Sorry I couldn't be helpful, but why " --help" doesn't work?
See result on my machine:
tal@tal-debian:~/src/xnoise-debian/xnoise-0.2.20$ ./ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Builds a given package into a Debian package, source package, or both into an
output folder.
-h, -?, --help Show this help message.
--name=NAME The name of the package. If -1, find it by
debian/changelog file. (default: -1)
--version=VERSION The version of the package. If -1, use the
latest in debian/changelog file. (default: -1)
--src-tar=TARBALL The source tarball(.tar, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2) of
the package. (default: empty string)
--src-dir=DIR The directory of the source package, if no
TARBALL was given. If -1, set it to current
directory($PWD) (default: -1)
--output-dir=OUT_DIR The output folder. (default: package_result)
--distro=DISTRO The targeted distro for the packge. e.g.:
debian, ubuntu/precise, ubuntu/quantal
(default: debian)
-S, --build-source[=yes|no] Weather to only build a Debian source package.
-B, --build-binary[=yes|no] Weather to only build Debian binary packages.
--maintainer=MAINTAINER The maintainer which sign on the packages.
-us, --dont-sign[=yes|no] Don't create a GPG signature file(.dsc) for the
packages. (default: no)
-uc, Don't sign the .changes file. (default: no)
-sa, --include-orig[=yes|no] Include the package original source file in the
.changes file. (default: yes)
-sd Don't include the package original source file
in the .changes file. (default: no)
Source package tar.gz is in current working directory($PWD).
./ --distro=debian --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
Source package directory is current working directory($PWD).
./ --distro=debian
./ --distro=ubuntu/precise
Source package directory is 'foo/xnoise-0.2.5'.
./ --distro=debian --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
Please report bugs in this script on the xnoise bugtracker here:$
Also, on which line it crushes?
smarq...@gmail.comDate: Thu, 26 Dec 2013 14:00:47 +0000
Subject: Re: [xnoise] Debian package 32 bits