11/19/18
to d33...@gmail.com, xo...@googlegroups.com
Hey d33tah, 

I'm biased, but I've had xonsh as my login shell for 2 years now and haven't really had any problems.  We are not strictly POSIX-compliant, so there are some habits that you will need to change.  
In regard to your specific example, you can accomplish that if you use `env` to help, e.g.

 ~ 🐚  env BAI="HAI" bash -c "echo $BAI"

Or you can also use the more verbose env-swapping context manager (since we aim for pythonic behavior):

 ~ 🐚  with ${...}.swap(BAI="hello there"):
......     bash -c "echo $BAI"
hello there

${...} is a shortcut to the xonsh environment 

I hope that helps!

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