Exporting campaign package crashes InDesign

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Nicholas C MacMichael

Dec 10, 2020, 8:14:55 PM12/10/20
to XMPie Interest Group
Hi all!

I'm new to making campaign packages and I need to do so for a customizable product I'm adding to my department's digital storefront. 

I'm not sure what I might be doing wrong but when I export my InDesign file as a campaign package, it looks like it's processing just fine but then crashes without any error codes or anything.  I've also exported as a web campaign package but my storefront says it's an invalid package (not sure what the difference between normal cpackage, web cpackage, and xlim cpackage is). 

I'm on InDesign CC2015 and am on XMPie uCreate Print version 7.5.  Any help would be appreciated.

Jai Dave

Dec 10, 2020, 10:34:01 PM12/10/20
to xmpie...@googlegroups.com
Hey Nicholas,

I've had same issues when I started. 

I had to update the uCreate print version to 9.8.2 and it fixed the issue. Try exporting campaign in indd format not xlim format, you should be able to export this will clarify you that the issue is with version of uCreate while exporting the xlim format. Hope that helps. 


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Nicholas C MacMichael

Dec 15, 2020, 2:54:02 PM12/15/20
to XMPie Interest Group

Unfortunately the version upgrade is out of my hands - my department has to upgrade the storefront software before we can upgrade to later versions of InDesign/XMPie for compatibility reasons.  I can generate a document package just fine but when I export a campaign package, it gets to the "Writing JPEG" part, then sits there for about 30 seconds, then crashes.

I took over prepress work from someone else in the last few months and downloaded a campaign package from a different product he worked on.  That one had a PLAN file, too.  Not sure how I'd go about generating that - I don't see uPlan in the list of software that my department provided me.

Someone else in my department was thinking that perhaps it could be a Mac vs. PC version of XMPie (the other prepress person used a Mac and I use a PC) but I'm not sure if that's the case or not.  If anyone has any info on that front, that would be helpful. 


Dec 15, 2020, 6:31:22 PM12/15/20
to XMPie Interest Group
In uDirect / uCreate Print, the rules or logic are stored internally in the document. When you export to a CPKG or Save to the XMPie server, the rules are pulled out of the document into a separate plan file. Also, if you import a CPKG into uCreate print correctly, then even if there is a separate plan file, it should work fine. (This could be version dependent and I can't remember exactly if it will work in v7.5.)

Anyhow, regarding your specific problem - crashes during export - this is normally due to a problem like:
* bad font (either corrupted, or incorrectly installed in that it cannot be exported into the package)
* bad asset (possibly an asset which is inaccessible when trying to zip it into the package - I have even seen an asset saved with the wrong file extension cause this problem.)
* some element in the InDesign file that is corrupted in some way (nested tables are a common cause of problems.)

The best way forward for you is to identify if the problem is with your uCreate Print /  InDesign installations, or in this specific file.
I would suggest to create a new clean InDesign document, link it to a datasource. Put a content object on the page using a fairly standard system font, save the document and try to export. 
1) If it works, the problem is most likely in the document and the way forward is to start removing things until you find the item that is causing the crash. EG, remove some pages, save and retest the export. if it still crashes, try to remove more items until you get a successful export, then add items back in progressively until you identify the offending object.
2) if a clean document does not export successfully, then try uninstall uCreate Print and InDesign, and reinstall. (you could also try clearing the Adobe InDesign cache first before the reinstallation if you like - you will find information about that in google search)

If you continue to have problems, or need more urgent help, you should log a support case with your XMPie or Xerox channel support team.
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