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Landing Page to Choose a Storefront?

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Eric Paul

Dec 2, 2024, 11:03:59 AM12/2/24
to XMPie Interest Group
I have a customer who is separating their business into two companies, but the branding and thus the products will be the same, but orders will need to be billed to each account respectively, and shipping must be billed to the FedEx account of each. It's clear that I'll need to duplicate the original store and use separate URLs for each company. But I'm curious if it is possible to setup a simple landing page at the original URL (store/originalname) where the users can then choose to be directed to one of the store sites or the other. This would allow the original URL documented across their company to remain and accomplish our goal of having two separate stores.

Dec 2, 2024, 11:40:22 AM12/2/24
to XMPie Interest Group
I think that this may be achieved by editing the httpd.conf file of Helicon ISAPI Rewrite 3, the 3rd party software that uStore and uProduce use to rewrite incoming URLs.
The appropriate instructions added to this file would redirect the visitors of the original Store URL to a home-made HTML page, where 2 buttons or links would in turn let the user visit their preferred Store.
May I highly advise to consult with the XMPie Support Team or somebody who is familiar with such files and regular expression as well, as they are sometimes way to be readable?
Also, please notice that this file will be modified, as soon as you change a Friendly URL in uStore Admin. So, if any, make your manual changes only before the "####USTORE_BEGIN####" tag or after the "####USTORE_ustoreMap.NoTenant_END####" tag; if you don't, there is a risk that your editions would be unexpectedly overwritten by uStore Admin.

Good luck!


Dec 3, 2024, 12:33:41 AM12/3/24
to XMPie Interest Group
Hi Eric,
I accomplished something similar many years ago using 3 stores - effectively one store is the Landing Store displaying 2 options and Single Sign On was used to automatically redirect to the appropriate store with no need to login again.
From memory I also added SSO to traverse between stores - this was in legacy days. Today I would look at making your Landing Store Legacy while the other stores can be NG 

Worth considering as your Landing URL will remain unchanged.


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