XNAT 1.8.3 with OHIF 3.0.0: ROI exporting is not working

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Nadya Shusharina

Nov 22, 2021, 12:28:23 PM11/22/21
to xnat_discussion
I create a set of ROIs in OHIF either contour or mask menu. When export is initiated, "exporting ...." appears and runs forever, nothing seems to happen. 

In addition, neither SEG nor RTSTRUCT are not loading to OFIH.

Andrey Fedorov

Dec 2, 2021, 10:43:28 PM12/2/21
to xnat_discussion

I am also interested in this issue.

Is it really true that annotations created using OHIF Viewer integrated in XNAT cannot be saved and reloaded?

Is it true that RSTRUCT and SEG series present in a study cannot be visualized?

Note that standard "out of the box" OHIF distribution has the capability to visualize both RSTRUCT and SEG, see for example here: https://viewer.imaging.datacommons.cancer.gov/viewer/

Andrey Fedorov

Simon Doran

Dec 3, 2021, 7:14:52 PM12/3/21
to xnat_discussion
Hi Andrey,

  No this isn't true. XNAT's OHIF fork has been able to do this export for many versions - James Petts wrote the original, predating whatever is in the "vanilla" OHIF version, I think - so I suspect what you are seeing must be an issue with some of the data.

  Could you take a look at the logs to find out what the error is that's causing this to fail on your data. If it's a client error, you should see something in the JavaScript console. If the error is happening server side, then it will be in the file xnat-roi.log in the XNAT logs directory (typically /data/xnat/home/logs) IIRC.

  Best wishes,


Simon Doran

Dec 3, 2021, 7:22:28 PM12/3/21
to xnat_discussion
It also occurs to me that there might be a version issue here. Looking back at the changelogs, I see the following entry in the 3.1.0 Release Notes:
  • Fixed segmentation export issue when having multiple viewports.
Try upgrading to the latest version and see if the issue goes away. If you still have a problem, please do post again and we will take a look for you.

Best wishes,


Nadya Shusharina

Jan 11, 2022, 2:27:15 PM1/11/22
to xnat_discussion
Hi Simon,

Thank you for your response. In newly installed OHIF Viewer 3.1.0 segmentation export works perfectly. 

I am now working on enabling RT STRUCT to view in XNAT. Is there a way to generate ROI collection from existing RTSTRUCT identified as "scans" upon uploading? Can it be done automatically when uploading Subjects with DICOM RT files? 

Thanks again for your help,

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