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OpenShift & Xnoise?

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Tal Hadad

Oct 9, 2013, 2:10:16 PM10/9/13
to Xnoise mailing-list
Hello all!


Have you ever heard about OpenShift[1]?
It's a new tool from RedHat that allow you to have your own web app in cloud(like Google App Engine).

The unique feature about it is docker virtualization(using linux namespaces feature), which is way faster than boot virtualization.
You can put any app this, they have a great support in their forums, full admin over you server, and it's really cool.
I did this with the Trac[2] bug system(which is really great for me) for my project and it's work great.

There are many open source apps which use it today for their apps.

And in case you ask- you can open as much accounts(with a domain namespace for each) as you'de like(e.g. many projects), as long as they have different email addresses.

Just thought it could help Xnoise.

What do you think?



Oct 10, 2013, 2:24:59 PM10/10/13
What exactly does it do?
On the wikipedia site it says that it's a cloud platform that supports
some interpreted languages. I don't understand how it is useful for
xnoise development.
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Tal Hadad

Oct 10, 2013, 3:10:06 PM10/10/13
to Xnoise mailing-list
> What exactly does it do?
> On the wikipedia site it says that it's a cloud platform that supports
> some interpreted languages.

It allow you to host a web application in many languages with a full administration,
like you were hosting this server at you home, only it's visible to the whole web with
sub-domain and the host it's in the cloud.

> I don't understand how it is useful for
> xnoise development.
I can't say for Xnoise, but I'll say what I do with my projects.
Sometime I look at crazy web apps that I wished I could host them and make them
visible to everyone.
BitBucket, SF and such doesn't support any kind of non-builtin apps.
You need to be satisfied with what you have.

For example, correct me if I'm wrong, Xnoise doesn't have Wiki.
There is a great Wiki engine called MoinMoin, looking cool.
You may say Xnoise doesn't need a Wiki since it's now a library, but I think otherwise.
In the Wiki you and Xnoise community could write a good tutorials, xnoise wish-list
and so on.

Xnoise have a VERY simple bug tracking system, the BitBucket builtin.
There are much better bug tracking system from old-school(e.g. Bugzilla) to fancy(e.g

Think how much open source tools Xnoise could have. Xnoise doesn't have to stay in
BitBucket bubble. It could show a better web look.

The regular excuse is "After all, it's free. It's only what I need". But now you can do
better free things with OpenShift and such cloud services, since you do it yourself.

Now if you don't want all this features and you're OK with today, there is no reason to
host under OpenShift, but if you want to, it's so "cool".

BTW: I do not working on RedHat, even run Debian Linux and not RedHat. just share
my opinion and small OpenShift experience with you.

ready to rock?


> Subject: Re: [xnoise] OpenShift & Xnoise?
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 20:24:59 +0200
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