I can't say for Xnoise, but I'll say what I do with my projects.
Sometime I look at crazy web apps that I wished I could host them and make them
visible to everyone.
BitBucket, SF and such doesn't support any kind of non-builtin apps.
You need to be satisfied with what you have.
For example, correct me if I'm wrong, Xnoise doesn't have Wiki.
There is a great Wiki engine called MoinMoin, looking cool.
You may say Xnoise doesn't need a Wiki since it's now a library, but I think otherwise.
In the Wiki you and Xnoise community could write a good tutorials, xnoise wish-list
and so on.
Xnoise have a VERY simple bug tracking system, the BitBucket builtin.
There are much better bug tracking system from old-school(e.g. Bugzilla) to fancy(e.g
Think how much open source tools Xnoise could have. Xnoise doesn't have to stay in
BitBucket bubble. It could show a better web look.
The regular excuse is "After all, it's free. It's only what I need". But now you can do
better free things with OpenShift and such cloud services, since you do it yourself.
Now if you don't want all this features and you're OK with today, there is no reason to
host under OpenShift, but if you want to, it's so "cool".
BTW: I do not working on RedHat, even run Debian Linux and not RedHat. just share
my opinion and small OpenShift experience with you.
ready to rock?