Tray / Color Select

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Dec 14, 2009, 10:45:10 PM12/14/09
to XMPie Interest Group
Anyone know if XMPIE can be setup to pull paper by trays/color?

I have a job that needs to pull 2 types of paper.

I need the first paper to be printed simplex on letterhead paper and
the next 2 pages printed duplex on plain white paper. Trying to run
this using a Nuvera printer.



Dec 14, 2009, 11:17:33 PM12/14/09
to XMPie Interest Group
In order to do dynamic page excpetions using XMPie software, simply
right click on the page in question and go to Dynamic Media Selection.
There you will find an input box and drop down menu. In the input box
you can enter the name as defined on the dfe of the desired media. In
the dropdown box you can select a field from the database that has the
media enterered into it.
When you are using VIPP for printing to a Xerox DocuSP, you can set up
the job to pull from specific paper trays. To do this perform the
following using the InDesign application and the XMPie uDirect or
uCreate plugin:
How to use dynamic media selection:
1. In the pages palette, select the spread for which you would like to
assign a media.
2. From the pages palette menu, select Dynamic Media Selection
3. There are three choices to choose from:

a. Same as previous: which will assign the media from the previous
spread to the current spread
b. Based on the value of: which will assign the media specified by the
value of the ADOR object selected here.
c. (Enter String): here you enter a string to specify the media for
the current spread.

Syntax should be:
i. type:color:weight or
ii. type:: to specify only the type
iii. :color: to specify only the color
iv. ::weight to specify only the weight


If you have 2 pages for one spread:
1. Right click on the document page and select Dynamic Media
2. Set Dynamic Media Selection to Same As Previous.
3. Under the XMPie uDirect or uCreate pallete pulldown, select Dynamic
Print... select Format: VIPP, and under Step & Repeat, Enable the Step
& Repeat button and then select the Duplex check box as well.

If you duplex the job on the XMPie software side, the entire job
should duplex as well.

Dan Sideen

Dec 14, 2009, 11:41:49 PM12/14/09
You can't (and shouldn't mix simplex and duplex on Xerox printers. It's
hard to do and slows the system down drastically. So set up the job as
duplex, and add a blank page. (I know you'll pay a click, but it's worth
it, otherwise you'll get about 10 pages per minute!)

For different stocks, you can use paper colour as a proxy for stock. You
must select Postscript as output (pdf won't work). Then tell your
operators that "blue means letterhead and green means plain". (We set up
a procedure for this with blue as the first stock, then green then
yellow, then we tell Operations what each colour means as part of the

In InDesign, select the pages palette, then Dynamic Media Selection from
the drop down. You can set the stock based on an Ador, or simply assign
a name for that page. Do this for each page. Then test on the Nuvera

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Dec 15, 2009, 6:18:59 AM12/15/09
to XMPie Interest Group
On a Xerox DocuSP or FreeFlow Print Server platform, a media can be
refered with information such as name, dimension, type, color, weight,
punched (I should say: "etc.").
With PostScript and VPS output format, XMPie allows you handle the
paper TYPE (not the name, actually), either by specifying an "hard-
coded" type, or based on an ADOR VALUE (not a database field name,
As the Xerox RIPs allow the operator define custom paper types (with
the "Other" line in the "Type" pulldown menu), you can define a
variety of types, which must simply be compliant, on both the RIP and


Dec 15, 2009, 6:49:31 AM12/15/09
to XMPie Interest Group
As far as I remember, "mixplex" is a mode which has been working fine
and fast on lots of Xerox RIPs and digital presses for a while.

I would not say that it is impossible nor not advised to print a
mixplex job. On some presses, the most critical point with printing a
mix-media job (where media weights are very different from eachother
from page to page) has often been the fact that the press oven must
switch between two different temperatures; this change can indeed last
some time...

XMPie does not provide a direct way to handle the switch between
simplex and duplex. But, out of the GUI, thanks to a little change in
the Windows registry database (or in a Mac system file), you can
change the way XMPie softwares interpret the string provided in the
Dynamic Media Selection: instead of being a media type (as explained
earlier), the string can become a whole and long PostScript command.

This way, you could do things such as:
* controling media with attribute[s] other than the type;
* printing in mixplex mode;
* printing with dynamic or "subset" finishing.

You "just" need to know the attributes of the setpagedevice PostScript
operator for your target press. These attributes are often detailed in
the RIP programing manual.

Complexity could however begin, when you have got a set of different
digital presses or RIPs in your factory, which require different
attributes for setpagedevice (but as PostScript supports conditional
expressions, you could eventually have it work).
> For more options, visit this group at


Dec 15, 2009, 4:27:04 PM12/15/09
to XMPie Interest Group
Thank you all for the great feedback.

I was using Printshop Mail for a project that required me to simplex/
duplex. It had 15 pages to 20 pages per record with mixed simplex/
duplex on each of the pages. Our printers handled it fine, so the
speed issues is not a problem.

I can get the setpagedevice commands, how do I go about inserting it
in XMPie?

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