I believe this was changed with this ticket
https://radiologics.atlassian.net/browse/XNAT-7241. The intended replacement is indeed to use the Event Service, where the documentation is aimed at guiding you through more or less this scenario:
. Do note that configuring the event requires specifying a list of users to receive the email. Using the historical notification.lst is unfortunately not yet supported, although we have a ticket for it here
. If you could set it up to use the historical notification list per project, you'd presumably only need to set it up at the site-level, and it could use the previously configured lists. Unfortunately, without that, I expect you'll need a separate event per
group of recipients. The upside of that is that if you have a group of 5 recipients who are all supposed to receive emails for 50 projects in the same bigger study, you can now have 1 event configured to run in those 50 projects, meaning you'll only need to
maintain that list in the 1 event rather than 50 separate project-level lists. Another upside is that each of those different configured events can have custom body/subject, etc. which was not previously a supported option.
Hope that helps.