QR Code not Displaying in uStore for Proofs

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Eric Paul

Jun 17, 2024, 10:31:39 PMJun 17
to XMPie Interest Group
I set this product up yesterday and it was working just fine, but I had a customer test today and the QR code isn't displaying in the proof (just a grey box like a missing asset). No errors reported in uProduce. Changing the proof type from JPG to PDF does display the QR Code, but the image is so small on the ordering page that it is worthless. Also tried PNG and using various resolution settings to no avail. Strange thing is, in the production PDF the QR code renders just fine. Has anybody come across this?
Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 9.26.11 PM.png


Jun 17, 2024, 11:10:52 PMJun 17
to XMPie Interest Group
Not a lot of detail to go on...
I assume it is a uStore product since you mention a customer testing it.
* uStore version?
* uProduce version?
* is it InDesign or XLIM document?
* is the product setup as dynamic SPA or multi-page mode?
* is there a difference between fast proof and the proof seen for "proof approval"?
* what data is the customer entering and is that likely to be different to your test yesterday?
* if yes, then what is the plan logic for the barcode and where are the encoded values coming from (data source or variables)?

Eric Paul

Jun 18, 2024, 12:01:07 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
Yes, it's a uStore product.
uStore 17.2
uProduce 12.2
InDesign doc
Setup in multi-page mode
The fast proof and the proof seen for approval both show the same (grey box instead of code)
The customer enters standard contact info for a vcard. To rule out some oddity with their specific information, I entered in the same information I entered yesterday in my testing.
The data come from variables that are set as campaign dials, here's the qlingo:

XMPBarcode("QRCode", "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:4.0\r\nN:" & @{last_var} & "; " & @{first_var} & "\r\n" & "FN:" & @{first_var} & " " & @{last_var} & "\r\n" & "ORG:" & "Company" & "\r\n" & "TITLE:" & @{title_var} & "\r\n" & "TEL;TYPE=Voice:" & @{phone_var} & "\r\n" & "TEL;TYPE=Mobile:" & @{mobile_var} & "\r\n" & "EMAIL:" & @{email_var} & "\r\n" & "URL:" & "url" & "\r\n" & "END:VCARD", "")

Eric Paul

Jun 18, 2024, 12:04:03 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
Just tested in single made mode and I'm getting the same result.


Jun 18, 2024, 12:13:37 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
Just confirming if there is any reason why uProduce is 12.2?
There were several bug fixes in 12.3 and 12.4 and new features like (handling of PNG assets) which are worthwhile even without going to new Adobe versions for v13.
Anyway, in about an hour, I will be able to upgrade a server from v17.1 -> v17.2 to check your barcode problem, but my server will be v13.something. I'll let you know how it goes.


Jun 18, 2024, 3:37:57 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
I upgraded from uSstore v17.1 (13.1 uProduce).
I proofed in uProduce to jpg and processed to pdf and added the product in single-page mode. - Proofs work fine in the fast-proof panel.
I proofed again in uProduce to png and processed to pdg and added a second product in single-page mode. - Proofs work fine in the fast-proof panel.
I suggest you contact XMPie support for more help debugging the problem, but I wouldn't be surprised if the first thing they want to do is upgrade uProduce.

Eric Paul

Jun 18, 2024, 10:33:49 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
Thank you for testing! Unrelated to this issue, I have an open ticket to upgrade to uProduce 13.1 - we are scheduled to have the environment check call tomorrow.

I set up the product in uStore 17.1 and customer tested in 17.1. After she brought it to my attention and I replicated it, I updated uStore to 17.2 to get current and still had the issue. I'll open a new ticket with support this morning.

Tiffany Waggoner

Jun 18, 2024, 10:41:22 AMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
This has happened to me a few times. I've noticed when it happens, it is global across all of my uStore customers for any products utilizing the XMP Barcodes.
Each time this has occurred I've opened a support ticket, but usually within a few hours of the support ticket being opened, and before someone on the support desk reaches out to me, the issue resolves itself.

If you'd like to open a support case feel free to use my most recent case as an example of the exact same issue. Support Case 00184147
Make sure to download your logs to upload along with the case.

Tiffany Waggoner


Jun 18, 2024, 6:54:49 PMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
@Tiffany - in a situation like this, it would be useful to identify a good and a bad proof job id from the uProduce dashboard and look at the job ticket/params (from the jobs table of the xmpdb2 database) to see what is different between the good and bad job id.  This is the first half of the solution - to find what is causing the problem. The next half depends on what is different.

You might want to investigate it yourself, or when it happens again, push support to investigate the two jobs to find out why and help identify and fix the problem from recurring.


Jun 18, 2024, 11:42:00 PMJun 18
to XMPie Interest Group
Back in May 2023, with uProduce 12.1 and AIS CC-2023, killing all running AIS instances helped work around the very same trouble (PROOF PDF were OK, whereas JPEG Refresh Previews were coming with the "Missing image" instead of the expected QRCodes).


Tiffany Waggoner

Jun 19, 2024, 10:22:55 AMJun 19
to XMPie Interest Group
Thanks @Couch.

I'm hopeful that my storefronts do not have this issue occur again (as far as I'm aware it's only occurred twice in two years). It is odd though, as it always seems to self correct after some time.
Also, since the error occurs across multiple templates with various applications of XMP Barcode application, i'm sure it's a bug within uProduce that at some point gets triggered with the jpg previews on uStore. As @West-Digital.fr suggests, the PDF versions do not have the same issue, and the barcodes work as expected...It only affects the previews for some reason.

Eric Paul

Jun 19, 2024, 10:40:36 AMJun 19
to XMPie Interest Group
I just killed all AIS instances per west-digital.fr's suggestion, and sure enough, I have barcodes again! Thanks for the workaround while I take up the bug with support.


Jun 24, 2024, 5:28:55 PM (9 days ago) Jun 24
to XMPie Interest Group
Happened for me also 2 times.
Not sure if related to INDD service or the 3rd party barcode generator.
But usually restarting the server will help.

And as far as I noticed its stopping all barcodes not only those from the store. 
No barcodes working anymore then.

Using uProduce 12.4 with CC2023
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