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Debian package 32 bits

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Sérgio Marques

Dec 22, 2013, 4:53:39 PM12/22/13
to Xnoise

This one is for Tal,

Is it possible to build an 32 bits package for debian? In download page there is only the 64 bits version and source to compile. 


Sérgio Marques

Tal Hadad

Dec 25, 2013, 12:06:16 AM12/25/13
to Xnoise mailing-list
Yes, there are 4 options:
1. The simplest solution is to add Xnoise to the official Debian packages list, but no Debian
developer accept to adopt Xnoise, so we gave up.

2. Using Buildd or other tools that automatically build&manage a list of source packages.
Usually the mirrors which is in "sources.list" is a servers which use this tools.
If anyone could donate a Debian server(I'm not sure if it would work in a different distro)
If it can be done in other distro server, it theoretically could work in OpenShift free service.
it could be perfect, because all the user would do is to put it in "sources.list"!

3. Using virtual machine like Xen, or even 32-bit compatibility on 64-bit machine via (s)chroot.
Sadly, I'm not sure if I can afford it.

4. The last option is obvious - compiling in a REAL x86(32-bit) platform Debian machine.
This is where you can take place - compile it in your distro.
There's to ways to compile Xnoise into your computer:
A. Download the Debian source package that usually uploaded by me and compile it like a
standard Debian source package.
B. (Easier) Using the "" script. Read " --help".
Don't be afraid from the failure of signature, since you're not the maintainer and it's OK.

It would be nice if you may be Xnoise "x86" packager.

Sorry I couldn't help!

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 21:53:39 +0000
Subject: [xnoise] Debian package 32 bits
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Sérgio Marques

Dec 26, 2013, 9:00:47 AM12/26/13
to Xnoise

2013/12/25 Tal Hadad <>

Yes, there are 4 options:
1. The simplest solution is to add Xnoise to the official Debian packages list, but no Debian
developer accept to adopt Xnoise, so we gave up.

If so, wiki page must be updated. 

2. Using Buildd or other tools that automatically build&manage a list of source packages.
Usually the mirrors which is in "sources.list" is a servers which use this tools.
If anyone could donate a Debian server(I'm not sure if it would work in a different distro)
If it can be done in other distro server, it theoretically could work in OpenShift free service.
it could be perfect, because all the user would do is to put it in "sources.list"!

3. Using virtual machine like Xen, or even 32-bit compatibility on 64-bit machine via (s)chroot.
Sadly, I'm not sure if I can afford it.

4. The last option is obvious - compiling in a REAL x86(32-bit) platform Debian machine.
This is where you can take place - compile it in your distro.
There's to ways to compile Xnoise into your computer:
A. Download the Debian source package that usually uploaded by me and compile it like a
standard Debian source package.
B. (Easier) Using the "" script. Read " --help".
Don't be afraid from the failure of signature, since you're not the maintainer and it's OK.

These options are a bit out of my league.

I´ve tried --help and it gave me an error on line 158 (i think) --help doens´t return an output to me (probably I´m doing something wrong)

It would be nice if you may be Xnoise "x86" packager.

That´s not my intention. Thank you for your help. 

I think i´ll have to wait for siduction devs to upload latest package. I think that their version is 0.2.17


Sérgio Marques

Tal Hadad

Dec 27, 2013, 4:56:55 AM12/27/13
to Xnoise mailing-list
Sorry I couldn't be helpful, but why " --help" doesn't work?
See result on my machine:
tal@tal-debian:~/src/xnoise-debian/xnoise-0.2.20$ ./ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Builds a given package into a Debian package, source package, or both into an
  output folder.

  -h, -?, --help               Show this help message.
  --name=NAME                  The name of the package. If -1, find it by
                                 debian/changelog file. (default: -1)
  --version=VERSION            The version of the package. If -1, use the
                                 latest in debian/changelog file. (default: -1)
  --src-tar=TARBALL            The source tarball(.tar, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2) of
                                 the package. (default: empty string)
  --src-dir=DIR                The directory of the source package, if no
                                 TARBALL was given. If -1, set it to current
                                 directory($PWD) (default: -1)
  --output-dir=OUT_DIR         The output folder. (default: package_result)
  --distro=DISTRO              The targeted distro for the packge. e.g.:
                                 debian, ubuntu/precise, ubuntu/quantal
                                 (default: debian)
  -S, --build-source[=yes|no]  Weather to only build a Debian source package.
  -B, --build-binary[=yes|no]  Weather to only build Debian binary packages.
  --maintainer=MAINTAINER      The maintainer which sign on the packages.
  -us, --dont-sign[=yes|no]    Don't create a GPG signature file(.dsc) for the
                                 packages. (default: no)
  -uc,                         Don't sign the .changes file. (default: no)
  -sa, --include-orig[=yes|no] Include the package original source file in the
                                 .changes file. (default: yes)
  -sd                          Don't include the package original source file
                                 in the .changes file. (default: no)
  Source package tar.gz is in current working directory($PWD).
  ./ --distro=debian --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
  Source package directory is current working directory($PWD).
  ./ --distro=debian
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise
  Source package directory is 'foo/xnoise-0.2.5'.
  ./ --distro=debian --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
  Please report bugs in this script on the xnoise bugtracker here:


Also, on which line it crushes?


Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2013 14:00:47 +0000
Subject: Re: [xnoise] Debian package 32 bits

Sérgio Marques

Dec 27, 2013, 5:15:57 AM12/27/13
to Xnoise

2013/12/27 Tal Hadad <>
Right now I don´t have my computer. Later I will try again

  Source package tar.gz is in current working directory($PWD).
  ./ --distro=debian --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-tar=xnoise-0.2.5.tar.gz
  Source package directory is current working directory($PWD).
  ./ --distro=debian
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise
  Source package directory is 'foo/xnoise-0.2.5'.
  ./ --distro=debian --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
  ./ --distro=ubuntu/precise --src-dir=foo/xnoise-0.2.5
  Please report bugs in this script on the xnoise bugtracker here:


I´m using siduction (based on debian unstable), so in my case this would be:

Extract xnoise tarball -> enter directory -> ./ --distro=debian

Is this correct? I don´t have any dev packages. Are they required?

Also, on which line it crushes?

Later i tell you.

Sérgio Marques

Tal Hadad

Dec 27, 2013, 5:22:15 AM12/27/13
to Xnoise mailing-list
> I´m using siduction (based on debian unstable), so in my case this would be:

> Extract xnoise tarball -> enter directory -> ./ --distro=debian

Yes. It should be that simple.

> Is this correct? I don´t have any dev packages. Are they required?

Yes they are required.

>> Also, on which line it crushes?

> Later i tell you.


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 10:15:57 +0000
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