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Customizing job tickets

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john booth

Nov 23, 2024, 10:41:20 AM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Is it possible to customize a job ticket use it in uStore?

Nov 23, 2024, 11:48:37 AM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Hi John-

Can you provide a bit more insight? What are you trying to customize?
Are you talking about the Proof and Process job tickets? Or the Order details job ticket?

john booth

Nov 23, 2024, 12:37:56 PM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
I want to take advantage of using an indesign script to modify a text style.  

I can modify the job ticket and submit it via the uproduce  api.  I was wondering if the same modified job ticket can be referenced in ustore.

Nov 23, 2024, 2:30:05 PM11/23/24
to XMPie Interest Group
I am not sure that it would work out of the box, simply because the uStore Admin UI will certainly check that the uProduce production job related to the uStore Product is of type "PRINT", whereas uProduce jobs with InDesign Scripting are "CUSTOM" jobs, submitted via the uProduce API.

So, except by hacking the uStore DB - that I do not want to suggest on a public forum - I am afraid that it won't be easy.

Nov 24, 2024, 9:41:27 AM11/24/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Could you accomplish your goal by adjusting the style on the fly in uPlan using the ADOR Styles syntax? We use this approach often to introduce fonts "on the fly" without even opening the InDesign files. As long as we load the font to uProduce and we  reference both the font and font style names. It's a super powerful technique especially when we have a bunch of InDesign files and we need to introduce a new brand across all of the InDesign files.

"Character Style 1 | Times New Roman | Normal | 12 | Black"

More info in the uPlan help manual:

john booth

Dec 4, 2024, 10:26:11 AM12/4/24
to XMPie Interest Group
One of the parameters for adjusting the font size is the line count of the paragraph. This information helps with adjusting the font size to style within the customer’s design specs.  That being said, is it possible to interact with the indesign document from a function in the plan?

Dec 5, 2024, 10:00:41 AM12/5/24
to XMPie Interest Group

Can you provide a visual of your goal? I don't have enough context to provide valuable feedback. I believe that XMPie can handle what you need without having to tap into the InDesign scripts. In all my travels with XMPie, I've only seen a need for InDesign scripts a handful of times. 

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