Re: [XNAT Discussion] Upload notification list in XNAT 1.8.10

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Charlie Moore

Apr 30, 2024, 6:23:38 PMApr 30
Hi there Jenny,

I believe this was changed with this ticket The intended replacement is indeed to use the Event Service, where the documentation is aimed at guiding you through more or less this scenario: . Do note that configuring the event requires specifying a list of users to receive the email. Using the historical notification.lst is unfortunately not yet supported, although we have a ticket for it here . If you could set it up to use the historical notification list per project, you'd presumably only need to set it up at the site-level, and it could use the previously configured lists. Unfortunately, without that, I expect you'll need a separate event per group of recipients. The upside of that is that if you have a group of 5 recipients who are all supposed to receive emails for 50 projects in the same bigger study, you can now have 1 event configured to run in those 50 projects, meaning you'll only need to maintain that list in the 1 event rather than 50 separate project-level lists. Another upside is that each of those different configured events can have custom body/subject, etc. which was not previously a supported option.

Hope that helps.
Charlie Moore

From: <> on behalf of Jenny Gurney <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 4:55 PM
To: xnat_discussion <>
Subject: [XNAT Discussion] Upload notification list in XNAT 1.8.10
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Hey there! I have installed 1.8.10, and it looks like the AutoRun Configuration tab has been removed from the project page. We have many projects that use that to notify a list of emails when a session is uploaded. What's your recommendation to reimplement the feature for my users? Event Service?


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Jenny Gurney

May 1, 2024, 10:19:57 AMMay 1
to xnat_discussion
Thanks Charlie! I deleted my thread because I did figure out from a previous ticket that it can be reenabled by going to Administration, Pipeline Settings, Launch AutoRun. (Then I was unnecessarily embarrassed I didn't already know that, and so I deleted the ticket. :) )

It would be nice to have one list for multi-site projects, but the benefit of the AutoRun feature is that its very simple, so it's not a lot of trouble for someone to add each list. Plus a site user, who is Owner can administer the list themselves. I would never send a user in to try to edit an event.
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