Ultimately, you want to use a single prime or a double prime instead of quotes. These are the real marks used for things like inches, feet, and other measurements. They are actually separate characters (with their own unicode values) and basically look like a straight quote or apostrophe, but at a slight angle. Problem is not all fonts have glyphs for these characters...but many do…for instance, Helvetica.
So, assuming the intended font has those glyphs, you could use qlingo find and replace and a set of conditions to change the apostrophe or quote to a single or double prime.
From Couch in another post...uPlan has a function that inserts a unicode value in to your string:
"Hello" + HexToUnicode("2003") + "World" = Hello—World
So, we can use that in the find and replace statement:
FindAndReplaceChars (|->[FIELD_TO_SEARCH], "'", HexToUnicode("2032")
This will change the apostrophe to a single prime mark.
by the way, here's a good website I found to get unicode values: http://www.fileformat.info
If the ADOR will just have primes, then that formula alone should do it. This allows you to leave smart quotes (typographer's quotes) turned on in inDesign and have curly quotes throughout your document that will not be affected. If both primes and curly quotes will possibly exist in a single ADOR, it gets more complicated, but you could write a set of conditions based on what strings precede the primes that will do a search and replace on only those strings.
The problem is if you have a font that doesn't include prime glyphs. I haven't come up with a good answer for that. You could turn smart quotes off in inDesign (uncheck "Use Typographer's Quotes" in prefs) and then do a GREP style that would change the apostrophe or quotes to italics and give it a style ADOR. This approximates the look of a prime, but then the problem is that you lose all of your curly quotes. I haven't found a way to do a GREP style or programmatically turn smart quotes on and off that a style ADOR can trigger.
I'm still a newbie at all this, but hopefully this helps or at least gets you on the right track.