We've had a support case open on this since 11/26, but no concrete reply from Support.
A customer reached out after our update from uStore v10 to v18, stating that previously they were able to have the same Display Name used for multiple records in the address book with different shipping addresses. They're now required to make those display names Unique when creating a new address.
If that's a change, it makes complete sense to me.
But, the problem is it appears to be an undocumented change. We've looked through the release notes going back to v10, and I can't find anything specifying this was changed. Could anyone here confirm what / if this behavior was changed?
Using SQL, I can see that there ARE duplicate Display Names in the Address Table.
SELECT DisplayName,PersonName, COUNT(*) as [Count]
FROM Address
where AddressTypeID = 1
GROUP BY DisplayName,PersonName
order by [COUNT] DESC
(this is the entire table, not checking for duplicates associated with a single UserID)
In Version 18, When a Display name already exists in the Address table for a given UserID, an error message is displayed. If the Display Name is Omitted, the system will create it by concatenating the Name, Country, State, City. If those happen to be the same as another entry then an error will occur.
It looks like it is / was possible to have the same display name at some point. I do have duplicate records in my DB where the UserID is the same. This is the Query I used to find those.
select a.DisplayName, a.UserID
from Address a
Join (SELECT DisplayName,UserID
from Address
Group By DisplayName, UserID
Having count(*) >1) b
On a.DisplayName = b.DisplayName
--and a.email = b.email
where AddressTypeID = 1
order by a.displayName, UserID
This customer is also reporting that addresses that were previously entered are no longer there. I have yet to validate this behavior, but that could be a larger issue for us. If that's an unintended consequence of this change.
It'd be great if someone could sanity check my SQL and thought process on determining if the App changed, or perhaps my customer is confused.